Is Anakin's Midichlorian Concentration Affected by His Injuries?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of midichlorians in the Star Wars universe, with one person questioning if Anakin's injuries would affect his midichlorian concentration and another pointing out that it is just a movie and not to overthink it. The conversation also touches on the scientific accuracy of the concept and how it was received by fans.
  • #1
I hope this isn't too off topic, but I thought it could be answered here. :P
In the first movie, they say that Anakin has a really high concentration of midichlorians in his blood, so he's supposed to be the most powerful ever. But in the commentaries for the original movies, George Lucas says that he's weaker because of his injuries (loss of limbs and stuff.)
Wouldn't he be the same, though? I mean, just because he has less body mass, wouldn't the concentration be the same? I know it's a movie and all, but I was hoping there'd be a scientific explanation that made more sense.
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  • #2
Well I guess his new body parts wouldn't have those midowhatevers, so he has the original mass but less midos.
  • #3
But would that make a difference? The concentration would be the same, wouldn't it?
  • #4
No, he lost all the midos in his limbs.
  • #5
No, I mean in the first movie, they said there was a high concentration in his blood. Well, he must still have a lot of his own blood, so shouldn't the concentration be the same? Maybe I'm not wording this right. :|
  • #6
it's just a movie. enjoy it for what it is (a morality play with space cowboys and very good expensive special effects) and don't ask hard scientific questions (like how do we hear those spacecraft s zooming by, and how do they get to the outer rim so fast, and how do they communicate so much faster, and where does this cental planet that is 100% city get its resourses to feed and water the population, and where did the air-conditioning of that volcano planet come from, and where does the artificial gravity come from in the interior of all of the space ships, etc. etc.)

even though it had its own problems requiring suspended disbelief (the moon monolith and the Jupiter monolith and the star child), 2001 A Space Odyssey was much more realistic in terms of technology, although they missed it by at least 100 years (except for some things they didn't anticipate like no cell phones or laptop computers or the end of the USSR, they didn't even get that in the sequel, 2010).
  • #7
Yah, I know, it's just something I was wondering about and no one I asked was able to give me a good answer. I figured this was a good place to get one. ;)
  • #8
If what you said is true, shouldn't he have kicked Obi won's ass in Ep3?
  • #9
DeeZee said:
No, I mean in the first movie, they said there was a high concentration in his blood. Well, he must still have a lot of his own blood, so shouldn't the concentration be the same? Maybe I'm not wording this right.
Well if he lost all the blood that would've been in his missing limbs that wouldn't his midochloroplast force thing concentration go down?
  • #10
See, that's what I was wondering. Doesn't the concentration of something stay the same, unless you add something to it to dilute it?
  • #11
Deezee, let's say I have a cup of salt water, 100mL with 50% salt. I took away 50mL of saltwater, and replaced it with pure water. Is the concentration of salt in the water the same? No, you have 50mL containing 50% salt, and 50mL with 0% salt, the total is 100mL with 25% concentration.
  • #12
So you mean his mechanical parts are diluting it?
  • #13
That's assuming that anakin's body is incapable of reproducing the midiochlorians, but how do we know? George Lucas never told us :wink: .

If you want the scientific answer, then the answer is this isn't science - its a movie! Try not to think too hard about these things.

(Talk about a dumb thread)
  • #14
DeeZee said:
See, that's what I was wondering. Doesn't the concentration of something stay the same, unless you add something to it to dilute it?
Ooooohhhhhhhh! :biggrin: Now I get it! The answer is that its a sci-fi movie and not everything makes since. :approve:
  • #15
Also, perhaps concentration isn't the driving force, but total amount. If he has a high concentration, it does imply a large amount. Loss of limbs would most certainly lower the total, though.
  • #16
I understand your question. Concentration has nothing to do with mass. So if we assume that those particles in his blood were uniformly distributed then the concentration should be the same. But then again this is a sci fi, movie so you can make up whatever you want to explain things. For example possible reasons could be: absolute amount is what counts, therefore even though concentration is the same the absolute amount is less. Another explanation could be that there was a higher concentration of these things in the lost limbs thereby reducing concentration. Another explanation could be that these things are made in the bone marrow, so fewer limbs means fewer bone marrow which fewer special particles in the blood. The explanation list is endless. No use trying to prove them wrong, they usually can make stuff up to defend their view.
  • #17
yeah concentration of the midi... in the blood would be the same, but the total amount he has would be reduced.
  • #18
But, you've all forgotten that good midichlorians are most strongly concentrated in the toes of a Jedi.
This is where they lie in ambush to strike down sithichlorian infections.

So, then we see that Anakin's loss of legs was a double tragedy:
Not only did he lose nice midichlorians, his capacity to resist sithification was crippled as well.
  • #19
The whole midichlorian crap has got to be the worst bit of drivel that Lucas came up with. After all that went into the saga, that's what he came up with as the first Jedi EPT test? A blood test for midichlorians? Tell me that wasn't thought up at 4:59 on a Friday afternoon. Lame!
  • #20
Midi-clorians are microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the Force. Midi-clorians comprise collective consciousness and intelligence, forming the link between everything living and the Force. They are symbionts with all other living things. Jedi listen to the midi-clorians. If they quiet their minds, they can hear the midi-clorians speaking to them, telling them the will of the Force. In order to be a Jedi or Sith, one must have a high concentration of midi-clorians in one's cells. Its a concentration because its the midi-clorian to body mass ratio, not how many total. But of course, if you think about it, its how many total.

I'm surprised there are no Jedi that can listen to others' midi-clorians.
  • #21
Mk said:
Midi-clorians are microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the Force. Midi-clorians comprise collective consciousness and intelligence, forming the link between everything living and the Force. They are symbionts with all other living things. Jedi listen to the midi-clorians. If they quiet their minds, they can hear the midi-clorians speaking to them, telling them the will of the Force.
Or, as Fred Garvin more succinctly put it, midichlorians are drivel..:wink:
  • #22
Well,if these midi whatever allowed communication with the force,Why is there not a midi-transplantation?:smile:
Do Jedis check their midi-group while doing blood transfusions.:smile:
  • #23
We could make our own PF Star Wars extended universe, I see its already being developed into beta.

I didn't see any autistic kids in the movies, maybe that's because Jedis donate midiclorians to them :smile:
  • #24
Qa Gon or however you spell it is the most in touch with the force.

Luke is the strongest because he balances the force
  • #25
Balances? Are there two kinds of forces you must balance to achieve power?
  • #26
Good and Dark..

Jedi is good, Sith is Dark

Anakin learned both, but did not balance them. However Luke does.
  • #27
But there isn't a good and dark force, its how you use it that designates your position.
  • #28
Sure Anakin balances them in the end, by shoving Palpatine down the abyss.
The balance sheet for Anakin reads:

Mostly good (but annoying) kid+somewhat good, but angst-ridden teenager+major badass in cool suit+redeemed dead guy=0

  • #29
Well, here's how someone I know puts it:

Say you have a gallon of milk...let's say 2% milk. Now, 2% refers to the amount of fat in a serving. 5 grams per serving to be precise. Now, if you have a glass of that milk, what are you having? You're having 2% milk, and you're left with 2% milk. This concentration of 2% will never change unless you add a different concentration to it(Or manage to cook off the water in the milk).

Qui-Gon in Episode I clearly states: "A boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians."

From this statement we clearly learn that:

a. Midi-Chlorians are a concentration.
b. Cells seem to have a fixated concentration.
c. Force potential is measured by concentration.

The third one is demonstrated because if the overall number mattered(And not the concentration) there would be no point is bringing up the concentration at all.

Later on in the script, this dialogue is given:

YODA : ...Correct you were, Qui-Gon.

MACE WINDU : His cells contain a high concentration of midi-chlorians.

KI-ADI : The Force is strong with him.

This further implements the already evident assumption that concentration determines force potential.

Let's now go back to our milk example, except this time let's say that the fat content is midi-chlorians and the milk to be a human...say Anakin for instance.

So Anakin has a concentration of over 20,000 midi-chlorians. If say he has four(Well parts of four really) limbs severed, would his concentration dwindle? The answer is an obvious no. Same with the milk. You drink some, you're still left with 2%. Since his concentration of 20,000 will not get smaller by losing limbs, he will have just as much potential and strength as before the accident.

So would this be true? George Lucas says that Darth Vader is weaker after the third movie because of his injuries, but it doesn't seem like he would be. :confused:
  • #30
Hasnt anyone thought that maybe the mechanical body parts arent as good/quick as the natural body parts?
  • #31
But that shouldn't really affect his force powers, though. Anyway, he moved pretty fast in the ESB movie.
  • #32
Sure, but that's because sithichlorians can survive on rust; midichlorians can't.
  • #33
arildno said:
But, you've all forgotten that good midichlorians are most strongly concentrated in the toes of a Jedi.
This is where they lie in ambush to strike down sithichlorian infections.

So, then we see that Anakin's loss of legs was a double tragedy:
Not only did he lose nice midichlorians, his capacity to resist sithification was crippled as well.
From years of walking barefoot I have managed to flatten my feet. I have enormous toes! Big fat big toe and long, gangly, prehensile little toes. Does this mean I have a high concentration of midos? Should I try to brachiate like a jedi using my prehensile towels?
  • #34
Huckleberry said:
prehensile towels?
  • #35
I go where the force leads me. It says "Never leave home without your towel." Ford Prefect was a jedi.