Impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop?

In summary: Thank you for your question.In summary, there is a debate about whether speed would lessen the impact force on a bike rider riding off a 6 foot drop to a flat landing. However, it has been determined that the horizontal speed of the bike does not affect the vertical impact force. The bike and a rock with the same mass will both experience the same impact force when dropped from the same height, regardless of the bike's speed. The horizontal velocity of the bike does not contribute to reducing the vertical velocity, as the energy associated with the horizontal velocity remains unchanged during free-fall.
  • #1
Here is a question for the physics experts. Some people been debating about the impact force on a bike of a bike rider riding off a 6 foot drop to a flat landing. Mainly the debate is about if speed would lessen the impact force on the bike because of the impact angle.

So, if a bike rider was to ride off a 6 foot drop, would it lessen the impact force on the bike jumping off the 6 foot drop with faster speed rather than slower speed and just drop off? In both examples the bike rider is landing on both tires exactly at the same time.

Thanks in advance for the reply.
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  • #2
aliikane said:
Here is a question for the physics experts. Some people been debating about the impact force on a bike of a bike rider riding off a 6 foot drop to a flat landing. Mainly the debate is about if speed would lessen the impact force on the bike because of the impact angle.

So, if a bike rider was to ride off a 6 foot drop, would it lessen the impact force on the bike jumping off the 6 foot drop with faster speed rather than slower speed and just drop off? In both examples the bike rider is landing on both tires exactly at the same time.

Thanks in advance for the reply.

Welcome to the PF.

I don't think the horizontal speed will make a difference. A flat-lander is a flat-lander, and it's going to hurt some, depending on your bike's suspension.
  • #3
Berkeman is correct, the horizontal velocity will not lessen the vertical impact force.

Let’s presume the bike begins its drop from a 1.8288 meter (6 foot) height at a horizontal velocity of 13.4 m/s (approx. 30 MPH) and at the same time, a rock with the same mass as the bike is released to free-fall directly to the ground below from the same 1.8288 meters. Both the bike and the rock will simultaneously make contact with the ground, as they are being accelerated by the same gravitational rate of 9.8 m/s^2 therefore, both acquired precisely the same vertical velocity. Since both have the same vertical descent velocity, the bike’s horizontal velocity couldn’t possibly have reduced the vertical impact force that it will experience, as that vertical velocity of the bike is abruptly made zero upon impacting the unforgiving ground no differently than that of the rock from the same height. In the vertical direction, both deliver precisely the same impact force per their identical mass, as per the kinetic energy equation:

E = ½ * m * (v)^2

Both objects would free-fall from a height (s) of 1.8288 meters in just .61 seconds per an earthly gravitational acceleration (a) of 9.8 m/s^2 per the following kinematics equation:

t = sqrt(2s / a)

sqrt(2 * 1.8288 meters / 9.8 m/s^2) = .61 seconds

The bike would simply land further away than the rock per the product of the bike’s 13.4 m/s horizontal velocity and its free-fall time of .61 seconds. Since no velocity is lost in the horizontal direction, it becomes evident that the energy associated with the horizontal velocity couldn’t possibly have been applied to reduce the vertical velocity that had been acquired during the bike’s free-fall, for had work been performed, the horizontal velocity would have been diminished (by more than the trivial air resistance).

I hope you found this helpful.

Related to Impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop?

1. How does the weight of the rider affect the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop?

The weight of the rider does not directly affect the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop. However, a heavier rider may experience more force due to their weight increasing the overall weight of the bike and impacting the landing.

2. What is the relationship between the speed of the bike and the impact force on a 6 foot drop?

The speed of the bike does have an impact on the force experienced during a 6 foot drop. The faster the bike is traveling, the more force it will experience upon impact due to its greater kinetic energy.

3. Does the type of terrain affect the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop?

Yes, the type of terrain can affect the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop. Softer or uneven terrain can absorb some of the force upon impact, while harder terrain may result in a higher impact force.

4. How does the angle of the landing affect the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop?

The angle of the landing can greatly affect the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop. A steeper angle can result in a higher impact force, while a gradual angle can help to distribute the force more evenly and lessen the impact.

5. What safety measures can be taken to reduce the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop?

Wearing protective gear such as a helmet and pads can greatly reduce the impact force on a bike off a 6 foot drop. Additionally, practicing proper technique and using suspension and tires designed for off-road riding can also help to lessen the impact force.

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