Interpreting Positive Potential Energy in Point Charges

In summary, the concept of potential energy for a group of point charges is dependent on the reference point and can have an arbitrary offset. A positive potential energy means that the charges are repelling each other and the system is unstable. However, without more information about the charges and their separations, it is difficult to determine what will happen in this scenario.
  • #1
If a group of point charges as a whole, has positive potential energy, what does that mean? What will happen if the point charges are free to move?
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  • #2
Your question is vague

What kind of point charges are you talking about? Electrons? Ideal point charges? Something else?

Are you talking about gravitational potential energy or electrical potential energy ?
  • #3
jonathan.15 said:
If a group of point charges as a whole, has positive potential energy, what does that mean? What will happen if the point charges are free to move?

Unless you specify the reference point for potential energy, it means nothing much.
  • #4
Presumably the convention is the usual one that the PE would be taken as zero if the charges were 'infinitely' separated. In this case, a positive PE would mean that the electric field forces would do a positive amount of work on the particles if the particles were allowed to move apart. Is that enough to help you picture what will happen?
  • #5
Yes I am referring to electric potential energy of a group of point charges, say 2 negative and 1 positive. This group of charges will have a net negative potential energy. What does this mean? What will happen?
  • #6
I also don't know what is meant by ideal pint charges, I'm taking an introductory college E&M physics course so I assume they are ideal.
  • #7
jonathan.15 said:
Yes I am referring to electric potential energy of a group of point charges, say 2 negative and 1 positive. This group of charges will have a net negative potential energy.
Will it? The total PE of the system will be
[tex]E_p = \frac{Q{_1}Q{_2}}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r_{1, 2}} + \frac{Q{_2}Q{_3}}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r_{2, 3}} + \frac{Q{_3}Q{_1}}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r_{3, 1}}[/tex]
Here, [itex]r_{1, 2}[/itex] and so on are magnitudes of separating distances.
If two of the charges are negative and one is positive, then two of the terms in the sum will be negative and one will be positive, but I don't think you can deduce that the sum will be negative, as you haven't specified how large the charges are, or their separations.
jonathan.15 said:
What does this mean? What will happen?
As for what it means to say that the system has a net negative potential energy, please see my previous reply.

I don't think we can say what will happen unless we have more information about the charges and their separations.
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  • #8
Potential energy can have an arbitrary offset, so the fact that the energy is positive means nothing at all.

But, for systems of point charges, it is conventional to set the zero of energy to be the situation where the charges are infinitely far apart. In this case, a positive potential energy means that some charges are repelling each other and will fly apart unless somehow held. The system as a whole must be unstable.
  • #9
Thank you guys for clearing things up. Also, I was assuming the charges were equally far apart from one another like at the vertices of an equilateral triangle and that they all had the same magnitude of charge. In which case the U would be negative

FAQ: Interpreting Positive Potential Energy in Point Charges

What does positive U mean?

Positive U refers to the positive or upward direction on a graph or coordinate system. It is typically associated with the y-axis, or vertical axis, on a Cartesian plane. In physics, positive U can represent a change in position or displacement in the upward direction.

Is positive U the same as positive slope?

No, positive U and positive slope are not the same. Positive slope refers to the direction and steepness of a line on a graph, while positive U refers to the direction of displacement. A line with a positive slope may not necessarily have a positive U displacement.

How is positive U calculated?

Positive U is typically calculated by measuring the change in position or displacement in the upward direction. This can be done by measuring the vertical distance on a graph or calculating the difference in y-coordinates.

What is the opposite of positive U?

The opposite of positive U is negative U, which refers to the negative or downward direction on a graph or coordinate system. In physics, negative U can represent a change in position or displacement in the downward direction.

Can positive U be seen in real life?

Yes, positive U can be seen in real life in many situations. For example, when an object is thrown upwards, it experiences a positive U displacement. In addition, a graph of an object's height over time would show a positive slope, indicating a positive U velocity.

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