Is Frequency a Fundamental Property of Signals or a Mathematical Construct?

  • Thread starter fisico30
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In summary, temporal frequency in signal analysis is measured in Hz and is the inverse of the period. The concept of instantaneous frequency is the time derivative of the phase angle in angle modulations of signals. When a finite time signal is Fourier analyzed, it shows a band of frequencies, with the size of the band increasing as the signal becomes shorter. While the concept of a single frequency is useful for mathematical analysis, it is not always reflective of the complex oscillatory behavior of real signals. The idea of instantaneous frequency, representing how fast a signal changes its current state with time, can provide a more accurate understanding. Additionally, the spectral bandwidth of a signal is a physical property and can be affected by factors such as the lifetime of an emitter.
  • #1
We all know what temporal frequency is. It is measured in Hz. it is the inverse of the period.
It tells the number of cycles per second etc...
In signal analysis there is the concept of instantaneous frequency as the time derivative of the phase angle (see angle modulations of signals).

When a finite time signal (like all real, physical signal) is Fourier analyzed, it shows a band of frequencies (the shorter the signal the larger the band). There is some sort of uncertainty.

Take the case of a cosine modulated by a Gaussian: [exp(-t^2)]*cos(t).
The time distance between peak is constant, and the instantaneous frequency is constant: equal to 1.
The maximum amplitude is changing in time however (increasing and decreasing to zero).

The finite time signal does not have a pure constant frequency, in the sense that it is not a pure sinusoid.
Why do we have to measure a signal for an infinite amount of time to say that it has a specific, single frequency? Is the idea of frequency strictly tied to the idea of infinite sinusoidal functions?
But those sinusoids are just unphysical, math constructs.
Where is the good in saying that a function representing (the best it can) a finite time signal does not have a single frequency, when compared to an ideal sinusoid?
An emitter starts and ends emitting radiation. Done. Why is it so useful to compare it to ideal, unreal sinusoids? It works mathematically, but maybe I am missing something philosophical about uncertainties...

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  • #2

fisico30 said:
We all know what temporal frequency is. It is measured in Hz. it is the inverse of the period.
It tells the number of cycles per second etc...
In signal analysis there is the concept of instantaneous frequency as the time derivative of the phase angle (see angle modulations of signals).

When a finite time signal (like all real, physical signal) is Fourier analyzed, it shows a band of frequencies (the shorter the signal the larger the band). There is some sort of uncertainty.

Take the case of a cosine modulated by a Gaussian: [exp(-t^2)]*cos(t).
The time distance between peak is constant

Really? I find that hard to believe. Can you prove that?

and the instantaneous frequency is constant: equal to 1.

Again, can you give a proof?
  • #3

fisico30 said:
Why do we have to measure a signal for an infinite amount of time to say that it has a specific, single frequency? Is the idea of frequency strictly tied to the idea of infinite sinusoidal functions?
But those sinusoids are just unphysical, math constructs.
Where is the good in saying that a function representing (the best it can) a finite time signal does not have a single frequency, when compared to an ideal sinusoid?
An emitter starts and ends emitting radiation. Done. Why is it so useful to compare it to ideal, unreal sinusoids? It works mathematically, but maybe I am missing something philosophical about uncertainties...


Conceptually, you are correct. Real emitters have a non-zero bandwidth.

However, the utility of Fourier Analysis, of plane waves and spherical waves, sines, cosine and exp(ikz) is too great to simply throw out as a poor approximation. In fact, as long as the time/spatial region of interest is sufficiently large (alternatively, the bandwidth is much less than the central frequency), then it's possible to have a good mathematical approximation using sinusoids, and in so doing gain all the mathematical tools available for signal analysis.

Even so, sometimes it's best to work in so-called 'reciprocal space' (frequency space), because then the detailed temporal or spatial profile of a pulse is less relevant.
  • #4

Thank you Dr. Resnick.
So I guess I need to get rid of my idea

A real signal oscillates in time the way it wants, and for how long it wants.
The mathematical language of Fourier theory is just a tool, useful to use other processing tools.
Single Frequency, per se, then only indicates a constant frequency (forever so) that only belongs to pure sinusoidal functions.
I like the instantaneous frequency concept, representing how fast a signal changes its current state (its instantaneous phase) with time.

I guess, when talking about lifetime, correlation and so on in radiation processes,
saying that an emitter has a short lifetime means that it gets "disturbed" in its radiating action. As a mathematical consequence, its frequency "linewidth" is large.
The lifetime idea is then very physical to me, while the linewidth idea is more mathematical, and does not directly reflect the ondulatory behavior of the emitted signal.

Instantaneous frequency and the frequency band of the signal are not correlated.
thanks once again!
  • #5

Hi Xezlec,
this is what i meant

take the signal cos(5*t). The phase is 5t. Take its time derivative and you get 5, a constant. taht is the instantaneous freq.

take the signal cos(5*t^2). Do the same: take the time derivative and get 5t. This means that the inst freq is a function of time.

  • #6

actually... 10t sorry
  • #7

Hello Dr. Resnick,

check this out, in regards to bandwidth. Dr. Paschotta shows that the spectral bandwidth of a signal is physical."

but I am not sure I get the gendanken experiment described before the beginning of the "Tow pulses section".

.Do you?
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FAQ: Is Frequency a Fundamental Property of Signals or a Mathematical Construct?

1. What is temporal frequency?

Temporal frequency refers to the rate at which a repeating event or cycle occurs over a specific period of time. It is commonly used in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields to describe the frequency of a periodic function such as sound waves, light waves, or electrical signals.

2. How is temporal frequency measured?

Temporal frequency is typically measured in units of hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to the number of cycles per second. For example, a sound wave with a frequency of 440 Hz means that the sound wave completes 440 cycles in one second. Other units of measurement for temporal frequency include revolutions per minute (RPM) and radians per second (rad/s).

3. What is the relationship between temporal frequency and wavelength?

Temporal frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: frequency = speed of wave / wavelength.

4. How does temporal frequency affect perception?

In the field of neuroscience, temporal frequency is an important factor in how our brains perceive and process information. For example, visual stimuli with a high temporal frequency may appear smoother and more continuous to us, while stimuli with a low temporal frequency may appear more choppy and discrete.

5. How can temporal frequency be manipulated or controlled?

Temporal frequency can be manipulated or controlled through various means depending on the type of wave. For example, the frequency of a sound wave can be changed by adjusting the tension or length of a string on a musical instrument. In electronics, the frequency of an electrical signal can be altered using filters or oscillators.
