Is Israel's Sacrifice of Territory for Ceasefire a Triumph for Terrorism?

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I agree that most likely want it to just go away, but this seems unlikely. I think that this is a problem that will be passed on from generation to generation. It is an intractable problem. But you are wrong about the fanatics. It is the fanatics who have no solutions that are refusing to let it go. The people I talked to on this flight, and others, all seem to want some kind of a solution. I don't know, but I certainly don't think that we should be helping to make it worse by promoting the deterioration of Israeli power against the Palestinians.In summary, Israel has recently given up control
  • #71
Hatred of innocents is so unattractive, Kat...but indifference because of racism is worse.

BTW...calling me anti-semitic is idiocy...being anti-Israel isn't anti-Jewish. Too bad you can't see a distiction, but that is par for the course with you. Palestinians, I'm sure, feel they are exercising their right to protect themselves too.
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  • #72
zero told me something very insightful once. when someone bombs a cafe in the west bank, and the israelis respond by taking out half a village, that only gives the future bombers that are waiting in the wings more fuel for their "cause". so the question then becomes, how do we resolve the issue without giving the palestinians more and more reasons to hate and want to kill the israelis? each time an israeli assassination squad takes out another village, while the palestinians in that village can only fight back with rocks and other things like that, it makes them want to say "hey, maybe i should go to one of those suicide bomber training camps." and kat talks about the israelis' right to defend themselves. what about the palenstinians' right to defend themselves when israel retaliates? i don't know about kat, but my mom always taught me that violence in retaliation for violence solves why do you support israel's violence in retaliation for violence? it solves nothing.
  • #73
so the question then becomes, how do we resolve the issue without giving the palestinians more and more reasons to hate and want to kill the israelis?

NO. No, I believe the real question is this: Who will be the stronger country and decide not to take the next step? To instead rely on defense, but not attack. Who will be the peaceful country, the one who offers not only a ceasefire, but will make an offer towards peace? An offer such as giving trust to the other country. Not complete trust, but a little, and a trust that will grow and could very well become a friendship. These two countries need to see their faults. They need to learn that two wrongs DO NOT make a right and that their war is killing their own people. And the war is killing their people over what? Some land and differences in beliefs. So they have to learn one more thing. Accept people for who they are.
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  • #74
Greetings !

halfadyke's and shadow's messages reveal a clear lack of knowledge
and understanding of the real situation. Zero's editing of
my previous post reveals, again :wink:, his clear bias on
this issue since no one would edit my message otherwise
since it simply expressed the incredible misunderstanding and
lack of info on the issue that the person to whose message
I responded there showed.

Live long and prosper.
  • #75
Originally posted by drag
Greetings !

halfadyke's and shadow's messages reveal a clear lack of knowledge
and understanding of the real situation. Zero's editing of
my previous post reveals, again :wink:, his clear bias on
this issue since no one would edit my message otherwise
since it simply expressed the incredible misunderstanding and
lack of info on the issue that the person to whose message
I responded there showed.

Live long and prosper.

Funny how you claim that only your views are correct, and that you should respond by posting content-free insults, and then complain when they are deleted.

Stay on topic.
  • #76
Greetings !

halfadyke's and shadow's messages reveal a clear lack of knowledge
and understanding of the real situation. Zero's editing of
my previous post reveals, again , his clear bias on
this issue since no one would edit my message otherwise
since it simply expressed the incredible misunderstanding and
lack of info on the issue that the person to whose message
I responded there showed.

How so? Lately some of your posts seem to be less intelectual and more critical. You say things about Halfdyke and I yet I was responding to Halfdykes post and he was responding to Kat and Zero. You have contributed little to this topic in your past few posts and even before that, you said Kat was wrong when she was expressing her opinion/ view on the matter.

And if I have "A clear Lack Of Knowledge" how would you propose to resolve the issue? How would you have them make peace?
  • #77
Originally posted by kat
I don't quite understand what was wrong with Rw's post, I read it quickly just after it was posted and although I don't remember exactly what it didn't seem problematic...
What was the issue?
Hmm, yeah, it was a while ago, but if I remember correctly, it was just an explanation of how hiding amongst civilians is a Geneva Convention violation and therefore the majority of Arab civilian deaths are crimes comitted by Arabs.

]Originally posted by Zero Funny how you claim that only your views are correct..
Etu Brutei. Zero, you are making this entire forum pointless.
  • #78
Russ, if you don't like it, leave. Period.

Shadow, ignore Drag's personal comments, and stay on topic.
  • #79
For as far as the eye can see, this joker of a president has provided us with war and poverty. The MOST he can do is hand over all the power of this nation to the Pentagon and claim credit for its victories, while passing the blame to others for failures -- no wonder everybody he works with gets fired.
The terrorist acts against Israel slow down, while our boys get fragged for what reason? Why is our joker president so chummy with the Brits? Is he a redcoat in disguise? Let's do away with the old empires and revive the American Republic. The traitors in our midst have sensitive positions in the government.
  • #80
And, on that note...we're through.

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