Is It A Plane? What Is The Final Velocity Of The Arrow?

  • Thread starter DragonReign71
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving shooting an arrow at a 30 degree angle and landing it at 30 degrees with a time of 3 seconds and a distance of 79.9847 meters. The link provided offers more information on the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement
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The information is there.
Its vertical sorry.
But I need to know the final velocity.


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  • #2
What is the actual problem as given to you? A diagram with a bunch of numbers is not very helpful.
  • #3
There is no problem actually given to me. I actually shot the arrow. I shot the arrow 30 degrees and landed 30 degrees. The time it took was 3 seconds to land. The distance was 79.9847 meters.
  • #5
Hey ... it worked ...
Thank you sir.

FAQ: Is It A Plane? What Is The Final Velocity Of The Arrow?

1. What is the scientific explanation behind shooting an arrow?

The scientific explanation behind shooting an arrow involves the principles of Newton's laws of motion. When an arrow is released, it experiences a force in the opposite direction of its motion due to the tension in the bow. This force causes the arrow to accelerate and move forward. As it travels through the air, it also experiences air resistance, which slows it down. The trajectory of the arrow is also affected by gravity, causing it to eventually fall to the ground.

2. How does the shape of an arrow affect its flight?

The shape of an arrow, specifically its aerodynamic design, plays a crucial role in its flight. A streamlined and balanced shape reduces air resistance, allowing the arrow to travel faster and farther. The fletching, or feathers, on the back of the arrow also help to stabilize its flight by creating drag and keeping the arrow pointed in the right direction.

3. What is the optimal angle for shooting an arrow?

The optimal angle for shooting an arrow depends on various factors, such as the distance and target. However, in general, the optimal angle for maximum distance is around 45 degrees. This angle allows the arrow to cover the most horizontal distance while still maintaining enough height to avoid hitting the ground too soon.

4. How does the weight of the arrow affect its trajectory?

The weight of an arrow can significantly impact its trajectory. A heavier arrow will experience less air resistance and maintain its speed better than a lighter arrow. This can result in a flatter and more accurate trajectory. However, a lighter arrow may have a faster initial speed, making it more suitable for shorter distances.

5. Can an arrow be affected by external factors during flight?

Yes, an arrow can be affected by external factors such as wind, temperature, and humidity during flight. Wind can cause the arrow to veer off course, while temperature and humidity can affect the air density, which can impact the arrow's speed and trajectory. It is essential to consider these factors when shooting an arrow for maximum accuracy.
