Integration with trig and hyperbolic substitutions

In summary, the two integrals are equivalent if the absolute value is included on the right-hand side.
  • #36
Rido12 said:
Ok! I will start to be very, very careful with my notation. (Smirk)

I hope so. :rolleyes:

If that is true, then why did you add the extra negative? As we said in the above post, that for $\theta<0$, then $dx=a\sinh(\theta)\,d\theta$.

That's because we want a substitution that covers all of the domain of $x$.
With $x=a \cosh \theta$ we're only covering half of the domain.
With $\theta <0$ we're duplicating the same part of the domain of $x$ as with $\theta>0$.
The sign function is a cheap trick to use negative $\theta$ for the part of the domain that is not covered yet.
Physics news on
  • #37
Oh, so we're just "sticking" a negative in there, so it's not a result of differentiation. Ah! because $\arcosh\left({x}\right)$ is restricted to values of $\theta \ge 1$ or more generally, $\theta \ge a$, so with the extra negative, then we can have it defined for $\theta \le -a$, since $\arcosh\left({-\frac{\theta}{a}}\right)$ is defined for negative $\theta$.

I think I'm seeing it now...

Let's try an example now, the one I started in my original post!
$$\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}}\,dx$$
$$=\int \frac{a \text{ sgn($\theta$)} \cosh\left({\theta}\right)}{a\sinh\left({\theta}\right)} \,d \theta$$
$$=\int \text{ sgn($\theta$)} \coth\left({\theta}\right) \,d \theta$$

Correct so far?
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  • #38
Rido12 said:
Oh, so we're just "sticking" a negative in there, so it's not a result of differentiation. Ah! because $\arcosh\left({\theta}\right)$ is restricted to values of $\theta \ge 1$ or more generally, $\theta \ge a$, so with the extra negative, then we can have it defined for $\theta \le -a$, since $\arcosh\left({-\frac{\theta}{a}}\right)$ is defined for negative $\theta$.


I think I'm seeing it now...

Let's try an example now, the one I started in my original post!
$$\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}}\,dx$$
$$=\int \frac{a \text{ sgn($\theta$)} \cosh\left({\theta}\right)}{a\sinh\left({\theta}\right)} \,d \theta$$
$$=\int \text{ sgn($\theta$)} \coth\left({\theta}\right) \,d \theta$$

Correct so far?

Erm... I'm counting 2 mistakes so far. :eek:Let's start with just the substitution.
(I always advise to do a substitution as a separate step, since this is where most mistakes are made. (Nerd))
$$\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}}\,dx
=\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{(a\text{ sgn }\theta \cosh \theta)^2-a^2}}\,d(a\text{ sgn }\theta \cosh \theta)$$
What do you get in the next step? (Wondering)
  • #39
So $x=a \text{ sgn($\theta$)}\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$, $dx=a \text{ sgn($\theta$)} \sinh\left({\theta}\right) \, d \theta$

$$\int \frac{a\text{ sgn($\theta$)}\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| a \right|\sqrt{\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}\cosh^2\left({\theta}\right)-1}} \,d \theta$$

$a>0$, so it cancels out with the top.
Correct so far?

Thanks so much for the help! I think I might need a name change to "I like ILS" (Giggle)(Rofl)

EDIT: Forgot my "$\,d \theta$", but caught it just in time. (Whew) Brb dinner. (Pizza)
  • #40
Rido12 said:
So $x=a \text{ sgn($\theta$)}\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$, $dx=a \text{ sgn($\theta$)} \sinh\left({\theta}\right) \, d \theta$

$$\int \frac{a\text{ sgn($\theta$)}\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| a \right|\sqrt{\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}\cosh^2\left({\theta}\right)-1}}$$

$a>0$, so it cancels out with the top.
Correct so far?

Much better! ;)
(Erm... can you add a $d\theta$?)

Thanks so much for the help! I think I might need a name change to "I like ILS" (Giggle)(Rofl)

Mmm... that would make you ILI or ILY. (Mmm)
  • #41

$$\int \frac{a\text{ sgn($\theta$)}\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| a \right|\sqrt{\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}\cosh^2\left({\theta}\right)-1}} \,d \theta$$
$$=\int \frac{\text{ sgn($\theta$)}\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\sqrt{\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}\cosh^2\left({\theta}\right)-1}} \,d \theta$$

The $\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}$ is annoying me, so I'll separate it into cases.
1. If $\theta >0$, then:

$$=\int \frac{\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| \sinh\left({\theta}\right)\right|} \, d\theta$$

Notice that $x=a \text{ sgn($\theta$)}\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$, then because $\theta>0$, then the expression simplifies to $x=a\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$ and $\cosh^{-1}\left({\frac{x}{a}}\right)=\theta$. This means that the outputs of $\theta$ will always be greater that $a$, which is greater than $0$, so we can take out the absolute value sign.

Correct? I'll do case 2 after this one.
I like Serena said:
Mmm... that would make you ILI or ILY. (Mmm)

Btw, in "ILY" what's the "Y" stand for? (Wondering) Being called ILI or ILY already makes me sound smarter.
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  • #42
Rido12 said:

$$\int \frac{a\text{ sgn($\theta$)}\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| a \right|\sqrt{\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}\cosh^2\left({\theta}\right)-1}} \,d \theta$$
$$=\int \frac{\text{ sgn($\theta$)}\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\sqrt{\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}\cosh^2\left({\theta}\right)-1}} \,d \theta$$

The $\text{ sgn$^2$($\theta$)}$ is annoying me, so I'll separate it into cases.

We can simplify with $\text{sgn}^2(\theta) = 1$.
That's just saying that both $- \cdot - = +$, and $+ \cdot + = +$.
1. If $\theta >0$, then:

$$=\int \frac{\sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| \sinh\left({\theta}\right)\right|} \, d\theta$$

Notice that $x=a \text{ sgn($\theta$)}\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$, then because $\theta>0$, then the expression simplifies to $x=a\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$ and $\cosh^{-1}\left({\frac{x}{a}}\right)=\theta$. This means that the outputs of $\theta$ will always be greater or equal to zero, so we can take out the absolute value sign.

Correct? I'll do case 2 after this one.

Correct. :)
Btw, in "ILY" what's the "Y" stand for? (Wondering) Being called ILI or ILY already makes me sound smarter.

I Like You.

... and I'm going to sleep now. (Sleepy)
  • #43
Well, answer this after you sleep. (Sleepy)

Yes, knowing $\text{sgn}^2(\theta) = 1$ will save me a lot of time, so I'll backtrack one step :D
$$\int \frac{\text{sgn}^2(\theta) \sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| \sinh\left({\theta}\right) \right|} \,d \theta$$

1. Case 1: If $\theta>0$, then:
$$=\int 1 \,d \theta=\theta +C=\cosh^{-1}\left({\frac{x}{a}}\right)+C=\ln\left(\frac x a + \sqrt{\left(\frac x a\right)^2-1}\right)+C$$
2. Case 2: If $\theta<0$, then:

Since $x=a\text{ sgn}(\theta)\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$ simplifies to $x=-a\cosh\left({\theta}\right)$ when $\theta <0$, then $\cosh^{-1}\left({-\frac{x}{a}}\right)=\theta$

$$=\int -1 \,d \theta=-\theta +C=-\cosh^{-1}\left({-\frac{x}{a}}\right)+C=\ln\left(-\frac x a - \sqrt{\left(\frac x a\right)^2-1}\right)+C$$

The moment I've been waiting for: amalgamation...

$$\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}} =\ln\left|\frac x a + \sqrt{\left(\frac x a\right)^2-1}\right| + C$$
What do you think? (Wondering)

By the way...I just graphed $\arcosh\left({x}\right)$ on W|A, and although it's only defined when $x>1$, which it says so too on the page, how come it plots the section where $x<-1$? (Wondering)

y'='arcosh'('x')'–Wolfram|Alpha Clip 'n Share

This is the most mentally taxing and complicated question I've asked, and it's also the coolest. (Cool)

Also: integration - Evaluating the following integral: $ \int \frac{x^2}{\sqrt{x^2 - 1}} \text{ d}x$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Someone else also suggested the sign function! (There are some really bad advices on that does not simply ignore the absolute value...) They apply it a bit differently, and I do have a few questions regarding that, so maybe we can discuss that after this.
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  • #44
Rido12 said:
Well, answer this after you sleep. (Sleepy)

Yes, knowing $\text{sgn}^2(\theta) = 1$ will save me a lot of time, so I'll backtrack one step :D
$$\int \frac{\text{sgn}^2(\theta) \sinh\left({\theta}\right)}{\left| \sinh\left({\theta}\right) \right|} \,d \theta$$

1. Case 1: If $\theta>0$, then:
$$=\int 1 \,d \theta=\theta +C=\cosh^{-1}\left({\frac{x}{a}}\right)+C=\ln\left(\frac x a + \sqrt{\left(\frac x a\right)^2-1}\right)+C$$
2. Case 2: If $\theta<0$, then:

Since $x=a\text{ sgn}(\theta)\cosh^{-1}\left({\theta}\right)$ simplifies to $x=-a\cosh^{-1}\left({\theta}\right)$ when $\theta <0$, then $\cosh^{-1}\left({-\frac{x}{a}}\right)=\theta$

$$=\int -1 \,d \theta=-\theta +C=-\cosh^{-1}\left({-\frac{x}{a}}\right)+C=\ln\left(-\frac x a - \sqrt{\left(\frac x a\right)^2-1}\right)+C$$

The moment I've been waiting for: amalgamation...

$$\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}} =\ln\left|\frac x a + \sqrt{\left(\frac x a\right)^2-1}\right| + C$$
What do you think? (Wondering)

Looks good! ;)
By the way...I just graphed $\arcosh\left({x}\right)$ on W|A, and although it's only defined when $x>1$, which it says so too on the page, how come it plots the section where $x<-1$? (Wondering)

y'='arcosh'('x')'–Wolfram|Alpha Clip 'n Share

That's because W|A always works with complex numbers (usually denoted as $z$ instead of $x$).
If we have an $x<1$, it means that the result has to be complex, with an imaginary component between $\frac \pi 2$ and $\frac {3\pi}2$. (Nerd)

So suppose we want to calculate $\cosh^{-1} 0$, then:
$$e^{\cosh^{-1}(0)} = 0 + \sqrt{0^2-1} = i$$
[box="green"]$$\cosh^{-1}(0) = \left(\frac \pi 2 + 2\pi k\right)i$$[/box]
This is the most mentally taxing and complicated question I've asked, and it's also the coolest. (Cool)

  • #45
And like I've said, I want to follow-up with questions that I saw on stack exchange:
integration - Evaluating the following integral: $ \int \frac{x^2}{\sqrt{x^2 - 1}} \text{ d}x$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Now, what they did was they started $x = \cosh u$. Then they arrived at $\int \dfrac{\cosh^2 u \cdot \sinh u}{\left| \sinh u \right|} \text{ d}u$, which, in our question, is equivalent to $\int \dfrac{\sinh u}{\left| \sinh u \right|} \text{ d}u$ as we don't have the extra $x^2$ in our question.
Now they defined $|\sinh (u)| = \mathrm{sgn} (\sinh u) \sinh u$, so we now have $\int \mathrm{sgn}(\sinh (u)) du $, but wait a minute...
In the original substitution $\cosh^{-1} x=u$, meaning that it will only return values of $u>a>0$, implying that $\left| \sinh u \right|$ would always be positive. Why are they definition the sign function when that fact is already established? I don't see how that's working. (Wondering)
  • #46
Rido12 said:
And like I've said, I want to follow-up with questions that I saw on stack exchange:
integration - Evaluating the following integral: $ \int \frac{x^2}{\sqrt{x^2 - 1}} \text{ d}x$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Now, what they did was they started $x = \cosh u$. Then they arrived at $\int \dfrac{\cosh^2 u \cdot \sinh u}{\left| \sinh u \right|} \text{ d}u$, which, in our question, is equivalent to $\int \dfrac{\sinh u}{\left| \sinh u \right|} \text{ d}u$ as we don't have the extra $x^2$ in our question.
Now they defined $|\sinh (u)| = \mathrm{sgn} (\sinh u) \sinh u$, so we now have $\int \mathrm{sgn}(\sinh (u)) du $, but wait a minute...
In the original substitution $\cosh^{-1} x=u$, meaning that it will only return values of $u>a>0$, implying that $\left| \sinh u \right|$ would always be positive. Why are they definition the sign function when that fact is already established? I don't see how that's working. (Wondering)

The return value $u$ is not necessarily at least zero.
We can also choose it be be negative.
Solving $\cosh u = x$ will give us both positive and negative values for $u$.
It's only $\arcosh x$ that is defined to be a function that only returns positive values.

Essentially that is what Thomas Andrews remarked upon - that we can pick $u$ as at least zero, so we can indeed do away with the sign function and the absolute function. (Nod)
  • #47
I like Serena said:
The return value $u$ is not necessarily at least zero.
We can also choose it be be negative.
Solving $\cosh u = x$ will give us both positive and negative values for $u$.
It's only $\arcosh x$ that is defined to be a function that only returns positive values.

I'm slightly confused. What do you mean it's not "at least zero". And I thought the fact that $\arcosh x$ is defined to be a function that only returns positive values is all that matters.

Like in the past, with substitution $a=\sin x$, $x$ is not necessarily at least zero, it can be any number, but what returns the $x$ value, the $\arcsin u$ function, is all that matters when it comes to judging whether or not the absolute value should be kept. (The fact that $\arcsin u$ was restricted allowed us to remove the absolute value)
  • #48
Rido12 said:
I'm slightly confused. What do you mean it's not "at least zero". And I thought the fact that $\arcosh x$ is defined to be a function that only returns positive values is all that matters.

It is not said that the substitution is $u = \arcosh x$. (Wait)

It could also be $u = -\arcosh x$.
Both of these substitutions fit $\cosh u = x$.
This is the choice that we can make.
  • #49
Doesn't $u = -\arcosh x$ fit $\cosh(-u)=x$?
Oh, so in the cause of $x=\sin u$, we have both $u=\arcsin x$ and $u=-\arcsin x$, not that it matters, as they both outputs values between $\pi/2$ and $-\pi/2$. But I guess in this case it matters, because $u$ is now allowed to $<0$.
  • #50
Rido12 said:
Doesn't $u = -\arcosh x$ fit $\cosh(-u)=x$?

Yes. And $\cosh(-u)=\cosh(u)$. (Smile)
Oh, so in the cause of $x=\sin u$, we have both $u=\arcsin x$ and $u=-\arcsin x$, not that it matters, as they both outputs values between $\pi/2$ and $-\pi/2$. But I guess in this case it matters, because $u$ is now allowed to $<0$.

That's different. Generally $\sin(u) \ne \sin(-u)$.
Instead we have $\sin(u) = -\sin(-u)$
So it does not apply here.
  • #51
Oh! It's an even function! Nice... :D I get it...! But if we define the substitution as a signum or sign? function from the beginning, we can just amalgamate both cases: $u = \arcosh x$ and $u = -\arcosh x$ as $u= \text{ sgn(x)}\arcosh(x)$

Now I have a question about composition of hyperbolic functions:

So the question on stackexchange simplifies to this:
$$\frac 1 2u \, \mathrm{sgn}(\sinh u)+ \frac 1 4 \sinh (2u) \mathrm{sgn}(\sinh u)$$
Which is actually wrong because he forgot the "+C", but we will ignore that for now. (Giggle) I just want to focus on where $\sinh u>0$, since that's no longer confusing me.

How do I resolve the $\sinh(\arcosh(x))$? With circular trig, I would draw a triangle and apply the right angle rules, but I don't think this works for hyperbolic, or is there a right triangle for hyperbolic? (Wondering)
  • #52
Rido12 said:
How do I resolve the $\sinh(\arcosh(x))$? With circular trig, I would draw a triangle and apply the right angle rules, but I don't think this works for hyperbolic, or is there a right triangle for hyperbolic? (Wondering)

There's probably an equivalent for a hyperbolic right triangle, but it makes my head hurt. (Doh)

So I'll stick (for now) with:
$$\sinh(\arcosh x) = \sinh\Big(\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})\Big) = \frac 12 \Big(e^{\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})} - e^{-\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})}\Big) = \sqrt{x^2-1}$$

Darn! It does like some right triangle thingy! (Cool)
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  • #53
Okay, okay, I'm making my head work a little bit.
Let's take a look at how we can define $\cosh$ and $\sinh$ geometrically. (Worried)


So if we have an $x$ with $x=\cosh \alpha$, it follows that double the red area, which is $\alpha$, is equal to $\arcosh x$.
Taking the $\sinh$ from that, we get the y-coordinate of the corresponding right triangle.

Since we have $x^2 - y^2 = 1$, it follows that:
$$y^2 = x^2 - 1$$

[hbox="blue"]$$y = \sinh(\arcosh x) = \sqrt{x^2 - 1}$$[/hbox]
  • #54
$$\frac 12 \Big(e^{\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})} - e^{\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})}\Big) = \frac 12 \left((x+\sqrt{x^2-1}) -(x+\sqrt{x^2-1}\right)=0?$$

There is some right triangle business going around (Smoking)...but I've seen a website where they rewrote all the hyperbolic functions in terms of the one they chose for their substitutions. One thing I've noticed is that $\cosh u=\sqrt{1+\sinh^2u}$ since $\cosh u$ is always positive...

So I guess you would recommend normal circular trig substitutions over hyperbolic because of all this unnecessary work? Which substitutions do you usually work with? :confused:

I just saw your post, I will read it now. :D
  • #55
Rido12 said:
$$\frac 12 \Big(e^{\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})} - e^{\ln(x+\sqrt{x^2-1})}\Big) = \frac 12 \left((x+\sqrt{x^2-1}) -(x+\sqrt{x^2-1}\right)=0?$$

There is some right triangle business going around (Smoking)...but I've seen a website where they rewrote all the hyperbolic functions in terms of the one they chose for their substitutions. One thing I've noticed is that $\cosh u=\sqrt{1+\sinh^2u}$ since $\cosh u$ is always positive...

I must be sliding off; I forgot a minus sign. (Blush)
Fixed now in my original post.
So I guess you would recommend normal circular trig substitutions over hyperbolic because of all this unnecessary work? Which substitutions do you usually work with? :confused:

I just use $\cosh x = \frac 12(e^x+e^{-x})$ and $\sinh x = \frac 12(e^x-e^{-x})$, which is almost identical as it is for $\cos$ and $\sin$.
I deduce anything else from those.
  • #56
Rido12 said:
So I guess you would recommend normal circular trig substitutions over hyperbolic because of all this unnecessary work? Which substitutions do you usually work with? :confused:

Oh. I guess you mean which substitution to solve an integral? (Wondering)

Well, for the given integrals I'll just use whatever W|A or the table of integrals says I should use.
And if it doesn't quite fit, I think up a substition - any substitution that brings me closer.

For example, for \(\displaystyle \int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}}\), no substitution is really necessary, since it's a standard integral.
Or with only the knowledge that \(\displaystyle \int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{u^2-1}} = \arcosh u + C\), we need the substitution \(\displaystyle u=\frac x a\). (Mmm)
  • #57
But you're not allowed to consult W|A or an integral table during a test...I was referring to which method you use or had used when you couldn't consult them, such as when you were in university. (Wondering)
  • #58
Rido12 said:
But you're not allowed to consult W|A or an integral table during a test...I was referring to which method you use or had used when you couldn't consult them, such as when you were in university. (Wondering)

At the time I knew the derivative of $\arcosh$ by heart. (Wasntme)
  • #59
I like Serena said:
At the time I knew the derivative of $\arcosh$ by heart. (Wasntme)

I've actually memorized all those too...but I was referring to a more challenging integral:

$$\displaystyle \int \frac{u^2du}{\left(u^2-a^2\right)^{3/2}}$$

Circular or hyperbolic?
  • #60
How far do you get with the antiderivatives of:
$$\int \frac {dx} {1+x^2} \tag{1}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {1-x^2} \tag{2}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {\sqrt{1 + x^2}} \tag{3}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {\sqrt{1- x^2}} \tag{4}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {\sqrt{x^2-1}} \tag{5}$$
$$\int \frac {x\, dx} {\sqrt{1 + x^2}} \tag{6}$$
  • #61
I like Serena said:
Okay, okay, I'm making my head work a little bit.
Let's take a look at how we can define $\cosh$ and $\sinh$ geometrically. (Worried)
So if we have an $x$ with $x=\cosh \alpha$, it follows that double the red area, which is $\alpha$, is equal to $\arcosh x$.
Taking the $\sinh$ from that, we get the y-coordinate of the corresponding right triangle.

Since we have $x^2 - y^2 = 1$, it follows that:
$$y^2 = x^2 - 1$$
$$y = \sinh(\arcosh x) = \sqrt{x^2 - 1}$$
I'm trying to understand this.
Say we have to find $\cosh(\arsinh(x))$.
$u=\arsinh(x)$ and $x^2-y^2=1$, where $\cosh (u)=x$

Why is my answer in terms of $y$? Did I make a mistake?
  • #62
Rido12 said:
I've actually memorized all those too...but I was referring to a more challenging integral:

$$\displaystyle \int \frac{u^2du}{\left(u^2-a^2\right)^{3/2}}$$

Circular or hyperbolic?

Looks hyperbolic doesn't it? (Thinking)

Circular: $y=\sqrt{1-x^2} \Rightarrow x^2+y^2=1$.
Hyperbolic: $y=\sqrt{x^2-1} \Rightarrow x^2-y^2=1$.
  • #63
Rido12 said:
I'm trying to understand this.
Say we have to find $\cosh(\arsinh(x))$.
$u=\arsinh(x)$ and $x^2-y^2=1$, where $\cosh (u)=x$

Why is my answer in terms of $y$? Did I make a mistake?

That's quite alright. (Smile)

(Although it should be $x=\cosh(\arsinh(y))=\sqrt{1+y^2}$. :eek:)

Often we write y as function of x, but there is nothing wrong with writing x as a function of y.
This is similar to determining an inverse. (Nerd)
  • #64
I like Serena said:
How far do you get with the antiderivatives of:
$$\int \frac {dx} {1+x^2} \tag{1}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {1-x^2} \tag{2}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {\sqrt{1 + x^2}} \tag{3}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {\sqrt{1- x^2}} \tag{4}$$
$$\int \frac {dx} {\sqrt{x^2-1}} \tag{5}$$
$$\int \frac {x\, dx} {\sqrt{1 + x^2}} \tag{6}$$

1) is the inverse tangent, 2) is the inverse hyperbolic tangent, 3) is the inverse hyperbolic sine, 4) is the inverse hyperbolic cosine, 5) is the inverse sine, 6) I don't know, but it requires u-sub because I see it's derivative in the numerator. This is how I would solve these...but I don't see these are related to my other question?
  • #65
Rido12 said:
1) is the inverse tangent, 2) is the inverse hyperbolic tangent, 3) is the inverse hyperbolic sine, 4) is the inverse hyperbolic cosine, 5) is the inverse sine,

There's a couple of mistakes in there. :eek:

6) I don't know, but it requires u-sub because I see it's derivative in the numerator.

As a challenge, can you do it without an u-sub? (Wondering)

This is how I would solve these...but I don't see these are related to my other question?

That's what you get from mutually posting quicker than being able to respond. (Rofl)
  • #66
I like Serena said:
That's quite alright. (Smile)

(Although it should be $x=\cosh(\arsinh(y))=\sqrt{1+y^2}$. :eek:)

Often we write y as function of x, but there is nothing wrong with writing x as a function of y.
This is similar to determining an inverse. (Nerd)

I want to write it as a function of $x$, let me try again...
$y=\sinh(x)$ and $x=\arsinh(y)$
Determine $\cosh(\arsinh(y))$. We know $\cosh^2(x)-\sinh^2(x)=1$
  • #67
I like Serena said:
There's a couple of mistakes in there. :eek:
As a challenge, can you do it without an u-sub? (Wondering)
That's what you get from mutually posting quicker than being able to respond. (Rofl)

I knew I probably made some mistakes there because they were all so similar, I kind of got tangled up.
I don't know...partial integration?
$$\int x \,d(\arsinh(x))$$
  • #68
Rido12 said:
I want to write it as a function of $x$, let me try again...
$y=\sinh(x)$ and $x=\arsinh(y)$
Determine $\cosh(\arsinh(y))$. We know $\cosh^2(x)-\sinh^2(x)=1$

You're mucking it up! (Doh)

It should be (aligned with the graph):
$y=\sinh(\alpha)$ and $\alpha=\arsinh(y)$

Determine $\cosh(\arsinh(y))$. We know $x^2-y^2=1$
$x = \cosh(\alpha)=\sqrt{1+y^2}$

To write it as function of $x$, we need to swap $x$ and $y$ to get:
$\cosh(\arsinh(x)) = \sqrt{1+x^2}$ (Whew)
  • #69
Rido12 said:
I knew I probably made some mistakes there because they were all so similar, I kind of got tangled up.
I don't know...partial integration?
$$\int x \,d(\arsinh(x))$$

Note that the numerator is more or less the derivative of the argument of the square root in \(\displaystyle \int \frac{x\,dx}{\sqrt{1+x^2}}\).
Since the derivative of $\sqrt u$ is $\frac{1}{2\sqrt{u}}$ (did you know that by heart?), care to reconsider? (Thinking)
  • #70's simply $\int \,d(\sqrt{1+x^2})$, but that takes a lot of brain power to work through (Muscle), and it's just a u-substitution in disguise.

How will this help with more complicated integrals?

- - - Updated - - -

I like Serena said:
Looks hyperbolic doesn't it? (Thinking)

Circular: $y=\sqrt{1-x^2} \Rightarrow x^2+y^2=1$.
Hyperbolic: $y=\sqrt{x^2-1} \Rightarrow x^2-y^2=1$.

I'm pretty sure it looks circular too, with the relationship $1+\tan^2(x)=\sec^2(x)$

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