Introducing Little Tyke: A Tribute to Einstein

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: I can't even explain it).In summary, Tsu comes home with a three week old kitten named 'Tyke' who was abandoned by one of her coworkers. Tsu is reluctant to let Tyke out of her sight, and Ivan steps in to take care of the kitten while Tsu is at work. The pictures don't look the best, but the author is smiling so it must be worth it.
  • #106
Ivan Seeking said:
Just a quick update to let you know that Little Tyke is doing very well. We're not sure if it was the anti-nausea meds that made the difference or if the mother's milk substitute didn't agree with her, but she is consuming and pooping mass quantities of goat's milk.

...and she pooped all by herself this morning! [All together now] Ahhhhhhhhh.

That's all marvelous news! Thank you for updating.

Another plus: She didn't even require training for the litter box. As soon as we put her in she immediately got the idea.

Yes, cats are a marvel with litter boxes. It's as if a cat designed the litter box because I've never met a cat who didn't figure it out in 10 seconds or less. Not similar to dogs at all when it comes to house training.

Ivan Seeking said:
As for the pooping and bottle feeding: Tsu hasn't gotten much sleep lately. :biggrin: We will be glad when she isn't quite so needy.

It goes quickly. :smile: Although, over seven years later and my cat has yet to let me sleep through the night. Now, mind you, when I'm away from her, I still don't sleep through the night because I keep waking wondering why she's not there waking me.
Physics news on
  • #107
I've spent the day feeding her (both goats milk and canned food - which she likes VERY MUCH :biggrin:), taking her to the cat box and trying to get her to be a little more independent so she doesn't drive Ivan bananas while I'm gone - all while cleaning and doing laundry). HOW CAN I LEAVE MY BABY FOR 6 WHOLE DAYS??!?? :cry: :cry: She is just so dang cute right now. I hate to miss ANY of this. :frown:

Right now she is sitting on Ivan's lap and hanging on to his shirt with her claws - just gazing up at him lovingly. Awwwwww... :biggrin: She has just started cleaning herself and she's had a couple of days of pawing at her little mouth and chewing the bits out of my bathrobe. I'm assuming she's doing this because she's getting her baby teeth - actually, I KNOW she's getting her little baby teeth. She's biting the heck out of me! My poor little hands feel like pin cushions. :biggrin:

I'll try to post a couple more pictures in the next day or two before I leave to visit my sister. Then it will be up to a very busy Ivan to keep you up to date (- so don't hold your breath! :biggrin:)
  • #108
Well, shucks. I didn't get ANY pictures taken these past two days. I spent them getting Tyke cat-box trained (success!) and tried to get her interested in solid food. She still seems to prefer the bottle, but she will eat pretty soupy canned food if it's mixed with her goats milk. I'm sure going to hate dropping her off at the vet tomorrow afternoon - even if it's just for a few hours 'till Ivan gets home and can pick her up. This is going to be a tough 6 days. I hope all the time I spent with her these past several days is enough to keep me in her memory until I get back. I don't want to get relegated to 'bad relative' status while Ivan takes over as momcat! :cry: That's why I'm leaving my bathrobe here for her. :biggrin: She can't forget me if she smells me while she's sleeping in my pocket. Right?

I'm taking the camera with me so I can get pictures of my niece and her family so I'll get some more of Tyke when I get back. She's all crashed out in my lap - AGAIN! :biggrin:

Someone keep asking Ivan how the kitty is while I'm gone, OK? That way, if I can't talk to him for some reason during the day, I can at least read about her here. :smile: Thanks! See you when I get back!
  • #109
So Ivan, how's Little Tyke doing with her mom away? Are you spending all your time kitty-tending?
  • #110
Haha, pretty much! Tyke is doing great. She learned how to run last night.

Note: A kitty under the bed covers is no good. Kitty likes to attack things that should never be attacked!
  • #111
:eek: YIKES!

  • #112
I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly need an update. :smile:
  • #113
Perfect timing!

Update: Little Tyke doesn't sleep under the covers anymore. :biggrin:

She is doing just great, but with Tsu gone all week, I'm tired! I have realized that be it feline or human, a baby is a baby.

Tyke started eating bit of canned kitten food yesterday, so hopefully the bottle will go away soon. And she is fairly well box trained, which is also a relief. I wake up every morning with her crawling on my face, or chewing on my head, or attacking my fingers. And I see hints of a little terrorists starting to emerge...

The other night it appears that she got too chummy with our catitudinal Zoobie and got wopped. I woke up 5 AM to Tyke crawling all over me and completely freaking out. Moments later Zoobie ran out the door, which is why I suspect that she got a little mean. It appears that whatever happened, it induced a true flight response, and her little legs just kept moving for about an hour. At first I thought that she had been injured, but slowly I realized that this was something else. After a couple of hours she finally calmed down and went back to sleep. Later that morning she was fine.

So we have had our little dramas, but all is well.

One funny note: I have never seen a cat who moves so much litter, but she still doesn't quite get it. She pretty much moves all of the litter in the box from one end to the other when she's done - all but the area of interest. :rolleyes:
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  • #114
Glad to hear "Mama Ivan" is holding down the fort. Sounds like your doing just fine. Tsu will be so proud of you!
  • #115
Ivan Seeking said:
One funny note: I have never seen a cat who moves so much litter, but she still doesn't quite get it. She pretty much moves all of the litter in the box from one end to the other when she's done - all but the area of interest. :rolleyes:

:smile: Ember does that. She's completely ineffective at burying what needs burying, but will spend forever trying to move litter around, sniffing, moving, sniffing again, realizing the stink is still there, moving more litter, sniffs, more digging. By the time the bathroom floor is covered in kitty litter, she gives up and leaves me to handle it (I don't like leaving the litter unscooped anyway, so it's just as well that she isn't that good at burying anything...speeds up the scooping process).

I'm glad to hear Little Tyke has been doing well without Tsu and the big fluffy bathrobe around. Somehow I missed the earlier post about getting under the blankets. :smile:
  • #116
Ivan Seeking said:
with Tsu gone all week, I'm tired! I have realized that be it feline or human, a baby is a baby.

Now that is the truth. When my cat was a kitten, she woke me hourly every night for months. Sometimes she was hungry, sometimes she wanted to play, but most times she just needed me to talk to her and stroke her until she settled back into sleep. I was exhausted.

You're doing great, Ivan! And thank you for the update.
  • #117
Thanks all. It looks like Tsu made it back just in time: I think I'm starting to lactate.
  • #118
Ivan Seeking said:
Thanks all. It looks like Tsu made it back just in time: I think I'm starting to lactate.

Now that's one powerful purr!
  • #119
Ivan Seeking said:
Thanks all. It looks like Tsu made it back just in time: I think I'm starting to lactate.

:smile: I'm wondering if Tsu even said hello to you before rushing over to scoop up Little Tyke? :wink:
  • #120
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  • #121
Oooooh, sooo cute! She grew some ears!
  • #122
OMG, what a BEAUTY!

I've never seen a cat with goggles like that, it's adorable!

Tsu had mentioned her wiping her mouth a lot and had gone to the vet for it, is she better now?
  • #123
Ivan Seeking said:

Hello, Pretty Toes!
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  • #124
Re Evo: We are pretty sure that she was having an allergic reaction to something in the canned foods. Oddly enough, by losing the high-end brands and going to Friskies we seem to have things under control.
  • #125
My kitty Maya was allergic to plastic bowls.
  • #126
  • #127
Shes looking good. She can come play with my pup and kitty any day. :biggrin:
  • #128
thats a cute kitty
  • #129
hot_sauce said:
thats a cute kitty

:eek: Turbo's sauces have come to life and are posting on PF.
  • #130
Kurdt said:
:eek: Turbo's sauces have come to life and are posting on PF.


Thanks everyone! We think she's pretty special. She has been quite a handful for awhile, but its sure been worth it. If she gets through the next week without pawing at her mouth I'll feel much better. I haven't seen her do it for several days now and I've been watching her like a hawk. She is so funny and cute and playful, she always keeps me laughing. She's also very loveable and snuggly. She's become the light of my life (yeah, I know - get a life... :biggrin:) It's been so fun to watch her learn to run (that was funny), jump & hop (funnier), climb (she's climbing all over me and my chair right now :biggrin:), and especially learning to do the Little Kitten Crab Dance. I just love that. :biggrin:

I have more pictures to download and post but I can't do that and charge the battery at the same time. (yeah, I killed the battery again :biggrin:). So now she has climbed onto my arm and curled up for a nap so I can't type. I'll be back when I've got more pix.
  • #131
RATS! That was my post. :biggrin: I forgot Ivan was logged on to my computer. Sorry!
  • #132
Ohhhhh cute! She sure has grown a lot! What an adorable little kitty, looks like she is quite the character!
  • #133
Tsu said:
RATS! That was my post. :biggrin: I forgot Ivan was logged on to my computer. Sorry!
I was thinking that seemed a bit out of character for Ivan - except for the :smile:
  • #134
The "kitten crab dance" is that where they walk around with their claws extended and back slightly arched and tend to go in random directions? I call that their "antigravity stage" they look to me like they are trying not to float off into space, which is why they need their claws extended all of the time.
  • #135
Evo said:
The "kitten crab dance" is that where they walk around with their claws extended and back slightly arched and tend to go in random directions? I call that their "antigravity stage" they look to me like they are trying not to float off into space, which is why they need their claws extended all of the time.

Not sure about the claws, but the back is extremely arched and their hair is standing up and they walk sideways. :smile: They are trying to look scary! :smile:

  • #136
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  • #137
Lookit how the baby's growing up! Tsu, she's marvelous.
  • #138
That is the luckiest kitten ever dragged off by a dog.

I want to come back as a kitten owned by you and Ivan.
  • #139
Evo said:
That is the luckiest kitten ever dragged off by a dog.

I want to come back as a kitten owned by you and Ivan.

Me too! :biggrin:
  • #140
Evo said:
That is the luckiest kitten ever dragged off by a dog.

"That dingo's got my baby!"

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