Is a trip to explore the Alpha Centuri system actually feasible?

In summary, the journey can be completed within the lifetime of a human adult if the voyage is limited to traveling at 1g. However, even if the journey were limited to 1g, the fuel requirements would be enormous, making the journey prohibitively expensive.
  • #71
rootone said:
Can the journey be completed within the lifetime of a human adult?

Assuming we have got around little problems like having an adequate form of propulsion, shielding from radiation, and avoiding deadly collisions with milligram sized dust particles.
Let's say our engines can provide constant acceleration then deceleration at 1g.

If the return journey can be done within the travellers lifetime, then will there be anyone still alive on Earth who they knew before departing?, or not so because those on Earth will have aged relatively faster than the travellers.

Have a lookt at the Janus Cosmological Model from Jean-Pierre Petit.
This is a bimetric theory of gravitation, involving negative mass particules, published in peer-reviewed journals.
According to this model can make (apparent) faster-than-light interstellar travel possible are possible for negative mass vehicules traveling on the other metric.
You will find one of the last paper in Astrophisycs and Space Sciences July 2018 :
A copy is available here

He also presented a video conference earlier this month at the Advanced Propulsion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, 14 September 2018.


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  • #72
StefanBroaw said:
Have a lookt at the Janus Cosmological Model from Jean-Pierre Petit.
This is a bimetric theory of gravitation, involving negative mass particules, published in peer-reviewed journals.
According to this model can make (apparent) faster-than-light interstellar travel possible are possible for negative mass vehicules traveling on the other metric.
You will find one of the last paper in Astrophisycs and Space Sciences July 2018 :
A copy is available here

He also presented a video conference earlier this month at the Advanced Propulsion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, 14 September 2018.

OK I will take a look, but have to say that the concept of a negative mass sounds unreasonable.
This would be like an object having a velocity of less than zero?
  • #73
"Negative mass" means that the energy is also negative.
Those particules only interracts with positive mass particules through "anti-Newton" laws: negative particules repulse positive particules; negative particules attract négative particules. Theye is no "run away" effect, no paradox.

it fits with observations of the large scale structure of universe (voids of positive matter), dark matters, dark energy repulsion, the great repeller, etc.
A description in english on nasaspaceflight forum here

And their last paper (sept. 2018) in quantum mechanics about negative energies and masses :

Definitely worth a look
  • #74
StefanBroaw said:

it fits with observations of the large scale structure of universe (voids of positive matter), dark matters, dark energy repulsion, the great repeller, etc.

They make a cosmology argument. I am willing to concede that in order to avoid cosmology. I suspect people in the cosmology forum would have some thoughts.

The UFO drawing in that video has some serious flaws. He models the 3 dimensional universe with a 2 dimensional sheet of paper. I am fine with that. He demonstrates cutting a hole in the paper. The 2 dimensional circle cut is a model of a 3 dimensional spherical cut. His cockpit in a flying saucer is only surrounded by a ring. The ring should be modeled by 2 pin holes in the paper not a circle in the paper.

His UFO technology warps spacetime by concentrating energy. It brings to mind the idea of a kugelblitz, micro-black hole. In order to build this flying saucer you need the technology to not only concentrate the energy but also concentrate it in a ring and also not vaporize the person inside of the ring. Building a kugelblitz is not possible with just a full Dyson sphere. You need a Dyson sphere that stores up its energy and can pulse it and can also aim that pulse into a subatomic space. This thread was looking for easy ways to get to Alpha Centauri. A kugelblitz or anything more complicated than a kugelblitz does not meet that criteria.

Where did he get the number 1,000 Tesla? That sounded like he made it up. Regardless 1000T is a strong enough magnetic field to blow apart any known materials.

A rotating black hole has a ring singularity. It is plausible that the laws of physics change inside of that ring. You can claim that an observer inside of a rotating black hole would see evidence for both positive and negative mass universes and that the distance scales are different. There is no way for the observer to escape the black hole and no way for him/her to send the information to us. Traveling to a black hole takes longer than traveling to Alpha Centuari. Building a black hole is many orders of magnitude harder than launching a colony ship to Alpha Centuari.

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