IQ, Career & Engineering - Your Thoughts?

  • Thread starter strategos1618
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In summary, this IQ test, which I'm sure doesn't have too much validity to it, but it's fun!, is not a good predictor of how well someone will function in a particular field.
  • #36
Gad said:
Oh, that wasn't my IQ. My 'IQ' is zero. :biggrin:

I was kidding...

*I am so dumb. you got the joke and were trying to be nice*...I have a negative IQ; Hence proved.
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Physics news on
  • #37
Ok, I was lying, it's -1.
  • #38
cjl said:
Not at taking IQ tests you aren't, at least if that score is to be believed.

I think people who study sciences tend to do well on the ravens IQ tests. You get used to looking for patterns in your lab work etc.
  • #39
Bandersnatch said:
Oh no their pronunciation is too perfect for me to catch each single word they utter.
  • #41
I scored 160 on that IQ test.

I am not remotely that intelligent. Hahahahaha
  • #42
I like the IQ test I took about text reading and reasoning (no pure math involved). It was like an English GRE test but it directed test takers to reason the causes and effects of the mentioned actions in a long statement more than to find the correct meaning of words.
  • #43
I took one before,it consisted of 50 questions ,I only answered 38 before I got bored and I scored about 144 but I don't really feel that smart though
I did the math and I figured out that I would've scored 178.56 if I got all the other answers correct
  • #44
I think I will head up into 250~300 after 6 months from now. That sounds silly to many though :biggrin:
  • #45
inotyce said:
I think I will head up into 250~300 after 6 months from now. That sounds silly to many though :biggrin:

And what IQ test is that?
  • #46
And what IQ test is that?

It is just my random silly reply, please ignore it. I am thinking now I reach 90 per test, I will try to redo to get 170. I don't know if I can.
  • #47
I scored 175, which is quite accurate if they were to assess my visualisation capabilities, back in high school we had some kind of "IQ test" with pattern recognitions and multi-detail wheel system and so on.. I scored 186 in that test.
"Succesful engineers" having 120+ IQ is completely meaningless. This test was ridiculously simple, for one and measuring IQ only by visual skills is a bit mis-guided in my opinion.
Give me chess problems, anything that requires visualising - no problem. I can remember picture and sound very well, which also helps me learn languages.

Visual logic is not the only kind of logic there is and there are various different fields of engineering that have "succesful engineers" with varying abilities.
  • #48
People should remember that the stuff posted on the internet are not actual IQ tests, they are just games that people made up. While some can be difficult and require certain skills and knowledge to do well, they're meaningless as far as a measurement of your IQ as it is currently assessed by trained psychologists that are required to administer the actual tests. Yes, I have actually been given an IQ test.
  • #49
Evo said:
People should remember that the stuff posted on the internet are not actual IQ tests, they are just games that people made up. While some can be difficult and require certain skills and knowledge to do well, they're meaningless as far as a measurement of your IQ as it is currently assessed by trained psychologists that are required to administer the actual tests. Yes, I have actually been given an IQ test.

AND? What's your IQ?
  • #50
If a stupid person's IQ was equal to his shoe number, the European stupid people would be geniuses next to AUS/US stupid people. :D No diss, just a funny thought.
  • #51
Enigman said:
AND? What's your IQ?
When I was 11 it was supposedly 185, but I've read that IQ scores when taken at an early childhood age will usually decrease as they get older. Also, the tests now are different from when I was tested. I don't believe in IQ tests other than they show how well you do on IQ tests.
  • #52
It probably increased for you...You scored more than the IQ estimate of Einstein(160)...And here I am stuck with an IQ similar to the room temperature*...
*in S.I. units of course...
  • #53
If it's in Fahrenheits then not all hope is lost :eek:
  • #54
Enigman said:
It probably increased for you...You scored more than the IQ estimate of Einstein(160)...And here I am stuck with an IQ similar to the room temperature*...
*in S.I. units of course...

lendav_rott said:
If it's in Fahrenheits then not all hope is lost :eek:
Its not in Farenheit
Read the fine print...we are PFers we deal in S.I. units...<insert evil laugh here>
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  • #55
you are too hard on yourself in that case :D
  • #56
lendav_rott said:
you are too hard on yourself in that case :D

  • #57
Mine is imaginary.

Sqrt(-1) :confused:
  • #58
Yes that's what I mean, if he feels dumb at ~300 give or take IQ..he's being too hard on himself :D
..unless of course his room temperature is low enough to turn oxygen into liquid or even solid form.. whether he can survive in such environments is another matter.
  • #59
Dear god what kind of IQ tests do you take guys? O_O
  • #60
Refer to a few posts back, these internet tests aren't actually IQ tests, just for people that have enough time to waste, like me.
  • #61
lendav_rott said:
Refer to a few posts back, these internet tests aren't actually IQ tests, just for people that have enough time to waste, like me.

And me lol
  • #62
Julio R said:
Mine is imaginary.

Sqrt(-1) :confused:


Why didn't I think of that?
  • #63
lendav_rott said:
Yes that's what I mean, if he feels dumb at ~300 give or take IQ..he's being too hard on himself :D
..unless of course his room temperature is low enough to turn oxygen into liquid or even solid form.. whether he can survive in such environments is another matter.

Its 0K here...
  • #64
Enigman said:

Why didn't I think of that?

Probably because you don't have enough Sqrt(-1) :biggrin:
  • #65
montadhar said:
Probably because you don't have enough Sqrt(-1) :biggrin:

Ouch! The truth does hurt...:blushing:
  • #66
Enigman said:
Ouch! The truth does hurt...:blushing:

and before there was post #57 there was post #40 with the first imaginary IQ of this thread.

Now who has an IQ matching Graham's number?
  • #67
My IQ is equal to Avogadro's number :p
  • #68
6.02 * 10^18 19 give or take, was it? Not bad, I'd say
e: no, 10^24? 23? even better
  • #69
lendav_rott said:
6.02 * 10^18 19 give or take, was it? Not bad, I'd say
e: no, 10^24? 23? even better

I think it was 6.02*10^23 if I remember correctly
  • #70
Enigman said:
Its 0K here...

Just want some confirmation- did anyone get the joke or not?

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