Is Fox News Truly Fair and Balanced?

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  • Thread starter Skyhunter
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Dare I say it?Is it because he is black?I would be interested to hear what it was that Fox "uncovered" about Obama that was not common knowledge in all the other news media, including the right wing print media.Asking if Fox news is fair and unbiased is like asking if a trout is dry. They're considered a major joke everywhere outside of the US.I wouldn't say it's a joke, but it's definitely seen as biased and not very reliable. However, I feel that way about most news networks. It's always good to get information from a variety of sources and form your own opinions.
  • #71
LowlyPion said:
Who's frothing at the mouth? It's pretty clear that Fox distorts the News to be supportive of conservative propaganda and talking points.

The fact that they would apparently use deceit and intimidation I'd say unfortunately leaves them acting more like fascists, than anything that might mirror American ideals or values for truth, as they would hypocritically claim.

Yeah, let's say you are absolutely correct. So what? Turn the channel. If there is something better to watch then everyone turns the channel to that. Until then, it's Fox.
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  • #72
drankin said:
Yeah, let's say you are absolutely correct. So what? Turn the channel. If there is something better to watch then everyone turns the channel to that. Until then, it's Fox.

:bugeye: Why would you willingly watch something that feeds you propoganda that panders to your preconcieved notions?
  • #73
Funny I have noticed that whenever liberals are stumped for an answer they start playing symantics i.e. my remark about cool aid or if they can't refute the message they attack the messenger. Once again if there are lies there, document them with facts.

The fact that you don't like O'Riely or anyone elses methods or tactics don't make them a liar. If he is lying it should be fairly easy to document. go for it.
  • #74
Woody101 said:
Funny I have noticed that whenever liberals are stumped for an answer they start playing symantics i.e. my remark about cool aid or if they can't refute the message they attack the messenger. Once again if there are lies there, document them with facts.

The fact that you don't like O'Riely or anyone elses methods or tactics don't make them a liar. If he is lying it should be fairly easy to document. go for it.

I actually am able to use my brain to discern crap when I hear it. You should try it sometime.

In the meantime, I would recommend a real news source. Try it, you might like it:

They use big words and don't talk down to you. You actually get to hear all sides of the argument and form your own opinion. Imagine that... :smile:

Buy hey, if you think someone shouting like a lunatic is "Fair and Balanced" you'll believe anything. Drink up.
  • #75
Cyrus said:
:bugeye: Why would you willingly watch something that feeds you propoganda that panders to your preconcieved notions?

I don't watch it.
  • #76
drankin said:
I don't watch it.

Your cool points just went wayyyyyyyyyyyyy up. Now if we can get you off that junk radio you'll be my hero.
  • #77
turbo-1 said:
Where are the real conservatives like Bill Buckley, Barry Goldwater, etc? We could use some rational adults running the show - people who are driven by ideas and possibilities for the common good and not by a failed ideology.

I think you've put your finger on the Republican Party's identity crisis and power vacuum. The more reasoned and centrist Republicans have been culled from the ranks for tolerating the intolerable, being willing to compromise over issues that fundamentalist cling to with foamy rabidity. Hence the Lincoln Chafees and the Rockefeller Republicans have been driven from the tent with the neocon invasion.

Currently they only have a few reasonably articulate candidates, that don't offer much crossover appeal to independents. Gingrich and his marital problems and Romney the Mormon, unfortunately for them just don't seem to meet the threshold for what I'll call the Bible thumping wing. Which leaves Huckabee, who is likable enough, but who likely can only beat Ron Paul in being less extreme in some of his odd ball ideas. Then there's Jindal that's done himself no favors opening his mouth and Palin who seemed to me to become such a joke by being so absent of analytical horsepower during the campaign, that she looks only good for nods and winks at fundraisers now, where they need a celebrity draw.

Meanwhile the loyal neocon outlets like Fox soldier on even though they have been repudiated by the economy, the elections and continuing public opinion.
  • #78
Now that I've watched Skyhunter's videos, I do have something against the entire Fox network... but I'm still going to watch Smallville.
That Charlie Rose show is pretty much in line with 'Mansbridge One-on-One', 'Take Thirty', and other Canuck shows. I watched only the first 5 minutes or so of the interview with the Secretary of the Treasury, but it was enough to get a feel for it. The guy asks intelligent, relevant questions, then shuts the hell up and let's the guest answer. That's what a journalist is supposed to do.
  • #79
Cyrus said:
I actually am able to use my brain to discern crap when I hear it. You should try it sometime.

In the meantime, I would recommend a real news source. Try it, you might like it:

They use big words and don't talk down to you. You actually get to hear all sides of the argument and form your own opinion. Imagine that... :smile:

Buy hey, if you think someone shouting like a lunatic is "Fair and Balanced" you'll believe anything. Drink up.

Ah once again symantics to avoid addressing the issue. If there is a lie document it. Can't be all that hard if everything on Fox is a lie.
  • #80
Woody101 said:
Ah once again symantics to avoid addressing the issue. If there is a lie document it. Can't be all that hard if everything on Fox is a lie.

Did I say fox was a lie? I said it wasnt fair and balanced.

If I did say it, please show me, because I honestly don't recall making such a claim.
  • #81
Well let me see, Fox claims to be fair and ballanced, you claim they are not, somebody at Fox must be fibbing then. Who and when?
  • #82
You do understand the fact that someone can be unfair and biased while not telling a lie? Also, one can tell a series of perfectly valid facts that do not lead to a logical conclusion. This is how the 'fair and balanced' bozos get away with this nonsense.

You were also provided a video of Bill O'Foolery and his blatant bias. Thats who, that's when.
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  • #83
Ivan Seeking said:
You and I probably agree that infotainment is a bad thing because it blurs the line between news and gibberish. However, while Stewart may be doing real news and commentary under the guise of comedy, Fox is a tabloid masquerading as a news agency, which is far more dangerous.
If the issue is one of degree of effect, then I don't rate Fox cable that high. The cable end (Oreilly, etc) by definition reaches far fewer people that the broadcast networks NBC, CBS, ABC, and radio's NPR.
  • #84
I also pointed out some glaring errors in the video that did not pertain to O'Riely but nobody cares to address that obviously because it is a blatant bias that supports their side of the argument. Further, as all you scientists know, the exception does not prove the rule. O'Riely is just one small part of Fox News. If that is the case then we can assume that Network news is all false based on the Dan Rather incident. If I am not mistaken the title of those videos was Fox News Lies. Further, name calling "bozos" and "O'Foolery" is very immature and unprofessional.
  • #85
Woody101 said:

Have you ever actually listened to the guy? That name should be on his birth certificate.
  • #86
The spirit of Bill O'Reilly haunts this thread. And as he pounces, the unsuspecting patron finds oneself snared in a verbally abusive tug-of-war. That is the O'Reilly Factor. And it is everywhere.
  • #87
seycyrus said:
It made you sick? Gut wrenching nausea? Uncontrollable spasms?

Really now...

It was humorous.

It was not humorous. One guy from them received death threats from some Canadians (who none better than him), so he canceled his show in Canada. I don't see how good humor would spark such controversy.
In Canada, the comments sparked outrage from coast to coast. Benson was scheduled to appear in Canada at Edmonton's The Comic Strip April 3-5, 2009, but the shows were canceled after the owner received threats of "bodily injury" toward the American comic. "Some were saying he wouldn't make it from the airport to the club. For everyone's safety, we decided it was best to avoid the scenario altogether," manager Rick Bronson said.
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  • #88
Woody101 said:
The fact that you don't like O'Riely or anyone elses methods or tactics don't make them a liar. If he is lying it should be fairly easy to document. go for it.

Didn't watch the video did you?

How about this one?<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Here are a few more of Bill O'Rielly's lies.<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Shall I go on?
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  • #89
This is the lie that drops my jaw.<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And he keeps repeating it?
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  • #90
Woody101 said:
I also pointed out some glaring errors in the video that did not pertain to O'Riely but nobody cares to address that obviously because it is a blatant bias that supports their side of the argument. Further, as all you scientists know, the exception does not prove the rule. O'Riely is just one small part of Fox News. If that is the case then we can assume that Network news is all false based on the Dan Rather incident. If I am not mistaken the title of those videos was Fox News Lies. Further, name calling "bozos" and "O'Foolery" is very immature and unprofessional.

Kinda like yelling at your guests and turning their mics off.
  • #91
mheslep said:
If the issue is one of degree of effect, then I don't rate Fox cable that high. The cable end (Oreilly, etc) by definition reaches far fewer people that the broadcast networks NBC, CBS, ABC, and radio's NPR.

No that wasn't the point. The point was that your comparison of Stewart to Fox is bogus.
  • #92
Not to mention that

NEW YORK (AP) — CNN is poised to finish March third in the prime-time weeknight ratings behind Fox News Channel and MSNBC, the first time this has ever happened for the channel that pioneered the cable news genre nearly three decades ago.

Clearly Fox Noise does reach a wide audience.

Between Fox and hate radio, is it any wonder that we're in the mess we're in now?
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  • #93
Cyrus said:
Kinda like yelling at your guests and turning their mics off.

Sometimes, I think it's staged. It has to be.
  • #94
Ivan Seeking said:
Not to mention that

Clearly Fox Noise does reach a wide audience.

Between Fox and hate radio, is it any wonder that we're in the mess we're in now?

You have got to be kidding. Fox News caused the housing and banking crisis, is that what you want me to believe?
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  • #95
They sure as hell didn't help. I'd say that by supporting that moron Bush, they did indeed contribute to the current situation.
  • #96
Danger said:
They sure as hell didn't help. I'd say that by supporting that moron Bush, they did indeed contribute to the current situation.

Perhaps you are unaware of what party has had control of the House and Senate for the last few years. Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that the Bush Administration warned several years ago that Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae needed closer regulation and scrutiny but those warnings went unheeded by the legislature but the head of the banking subcomittee spoke to how great both organizations were and how well they were running. Perhaps you are unaware that Senator Dodd got a huge contribution from AIG. It is about time the liberal side of the aisle stepped up and took some of the responsibility for the chaos they helped to create. This whole mess is not entirely their fault but they sure as hell had a hand in it.
  • #97
Woody101 said:
Perhaps you are unaware of what party has had control of the House and Senate for the last few years. Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that the Bush Administration warned several years ago that Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae needed closer regulation and scrutiny but those warnings went unheeded by the legislature but the head of the banking subcomittee spoke to how great both organizations were and how well they were running. Perhaps you are unaware that Senator Dodd got a huge contribution from AIG. It is about time the liberal side of the aisle stepped up and took some of the responsibility for the chaos they helped to create. This whole mess is not entirely their fault but they sure as hell had a hand in it.

Perhaps you are unaware that it was the 108th and 109th Congress (both Republican controlled) that failed to enact legislation for oversight over the GSE's. The 110th Congress under Democratic control passed legislation in July 2008.

Perhaps you are unaware that Obama and McCain also received large campaign contributions from AIG.

And did you know that Dodd is giving his back?

I agree there is plenty of blame to go around. But let us keep it in perspective.
  • #98
Ivan Seeking said:
No that wasn't the point. The point was that your comparison of Stewart to Fox is bogus.
<sigh> I did not mention Fox in my Stewart post.
  • #99
Ivan Seeking said:
Not to mention that

Clearly Fox Noise does reach a wide audience.

Between Fox and hate radio, is it any wonder that we're in the mess we're in now?
Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast, not cable. That is where the numbers lie.
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  • #100
Fox employs a technique known as neural linguistic programming. You are the one who becomes programmed.:eek:

It involves Interrupting a person at key points, inserting the newscasters own view using verbal and hand motions at key points and sometimes in a nearly imperceptible manner.

They break down the credibility of the person being interviewed in the same way.

Watch them do an interview with someone who has an opposing viewpoint. You will see it once you know it is there. It may take a few tries and then it jumps out as being very apparent.
  • #103
LowlyPion said:
Now comes Fox Nation:
Their motto?

I'm thinking if people actually do that, what audience will Fox have left?

Interesting article about the network and its bias and the business niche their launch is attempting to profit from.:

Perhaps you should read Bill O'Riely's column in todays paper, it might give you a different perspective on him.
  • #104
Woody101 said:
Perhaps you should read Bill O'Riely's column in todays paper, it might give you a different perspective on him.

Have him send it to me then.

Until then I'll continue to think he is a self absorbed, ill tempered bully that can't take a punch.
  • #105
LowlyPion: I am sure with a few clicks of the mouse you could find it online if you were really interested. Obviously you don't want to make any effort because what he says might run contrary to your bias.

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