I wanted to ask a really cute girl to be my girlfriend

  • Thread starter elabed haidar
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In summary, the guy wanted to be with the girl, but the girl didn't want to be with him. He was heartbroken and thought talking with her would make her change her mind, but it didn't. He lost the friendship and doesn't know how to get it back.
  • #1
elabed haidar
i just don't get it , but i wanted to ask a really cute girl to be my girlfriend , but seems to me that it didnt work out , i knew just was heart broken and i thought talking with her , and sitting with her , especially that she started liking to walk with me, we became very gd friends but when the question was asked , i was knocked out , i know a girl needs time to get back from her first love but 5 weeks , i don't know your thoughts please
PS i even started to lose this friendship , i didnt know that i was jepoardizing this special friendship
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  • #2
... Deja vu.
  • #3
sorry but my main concern was never asked , and how can i return everything back to before i asked?
  • #4
elabed haidar said:
sorry but my main concern was never asked , and how can i return everything back to before i asked?

Give it time. If she's that interested she'll stick around otherwise if nothing happens, as cliche as it sounds, the whole thing may not have meant to be.

Don't pesture (annoy, keep asking) her - that's the worst thing.

Be patient - itl pay off in the end, good or bad.
  • #5
no no om not asking to be my girl friend , because she said no , she is still hurt , but about the friendship , you see , we have been very gd friends , but after i asked her she doesn't interact with me as were before , and i really want this friendship so much i wish i never asked her to be my girl freind
  • #6
elabed haidar said:
no no om not asking to be my girl friend , because she said no , she is still hurt , but about the friendship , you see , we have been very gd friends , but after i asked her she doesn't interact with me as were before , and i really want this friendship so much i wish i never asked her to be my girl freind

I empathize with you. I asked a very good friend to have a relationship with me, and she refused. We were never good friends again, things were uncomfortable. It hurts me very much, but it's the risk you take. Some girls don't respond well to those things...

The best you can do is give her time. If it doesn't work out after a while, then talk to her and perhaps say you're not interested anymore (lie if necessary) and that you miss her as a friend. Maybe it works out then...
  • #7
  • #9
And lo, you have learned an important life lesson.
  • #10
mmmmmmmmmmmm , i talked to the girl , she claims that everything is okay but , she isn't treating me the same as before .. i mean we used to have walks and ssit beside each other now she avoids me and she still says we are friends till the end of the world?
your comments
  • #11
Pay attention to action, not words.

She's withdrawing from you. It'll be wise for you to do the same. Its not okay, despite whatever she says.
  • #12
drizzle said:
No it's not Deja vu!



Thank God.

dont worry there is some similarities in the subject , but if you don't mind do you have any advice on this subject?
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  • #13
elabed haidar said:
dont worry there is some similarities in the subject , but if you don't mind do you have any advice on this subject?
Don't ask a girl to be your girlfriend. That implies a level of commitment that is undefined, and possibly scary to her. Just be nice and be a friend and treasure your friend. If it results in affection and closeness between you and your friend, you have crossed over to relationship maturity. If she doesn't want to be affectionate with you, but she REALLY likes you, she will play match-maker and send more girls your way. Females are inveterate match-makers!
  • #14
hehehee thanks man but for now let me see what i want to do with my future ,. but thanks
  • #15
turbo-1 said:
Don't ask a girl to be your girlfriend. That implies a level of commitment that is undefined, and possibly scary to her. Just be nice and be a friend and treasure your friend. If it results in affection and closeness between you and your friend, you have crossed over to relationship maturity. If she doesn't want to be affectionate with you, but she REALLY likes you, she will play match-maker and send more girls your way. Females are inveterate match-makers!

I must say that might be the best advice I have ever heard.
  • #16
elabed haidar said:
i just don't get it , but i wanted to ask a really cute girl to be my girlfriend , but seems to me that it didnt work out ,

Don't do it! Never ask a really cute girl to be your girlfriend.

If you want happiness for the rest of your life, get an ugly girl to marry you.

(And, no, that's not the link to an ugly girl dating website.)
  • #17
turbo-1 said:
If she doesn't want to be affectionate with you, but she REALLY likes you, she will play match-maker and send more girls your way. Females are inveterate match-makers!
I've never found that to be true, except maybe when a girl is trying to get rid of a guy. I've never tried to fix anyone up, if they weren't good enough for me, they weren't good enough for anyone I liked, and vice versa.

But I am sure I ran with an odd crowd.
  • #18
Evo said:
I've never found that to be true, except maybe when a girl is trying to get rid of a guy. I've never tried to fix anyone up, if they weren't good enough for me, they weren't good enough for anyone I liked, and vice versa.

But I am sure I ran with an odd crowd.
It is true, but I don't think it's always intentional. Just by gossiping that a specific guy seems to be on the lookout for a girl, girls gets the word into the ears of a potential taker.

There's a great novel by Knut Hamsen called "Growth of the Soil" in which a rather ugly, lonely man goes out and starts building himself a homestead on a well traveled path between villages. Passersby stop to ask for water and admire his carpentry. Of each one he asks "Do you know of a woman who could help?" Eventually a woman who is his match in looks shows up. No one directly suggested anything to her, it turns out, she just overheard the story being told of the ugly man building a beautiful house on the trail asking for a woman, and came to check him out. He takes her in and they get married.

That's all toward the beginning of the novel. From there: stuff happens. The point is: even back in the day, this author was aware there was a "networking" phenomenon going on.
  • #19
I agree with the others. The only chance you have of getting it back to normal is to let it go and let her come to you. Like economics - you gave to much supply and decreased demand. So decrease the supply and it will up the demand IF there is still a market for it.
  • #20
oh boy life is hard guys
  • #21
I also once had a close friend I had strong feelings for.. Took me all the strength I could muster to talk about it; I was refused, unfortunately, and I don't think I'll ever have the guts to try ever again

FAQ: I wanted to ask a really cute girl to be my girlfriend

1. How do I know if she likes me back?

It's important to pay attention to her body language and verbal cues to see if she is interested. If she maintains eye contact, smiles, and engages in conversation with you, there is a good chance she likes you. However, the best way to find out is to simply ask her directly.

2. Should I ask her out in person or through text?

It's always better to ask someone out in person. This shows that you are sincere and confident. However, if you don't have the opportunity to ask her in person, a thoughtful and well-written text message can also work.

3. What if she says no?

Rejection is always a possibility, but it's important to remember that it's not the end of the world. Respect her decision and don't take it personally. It's better to know her answer than to always wonder "what if?". Plus, there are plenty of other people out there who may be a better fit for you.

4. How can I make sure she knows I'm serious?

Communication is key in any relationship. Be honest and open with her about your feelings and intentions. Show her that you care about her and make an effort to spend quality time together.

5. When is the right time to ask her to be my girlfriend?

There is no one right answer for this question. It ultimately depends on your individual relationship and how comfortable you both feel with each other. However, it's important to make sure you have a strong foundation of friendship and have gotten to know each other well before taking the next step.
