- #71
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Austin0: I'm going to respond to parts of both your posts here.
The expected end results should be the same for both versions of conservation of momentum. If you get different results by applying the two different versions then there's a mistake somewhere.
Which end? It makes a difference. Also, does "thrust" mean the actual force applied (presumably by a rocket engine), or the resultant acceleration? They're not necessarily the same, as I've noted before. See next comment.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the above. Rather than try to parse it, let me instead describe how a situation like this one would be analyzed with the tools I'm used to using.
First of all, as I noted above, it makes a difference whether "thrust" means the applied force (which might be combined with other forces, internal to the ship, to obtain the resultant net force--and acceleration--of a given small piece of the ship) or the resultant acceleration (which is a result of the net force, not the rocket thrust alone). I'm going to assume below that "thrust" means the applied force, since that's the usual meaning of that term.
Let's first write down in general terms what both versions of conservation of momentum will look like (applied to the ship as a whole, and applied to each piece):
(A) Treat the ship as a single object. The total momentum transferred to the ship per unit time will be equal to the sum of the thrusts on the two ends. Since we're treating the ship as a single object, we don't care how that force is propagated through the ship, or what it does to the internal stresses or distances within the ship. All we care about is that the momentum transferred to the ship per unit time must be equal to the total applied thrust (sum of both ends). In other words, we have
[tex]F = T_R + T_F = \frac{d P}{d \tau}[/tex]
for the ship as a whole, where [itex]T_R[/itex] and [itex]T_F[/itex] are the externally applied thrusts at the front and rear ends. That's all there is to it.
(B) Treat the ship as an extended object. For simplicity, we'll treat it here as composed of three segments: R, the rear segment, where the rear thrust is applied; M, the middle segment, where no thrust is applied (but which can exchange internal forces with the other segments), and F, the front segment, where the front thrust is applied.
Then conservation of momentum for the segments individually looks like this:
[tex]F_R = T_R + S_{MR} = \frac{d P_R}{d \tau_R}[/tex]
[tex]F_M = S_{RM} + S_{FM} = \frac{d P_M}{d \tau_M}[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F + S_{MF} = \frac{d P_F}{d \tau_F}[/tex]
where we've used T for the thrusts (rear and front) and S for the internal forces between each segment, with the order of subscripts indicating the direction of the internal force (for example, [itex]S_{MR}[/itex] is the internal force exerted by the middle segment on the rear segment). In order to check for consistency with (A) above, we calculate the total momentum gained by the ship per unit time by adding the three forces above:
[tex]F = F_R + F_M + F_F[/tex]
and check to see that the sum equals the sum given in (A) above, i.e., the sum of the externally applied thrusts.
Let's now suppose that the ship starts out at rest, with all forces zero. Then, at time t = 0 in the initial rest frame, the front and rear thrusts are applied. The internal forces at that moment will be zero, because there has been no time for the ship's internal structure to respond to the applied forces. So we will have
[tex]F_R = T_R[/tex]
[tex]F_M = 0[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F[/tex]
when the thrusts are initially applied. This means that, initially, the rear and front segments will gain momentum, but the middle one will not. And you can see from the above that, intially, the sum of the momentum gains by the rear and front segments will be equal to the total momentum gained by the ship, which is equal to the sum of the applied thrusts at front and rear. So momentum is conserved for each individual ship segment, and it's also conserved for the ship as a whole.
In order to predict in detail how the internal forces will develop, we would need a detailed model of the material properties of the ship's structure, which I don't want to discuss here. But in general terms, you can see from the above that, assuming the front and rear thrusts are in the same direction, the initial effect will be that the rear segment will move closer to the middle segment, while the front segment will move further from it. So, after some small time has elapsed, we will have something like this:
[tex]F_R = T_R - C[/tex]
[tex]F_M = C + S[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F - S[/tex]
where C is an internal pressure between the rear and middle segments, which arises because the segments are moving closer together and the material is assumed to resist compression (note the signs of the C terms in each force), and S is an internal tension between the middle and front segments, which arises because the segments are moving further apart, and the material is assumed to resist stretching (again, note the signs of the S terms in each force).
Once again, the above equations automatically conserve momentum for each individual segment. But if we add up the total momentum gained by all the segments, we find that, once again, it's just the sum of the external thrusts applied to front and rear; all the internal forces cancel out (because momentum gained by one segment due to each internal force is exactly balanced by momentum lost by the other segment due to the same force). So again, momentum is conserved for each individual ship segment, and it's also conserved for the ship as a whole.
All this will continue to be true as the internal forces vary with time; for example, the above suggests that after some more time has elapsed, the middle segment will move away from the rear segment and towards the front segment, as part of the oscillation we were discussing in earlier posts. Then we will have:
[tex]F_R = T_R + S[/tex]
[tex]F_M = - S - C[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F + C[/tex]
where now S is a tension between the rear and middle segments and C is a pressure between the middle and front segments. The same analysis as above still applies: the internal forces are different than before, but they still cancel out when the total momentum is added up. So at each individual instant of time, momentum is conserved individually for each ship segment, and total momentum is conserved for the ship as a whole. Everything is consistent.
I can discuss more specific cases if you want (meaning specific relative values of the front and rear thrusts), but you can already see from the above that, regardless of whether the front or the rear thrust is larger, or whether they're both the same, conservation of momentum will hold as I've stated it. The only difference the specific relative values of the thrusts makes is to determine what kind of final state will be reached--i.e., will the ship end up stretched or compressed, and so forth--but that question is independent of the question of conservation of momentum.
I should note, since I'm going to address your questions about damping of the oscillations below, that the above model doesn't really include damping, except implicitly in whatever model you come up with for determining the internal forces between the segments. However, damping does not affect the correctness of what I've said above; all it does is add extra equations (dealing with the internal energies of each segment) that still will be consistent with the equations I've written above. If you want me to go into more detail about how that could work, let me know and I'll do so in a future post.
The energy that heats the ship's structure as it oscillates in response to an externally applied thrust comes from the energy that fuels the source of the thrust--the rocket engine or whatever. The specific mechanism of how that would occur depends on how you model the internal forces between segments of the ship, as I noted above; but in general, the energy is converted into heat as a result of the relative motion between the internal parts of the ship.
If we assume that the ship reaches some steady-state equilibrium while under acceleration (i.e., a state where the internal parts of the ship are no longer moving relative to one another), then the heating of the ship's structure should stop once that steady-state equilibrium is reached, since at that point there is no longer any relative motion between the ship's parts.
It seems like you're trying to separate out momentum from energy, and kinetic energy from other kinds of energy. That's probably not a good way to think of momentum and energy. Relativistically, the important object is the 4-momentum, which includes both momentum and energy and does not distinguish between types of energy--all of them appear in the 4-momentum and they aren't separated out. Trying to separate things out usually causes more problems than it solves.
That said, the quick answers to your questions are:
* Yes, kinetic energy, heat, etc. can all affect inertial mass. See my discussion starting in the paragraph after next.
* The momentum conservation equation deals with 4-momentum, which includes everything, as I noted above. Nothing is left out.
* As you apply constant force to an object, you change its 4-momentum. That's the relativistically invariant way to describe what happens.
In the simplest case, the object's rest mass is constant, and that means that (since 4-momentum is rest mass times 4-velocity) all of the change in the object's 4-momentum, in response to applied force, will be manifested in the object's 4-velocity. Viewed from a specific frame of reference, part of the change in 4-velocity will appear as a change in the object's inertial mass, and part will appear as a change in the object's velocity. The split between the two depends on your frame of reference. If you keep viewing things from the same frame of reference (for example, the initial rest frame of the object to which force is being applied), then as a constant force (thrust) is applied to an object, over time, more and more of the change in 4-velocity will appear as a change in inertial mass, and less and less as a change in velocity (as the object's observed velocity gets closer and closer to the speed of light).
However, an object may have internal degrees of freedom (for example, its individual molecules may vibrate). Energy that is in these internal degrees of freedom--for example, heat--is included, relativistically, in the rest mass of the object. In the example above of the ship oscillating in response to applied thrust, and part of the energy of the oscillation being converted into heat, the effect would be an increase in the ship's rest mass. This is still an increase in 4-momentum, but it would not appear as an increase in velocity; it would appear as an increase in inertial mass, but due to the object's rest mass increasing, not due to its 4-velocity increasing.
I'd like your feedback on the above before addressing the spheres scenario or responding to your other questions. But I haven't forgotten the other questions.
Austin0 said:As far as I can see they are somewhat mutually exclusive. Certainly the expected end results appear to be.
The expected end results should be the same for both versions of conservation of momentum. If you get different results by applying the two different versions then there's a mistake somewhere.
Austin0 said:Given: A ship with thrust applied to the front and back, with greater thrust at one end.
Which end? It makes a difference. Also, does "thrust" mean the actual force applied (presumably by a rocket engine), or the resultant acceleration? They're not necessarily the same, as I've noted before. See next comment.
Austin0 said:#1 The momentum from the front propagates through the ship to the back, while the momentum from the back propagates through to the front and then results in system motion . So the differential is equalized and the net acceleration is also equal at the front and the back.
#2 The momentum propagates locally from the source as motion and results in greater velocity at the end with greater thrust.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the above. Rather than try to parse it, let me instead describe how a situation like this one would be analyzed with the tools I'm used to using.
First of all, as I noted above, it makes a difference whether "thrust" means the applied force (which might be combined with other forces, internal to the ship, to obtain the resultant net force--and acceleration--of a given small piece of the ship) or the resultant acceleration (which is a result of the net force, not the rocket thrust alone). I'm going to assume below that "thrust" means the applied force, since that's the usual meaning of that term.
Let's first write down in general terms what both versions of conservation of momentum will look like (applied to the ship as a whole, and applied to each piece):
(A) Treat the ship as a single object. The total momentum transferred to the ship per unit time will be equal to the sum of the thrusts on the two ends. Since we're treating the ship as a single object, we don't care how that force is propagated through the ship, or what it does to the internal stresses or distances within the ship. All we care about is that the momentum transferred to the ship per unit time must be equal to the total applied thrust (sum of both ends). In other words, we have
[tex]F = T_R + T_F = \frac{d P}{d \tau}[/tex]
for the ship as a whole, where [itex]T_R[/itex] and [itex]T_F[/itex] are the externally applied thrusts at the front and rear ends. That's all there is to it.
(B) Treat the ship as an extended object. For simplicity, we'll treat it here as composed of three segments: R, the rear segment, where the rear thrust is applied; M, the middle segment, where no thrust is applied (but which can exchange internal forces with the other segments), and F, the front segment, where the front thrust is applied.
Then conservation of momentum for the segments individually looks like this:
[tex]F_R = T_R + S_{MR} = \frac{d P_R}{d \tau_R}[/tex]
[tex]F_M = S_{RM} + S_{FM} = \frac{d P_M}{d \tau_M}[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F + S_{MF} = \frac{d P_F}{d \tau_F}[/tex]
where we've used T for the thrusts (rear and front) and S for the internal forces between each segment, with the order of subscripts indicating the direction of the internal force (for example, [itex]S_{MR}[/itex] is the internal force exerted by the middle segment on the rear segment). In order to check for consistency with (A) above, we calculate the total momentum gained by the ship per unit time by adding the three forces above:
[tex]F = F_R + F_M + F_F[/tex]
and check to see that the sum equals the sum given in (A) above, i.e., the sum of the externally applied thrusts.
Let's now suppose that the ship starts out at rest, with all forces zero. Then, at time t = 0 in the initial rest frame, the front and rear thrusts are applied. The internal forces at that moment will be zero, because there has been no time for the ship's internal structure to respond to the applied forces. So we will have
[tex]F_R = T_R[/tex]
[tex]F_M = 0[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F[/tex]
when the thrusts are initially applied. This means that, initially, the rear and front segments will gain momentum, but the middle one will not. And you can see from the above that, intially, the sum of the momentum gains by the rear and front segments will be equal to the total momentum gained by the ship, which is equal to the sum of the applied thrusts at front and rear. So momentum is conserved for each individual ship segment, and it's also conserved for the ship as a whole.
In order to predict in detail how the internal forces will develop, we would need a detailed model of the material properties of the ship's structure, which I don't want to discuss here. But in general terms, you can see from the above that, assuming the front and rear thrusts are in the same direction, the initial effect will be that the rear segment will move closer to the middle segment, while the front segment will move further from it. So, after some small time has elapsed, we will have something like this:
[tex]F_R = T_R - C[/tex]
[tex]F_M = C + S[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F - S[/tex]
where C is an internal pressure between the rear and middle segments, which arises because the segments are moving closer together and the material is assumed to resist compression (note the signs of the C terms in each force), and S is an internal tension between the middle and front segments, which arises because the segments are moving further apart, and the material is assumed to resist stretching (again, note the signs of the S terms in each force).
Once again, the above equations automatically conserve momentum for each individual segment. But if we add up the total momentum gained by all the segments, we find that, once again, it's just the sum of the external thrusts applied to front and rear; all the internal forces cancel out (because momentum gained by one segment due to each internal force is exactly balanced by momentum lost by the other segment due to the same force). So again, momentum is conserved for each individual ship segment, and it's also conserved for the ship as a whole.
All this will continue to be true as the internal forces vary with time; for example, the above suggests that after some more time has elapsed, the middle segment will move away from the rear segment and towards the front segment, as part of the oscillation we were discussing in earlier posts. Then we will have:
[tex]F_R = T_R + S[/tex]
[tex]F_M = - S - C[/tex]
[tex]F_F = T_F + C[/tex]
where now S is a tension between the rear and middle segments and C is a pressure between the middle and front segments. The same analysis as above still applies: the internal forces are different than before, but they still cancel out when the total momentum is added up. So at each individual instant of time, momentum is conserved individually for each ship segment, and total momentum is conserved for the ship as a whole. Everything is consistent.
I can discuss more specific cases if you want (meaning specific relative values of the front and rear thrusts), but you can already see from the above that, regardless of whether the front or the rear thrust is larger, or whether they're both the same, conservation of momentum will hold as I've stated it. The only difference the specific relative values of the thrusts makes is to determine what kind of final state will be reached--i.e., will the ship end up stretched or compressed, and so forth--but that question is independent of the question of conservation of momentum.
I should note, since I'm going to address your questions about damping of the oscillations below, that the above model doesn't really include damping, except implicitly in whatever model you come up with for determining the internal forces between the segments. However, damping does not affect the correctness of what I've said above; all it does is add extra equations (dealing with the internal energies of each segment) that still will be consistent with the equations I've written above. If you want me to go into more detail about how that could work, let me know and I'll do so in a future post.
Austin0 said:Where did this energy come from?
Would it completely stop after initial adjustment to acceleration??
Would the system be getting continually hotter??
The energy that heats the ship's structure as it oscillates in response to an externally applied thrust comes from the energy that fuels the source of the thrust--the rocket engine or whatever. The specific mechanism of how that would occur depends on how you model the internal forces between segments of the ship, as I noted above; but in general, the energy is converted into heat as a result of the relative motion between the internal parts of the ship.
If we assume that the ship reaches some steady-state equilibrium while under acceleration (i.e., a state where the internal parts of the ship are no longer moving relative to one another), then the heating of the ship's structure should stop once that steady-state equilibrium is reached, since at that point there is no longer any relative motion between the ship's parts.
Austin0 said:AM I incorrect in my understanding, that kinetic enrgy in its many forms including heat,
results in an increase in inertial mass??
If this is the case, how does this fit into the momentum conservation equation?
It would appear that any part of the directed applied momentum that was internally transformed into kinetic energy, would then contribute to the overall system conservation of momentum as an increase in inertial mass rather than, neccessarily, an increase in system velocity.
Is there some principle I am unaware of that would negate this concept??
It seems like you're trying to separate out momentum from energy, and kinetic energy from other kinds of energy. That's probably not a good way to think of momentum and energy. Relativistically, the important object is the 4-momentum, which includes both momentum and energy and does not distinguish between types of energy--all of them appear in the 4-momentum and they aren't separated out. Trying to separate things out usually causes more problems than it solves.
That said, the quick answers to your questions are:
* Yes, kinetic energy, heat, etc. can all affect inertial mass. See my discussion starting in the paragraph after next.
* The momentum conservation equation deals with 4-momentum, which includes everything, as I noted above. Nothing is left out.
* As you apply constant force to an object, you change its 4-momentum. That's the relativistically invariant way to describe what happens.
In the simplest case, the object's rest mass is constant, and that means that (since 4-momentum is rest mass times 4-velocity) all of the change in the object's 4-momentum, in response to applied force, will be manifested in the object's 4-velocity. Viewed from a specific frame of reference, part of the change in 4-velocity will appear as a change in the object's inertial mass, and part will appear as a change in the object's velocity. The split between the two depends on your frame of reference. If you keep viewing things from the same frame of reference (for example, the initial rest frame of the object to which force is being applied), then as a constant force (thrust) is applied to an object, over time, more and more of the change in 4-velocity will appear as a change in inertial mass, and less and less as a change in velocity (as the object's observed velocity gets closer and closer to the speed of light).
However, an object may have internal degrees of freedom (for example, its individual molecules may vibrate). Energy that is in these internal degrees of freedom--for example, heat--is included, relativistically, in the rest mass of the object. In the example above of the ship oscillating in response to applied thrust, and part of the energy of the oscillation being converted into heat, the effect would be an increase in the ship's rest mass. This is still an increase in 4-momentum, but it would not appear as an increase in velocity; it would appear as an increase in inertial mass, but due to the object's rest mass increasing, not due to its 4-velocity increasing.
Austin0 said:Are we going to discuss any of the other examples in my post??
I'd like your feedback on the above before addressing the spheres scenario or responding to your other questions. But I haven't forgotten the other questions.