Is Dark Matter Just Unseen Molecules?

In summary, the observation on the bullet cluster collision was stated as direct evidence for dark matter. However, the possibility exists that the collision was just caused by some molecules that are too dark to be seen. This key point about dark matter is relevant to the Bullet Cluster result as it means that dark matter is conlussionless and does not interact with anything. This means two 'clouds' of dark matter can pass through each other within hinderance. Any 'normal' molecules would hit each other in this process, causing large shock waves. However, this does not mean that dark matter does not exist, as it is just something theorized at this point.
  • #1
The observation on the bullet cluster collision was stated as direct evidence for dark matter.

But could there be a possibility that it's just some molecules that are too dark to be seen ?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
A key point about dark matter that is relavant to the Bullet Cluster result is that dark matter is conlussionless. This means that whatever dark matter is made from, it does not interact with anything, not even itself. This means two 'clouds' of dark matter can pass through each other within hinderance. Any 'normal' molecules would hit each other in this process, causing large shock waves.

In the Bullet Cluster result what you see is that the 'normal' matter in the clusters, the gas, forms these shock fronts and give of the X-rays observed, while the dark matter does not. This leads to a spatial separation of the dark and normal matter and a big headache for modified gravity theories!

There is no way known for any molecules of normal matter to act in the way we've observed dark matter to in this cluster system, given the required mass density the gravitational lensing result implies.
  • #3
Do neutrinos interact with each other?
  • #4
Riogho said:
Do neutrinos interact with each other?

Since they have no mass (or a REALLY tiny mass) they wouldn't stay in the cluster.
  • #5
Wallace said:
A key point about dark matter that is relavant to the Bullet Cluster result is that dark matter is conlussionless. This means that whatever dark matter is made from, it does not interact with anything, not even itself. This means two 'clouds' of dark matter can pass through each other within hinderance. Any 'normal' molecules would hit each other in this process, causing large shock waves.

The cross section of dark matter annihilation is not zero, and with that powerful collision, there should be interaction among them ?
  • #6
touqra said:
The cross section of dark matter annihilation is not zero, and with that powerful collision, there should be interaction among them ?

No one has any idea what the annihilation cross section of dark matter is, apart from a very small upper limit (i.e. whatever it is it is tiny). The reason we know it must be small is precisely because we don't see any self interaction effects.
  • #7
Wallace said:
No one has any idea what the annihilation cross section of dark matter is, apart from a very small upper limit (i.e. whatever it is it is tiny). The reason we know it must be small is precisely because we don't see any self interaction effects.

If it doesn't interact with itself, nor normal matter, then, it can't be falsifiable, and hence, non-existent
  • #8
touqra said:
If it doesn't interact with itself, nor normal matter, then, it can't be falsifiable, and hence, non-existent

This isn't true. Neutrino's exist, but they don't interact with matter (at least not much!), nor with each other.

Also, problems arise because we don't actually know what dark matter is. It's only something theorized because atoms apparently only make up ~4% of the universe.
  • #9
touqra said:
If it doesn't interact with itself, nor normal matter, then, it can't be falsifiable, and hence, non-existent
It does interact via gravity, which is what opened the whole can of worms in the first place.
  • #10
touqra said:
If it doesn't interact with itself, nor normal matter, then, it can't be falsifiable, and hence, non-existent

I think the message of bullet cluster observation is more that dark matter should be rather cold (in order to condense in galaxies) and weakly interacting (like most of exotic dark matter candidates).
So this leaves lots of candidates.
But, it is not behaving as gas which is already a very important news.
  • #11
Barmecides said:
I think the message of bullet cluster observation is more that dark matter should be rather cold (in order to condense in galaxies) and weakly interacting (like most of exotic dark matter candidates).
So this leaves lots of candidates.
But, it is not behaving as gas which is already a very important news.

It's not that dark matter should be cold - but more interestingly just that it doesn't glow/light up if you warm it.
  • #12
mikehibbert said:
It's not that dark matter should be cold - but more interestingly just that it doesn't glow/light up if you warm it.

Hello mike,

by cold, I was meaning it is not particle of high velocity like neutrinos which are often considered as hot dark matter candidates and which dilute too quickly.
What did you mean ?
  • #13
Ah ok, I thought you meant in a literal temperature sense.

Silly me! :)

FAQ: Is Dark Matter Just Unseen Molecules?

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a hypothetical type of matter that is believed to make up approximately 85% of the total mass in the universe. It does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to telescopes and other instruments. Its existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. How do we know that dark matter exists?

There is a significant amount of evidence for the existence of dark matter. One of the strongest pieces of evidence is the observation of the rotation curves of galaxies, which show that stars and gas on the outer edges of galaxies are moving at much higher speeds than expected based on the visible mass. This can only be explained by the presence of additional, invisible mass in the form of dark matter.

3. What are the different types of evidence for dark matter?

Aside from the observation of galaxy rotation curves, other types of evidence for dark matter include gravitational lensing, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe. These all point to the existence of a significant amount of non-visible matter that is responsible for the observed effects.

4. Can dark matter be detected or observed directly?

At this time, dark matter has not been directly detected or observed. This is because it does not interact with electromagnetic radiation, making it difficult to detect with traditional telescopes. Scientists are currently working on various experiments and technologies to try and detect dark matter directly, but it remains a challenging task.

5. How does the search for dark matter impact our understanding of the universe?

The existence of dark matter has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies and large-scale structures in the universe. Finding concrete evidence for dark matter and understanding its properties will greatly enhance our understanding of the universe and its origins.
