Is Another Hostage Beheaded in the Middle East?

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In summary: Evil men are rarely demons; most evil is wrought by ordinary people believing it's their right&duty to inflict pain on others (sanctioned/commanded by some value system).I think that these guys are sick and enjoy inflicting pain. They should be brought to justice and I hope that the hostages are all released soon.
  • #36
studentx said:
They can, DOH. Theyre just not called ordinary Joes and Jills by the rest of the world. Theyre called killers. Some are sadistic, some are sick, some are brainwashed and of course most of them were ordinary Joe and Jill up to the point where they kill or begin thinking about killing.

The rest of the world calls them soldiers. Before someone waves their flag at me, may I just point out that I am only stating my opinion.

Americans used to believe that Native Americans were savage and incapable of reasoning. They used to put them in reservations because they couldn't be trusted around white men and women.

Americans used to believe that black men were savage and incapable of reasoning. They used to put them in plantations because they couldn't be trusted around white men and women.

The people above (mostly Americans) believe that Arabs are savage and incapable of reasoning. They want to put them in a place called Guantamino bay because they can't be trusted around white men and women.

Note the trend?

It is human nature demonise by dissociation, but this is no difference to what any person would act when attacked by a foreign power. This is no different to how the Polish reacted to the Germans in WW2. Or how the French learned to react in the same war? In the end people will do what they can to defend their nation from a perceived oppressor, it's the place of the opposite nation to classify their actions as barbaric irrespective of the blood on their own hands.

At the end of the day, these people are protecting their nation from what they see as oppressive western superpowers. They are going to what they can to preserve their way of life. Dont try and tell me that no American or Briton would go to any end to protect their nation in the same situation.

It is very well to sit back in the comfort of your homes and judge based on being on the winning side and not in the firing line. But it is a different thing when your family are being shot in the name of a regime elected by a foreign power which is now taking its personal wars onto your doorstep.
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  • #37
Americans used to believe that Native Americans were savage and incapable of reasoning.

This image was based on false or exagerrated reports of savagery. I seriously doubt anyone can say the beheadings are figments of our imagination.

In the past, news moved slow and was distorted by the time it reached its audience. Now we can see in real time exactly what is taking place. The "savage" label of those who kill civilians in Iraq is well-deserved.

At the end of the day, these people are protecting their nation from what they see as oppressive western superpowers.

You don't protect your own nation by blowing up its infrastructure and killing its policemen. This isn't about national defense, but rather about power and religious bigotry. Peace would come to Iraq if only the nutcases would quit killing people. They're not interested in peace or defending Iraq, but only in staking out their own power base and acting out against those they perceive as different.

And try as I might, I cannot imagine Native Americans or African Americans sawing off the heads of people begging for mercy. (Some Native Americans might have. If so, those individuals probably got their just reward.)

You're trying to defend the indefensible. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for the barbarity we have seen exhibited against civilians who were there to help the people of Iraq. And if you excuse it, consider yourself among their company.
  • #38
jimmy p said:
At the end of the day, these people are protecting their nation from what they see as oppressive western superpowers. They are going to what they can to preserve their way of life. Dont try and tell me that no American or Briton would go to any end to protect their nation in the same situation.

I keep hearing ppl say that the Iraqis are fighting America and want them out. But there are 10 times as many Iraqis helping America , who probably also want America out, but realize that first they need a working policeforce to stop foreign fighters and jihadists taking over the country.
Why do you choose to voice the opinion of these violent Iraqis who are in a minority, over that of the peaceful Iraqis trying to rebuild the country?

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