Is It Possible to Boost Your IQ with These Simple Tips?

  • Thread starter Zygotic Embryo
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In summary: Online IQ tests are just games. They're not very accurate and they're not very serious. If you're interested in taking one, I recommend It's one of the more difficult ones I've taken.
  • #1
Zygotic Embryo
Mine isn't great but it's ok

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Physics news on
  • #2
This threads stupid. I have nothing else to say, until I change my mind.
  • #3
Hey, mk

You need a haircut.

+1 to my IQ
  • #4
Zygotic Embryo said:
Is that a score you received on a test?
  • #5
Yes, an online test.
  • #6
lol, an online test? Those aren't the most accurate per se, its better if you have a psycologist give you a test.
  • #7
Zygotic Embryo said:
Yes, an online test.
There are no IQ tests online.
  • #8
Yes there are...
  • #9
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  • #11
Zygotic Embryo said:
Yes, an online test.

i did some of them tests myself. I learned that my IQ varies between 102 and 157...the only valuable data you can get from those tests is if you can compare scores. several people should take the same test and the scores yield relative IQ values...

  • #12
Oh, really?

I've taken two, and recieved

126 and a 146..

always end with a six for some reason
  • #13
Zygotic Embryo said:
Oh, really?

I've taken two, and recieved

126 and a 146..

always end with a six for some reason

give me a link to a test that you did and i will do it me , i will be honest in revealing my IQ


ps please not a test that takes too long because i got to work
  • #14

or just goto

it's the most scientifically correct test on the net
  • #15
You just say that because you own the site.
  • #16
good job MK
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  • #17
Zygotic Embryo said:
i own you mac

i did the test, yet i do not get any results in my email. ps : i think you should be ashamed of yourself, asking money for IQ tests, *******

  • #18
Zygotic Embryo doesn't own the site. I was just kidding.
  • #19
  • #20
Online IQ tests are just games, they aren't serious tests. If you enjoy doing them, some people find the one at one of the hardest.

I was tested at the request of my school when I was 11, so I do actually know my IQ, or rather what it was at that age. IQ just shows potential, if you don't do anything with it, nothing will happen. I would guess that some of the smartest people here have less than stellar IQ's, but they pursued a higher education and know more than some with very high IQ's that were not as motivated.
  • #21
The most horrifying thing about IQ scores is the fact that half the population must have IQ's lower than 100! Shudder.
  • #22
Chi Meson said:
The most horrifying thing about IQ scores is the fact that half the population must have IQ's lower than 100
And relative to Britain's population, half of America's population has IQs below 98.

-- 08/29/04 - Lynn and Vanhanen’s IQ And The Wealth Of ...
... 110, 109, 107, 107—on a scale where Britain is 100 and the US is 98. ...
  • #23
136 would actually be a pretty good IQ. With a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 or 16, it would put you 2+ SD's above the mean. That would put you in the top 1-2%.

As for me, I don't think I've ever taken an actual IQ test. The closest I've ever come would probably be the GRE, which had a table that calculated your IQ based on your percentile on the test. Of course since it's fairly easy to prep for standardized tests and improve your score (studying vocabulary lists for example) I don't see how it could be very accurate. Maybe in my case (since I did zero prep) it would be, but I tend to doubt it.
  • #24
Grogs said:
Of course since it's fairly easy to prep for standardized tests and improve your score (studying vocabulary lists for example) I don't see how it could be very accurate.
Unless things have changed in the past 20 years or so, Oriental children consistently outscore North American and European ones on the same tests because they have a cultural appreciation for patterns (ie: gardens, complex pictographs, etc.). Likewise, someone with a lot of reading experience, even if it's just Jackie Collins novels, will outscore a more intelligent TV addict on the verbal sections.
As Evo said, IQ is just a measure of relative capacity for knowledge. What you put in there and how you use it is the true test of intelligence.
  • #25
It's already been proven that IQ isn't necessarily an indication of personal success. Many people of average intelligence go on to be very successful while many people with high IQ's (say anything over 140) have have average or little success.

Online tests are just for kicks. To get a truly accurate representation you could use a stanford-binet test, or a WISQ III test. A truly accurate test will measure response times to certain things, problem solving and spatial reasoning. Some components of a true IQ test can't be measured online.
Like Evo I was tested by a psychologist as a child, and I will telll you that the actual tests may have some similarities to the real thing, but they lack a lot.

Like so many other things in life, it's not the size, it's how you use it :biggrin:

Also on the asian thing- that's a myth. You have to understand the cultural differences. In countries like japan(and I know some people will back me on this) which are collectivistic, there is a lot more societal pressure to do well in school. I know for instance, that in Japan, a job is what defines your whole self. If you don't have a successful career, you have nothing. So there is immense pressure to do well in school, and get a good job. So they study study study. Which could explain why the suicide rate is quadruple the US, but that's another story...

EDIT: Danger I skimmed your post and I went back just now and reread more closely... you're probably right on the visual acuity parts
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  • #26
Grogs said:
Of course since it's fairly easy to prep for standardized tests and improve your score (studying vocabulary lists for example) I don't see how it could be very accurate.
Since many persons prepare for the GRE, and learning is a function of g, the preparation itself might constitute a highly-g-loaded IQ test.
  • #27
Danger said:
Likewise, someone with a lot of reading experience, even if it's just Jackie Collins novels, will outscore a more intelligent TV addict on the verbal sections.
Your math does not seem to lead to that conclusion.
  • #28
hitssquad said:
Since many persons prepare for the GRE, and learning is a function of g, the preparation itself might constitute a highly-g-loaded IQ test.

Can you define 'g', or even better give me a link?

If they assume a certain amount of prep, then that would certainly indicate to me that my IQ would be higher than indicated. In my particular case (at a military academy) we were told 'Hey, instead of going out drinking Saturday night, you all get to take the GRE's instead.' Needless to say we were not particularly thrilled about the prospect and nobody I know did any prep whatsoever. Of course on the other side of the equation would be the fact that I was a Senior in college at the time, majoring in physics, and my math skills were probably better than at any time before or after that.

Also, the GRE, like any multiple choice test, suffers from its form. I don't think I've ever failed a multiple-choice test in my life. On the other hand, I've had friends who were *far* more knowledgeable on a subject than I was who failed. I think it has a lot to do with the ability to separate reasonable from unreasonable in the answers. While I would suggest that's at least one part of intelligence, I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with true knowledge. In the real world, rocket scientists don't problems like 'you need to lift a 100-ton rocket into LEO orbit, how much thrust do you need (choose A, B, C, or D).'
  • #29

Are you sure? EVO
  • #30
Danger said:
Unless things have changed in the past 20 years or so, Oriental children consistently outscore North American and European ones on the same tests because they have a cultural appreciation for patterns (ie: gardens, complex pictographs, etc.).

  • #31
plus said:

Regardless of whether that statement was right or wrong, well, what the hell are you on about?!

Would you call me racist for saying that Danger's a Canadian, and that I'm a Brit, and that I'm cleverer than him?!
  • #33
brewnog said:
Regardless of whether that statement was right or wrong, well, what the hell are you on about?!

Would you call me racist for saying that Danger's a Canadian, and that I'm a Brit, and that I'm cleverer than him?!

I disagree with asian supremany theory - the pc version of white supremacy.
  • #34
- 136 but I am told i have great potential
  • #35
plus said:
I disagree with asian supremany theory - the pc version of white supremacy.
"...the pc version of white supremacy." I haven't heard this one before!

Anyway, Danger was referring to a cultural phenomenon, not a racial one.

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