Is It Possible to Boost Your IQ with These Simple Tips?

  • Thread starter Zygotic Embryo
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In summary: Online IQ tests are just games. They're not very accurate and they're not very serious. If you're interested in taking one, I recommend It's one of the more difficult ones I've taken.
  • #36
IQ tests online are drastically different than such tests as WAIS, Stanford Binet, etc...For one it is completely inaccurate to put a test which takes 15 minutes and one which takes several days (hours a day) on the same level. Concentration is an integral aspect of IQ, anyone who has taken advanced math realizes this. One may be able to imagine up an outline to a solution, the aspect of getting to it precisely is almost a separate issue (that is many can achieve the former, but screw up endlessly on the latter).

Despite what the disclaimers proclaim in pertinence to the correlation of their tests to WAIS, Stanford, SAT, the reliabilty of their tests is just not the same.

It would be foolish trust an online IQ tests, IQ in the original term can soley be measured by the tests attributed to the inventors of such a concept. For me, IQ is such an unimportant can claim a ingenious IQ and waste their lives away, they have either had no potential in the first place, or have completely lost it somehow; sadly, most people who brag about their high IQ are pathetic underachievers.
Physics news on
  • #37
"When I was a kid I sneaked off and got into the files and looked up our IQs. Mine was 124 and his was 123. So I was actually smarter than he was!"

Joan Feynman
Quoted in No Ordinary Genius by Cristopher Sykes, 1994

When I read things like this I came back to the same thought: IQ tests are a very good measure of how well a person does on IQ tests.
  • #38
plus said:

Aren't we over-reacting a little bit here plus??
How is it highly insulting?

At my school, we have a 10-15% rate of Hong Kong Chinese students who for whatever reason seem to be far better than us Brits at Maths. Indeed, the further maths 'A' level class at our school is referred to by many students as 'Chinese Maths'!
This is done in a friendly way, and it is a fact that this always seems to be the case with our HK students.

Is my honest description of our multi-cultural College racist??

Incidentally, the Head of the Maths Department tells me that his pet theory is that in learning such a complicated written language, the students learn early on to recognise patterns and this is what gives them an advantage. This may or may not be total nonsense, but it certainly isn't racist.

Chill out!
  • #39
Zygotic Embryo said:
you got your test on, and you believe it? mine is 134 from a school given test, but who cares, nobody really cares about IQs for anything important in life.

  • #40 is a joke lol
  • #41
1 said:
you got your test on, and you believe it? mine is 134 from a school given test, but who cares, nobody really cares about IQs for anything important in life.


You're right, I don't think anyone would ever ask what your IQ is at a job interview. They might ask about your grades in school, standardized test scores, etc, but those are *indicators* of what it might be. IQ is only half the picture after all. As with other things in life, what you do with it is nearly as important as what you are given. There have been many people with low IQ's who have done very well for themselves. On the other end of the spectrum, I'm sure more than one person with a 140+ has ended up in a gutter strung out on drugs.
  • #42
Grogs said:
... On the other end of the spectrum, I'm sure more than one person with a 140+ has ended up in a gutter strung out on drugs.

It was a ditch!

..and how did you find out?
  • #43
plus said:
How in the world is that insulting when it's a fact? Nobody said you were stupid, or that some particular Asian is smarter than you. They just provided a fact, just like those reports which state the best schools in America and stuff. It's the same thing, except with races...Why do you think that there are such high percenteges of Asians at top schools in America?
  • #44
plus said:
I smell troll so I won't even bother going into this one, being a white kid raised by a Chinese father and all...

I always wanted my IQ tested in my early 20s and after taking a few (both real and online) came to the conclusion that these tests really do test one thing, how good you are at taking IQ tests. In one case I took the same test twice 6 months apart and scored about 14 points different between them. Possibly I was distracted the night before the second one? Not in the mood to take a test? It doesn't matter I don't think the # is nearly as important as what you do with your own potential.
  • #45
Either I am a genius, or online IQ scores are generally higher than "real" scores.
  • #46
But a number is one of the qualifications to get into gifted and talented programs at some primary and secondary schools.
  • #47
Mk said:
But a number is one of the qualifications to get into gifted and talented programs at some primary and secondary schools.
That's another thing, does the IQ score of a 9 or 10 year old actually mean anything? If they test high at that age is it an indicator that they would also score high as an adult?
  • #48
Mk said:
But a number is one of the qualifications to get into gifted and talented programs at some primary and secondary schools.
After my IQ results came back, the public school I went to tried to get my parents to send me to a school for the "academically able", you had to have a minimum IQ of 140 to even be considered. A few years ago, "60 minutes" did a special on these schools for child geniuses and the school that was suggested to my parents was one of the ones featured. Among the graduates were a belly dancer, a short order cook, no one went on to anything great. Glad my parents didn't make me go.
  • #49
ShadowKnight said:
That's another thing, does the IQ score of a 9 or 10 year old actually mean anything? If they test high at that age is it an indicator that they would also score high as an adult?
I believe scores actually tend to go down later in life for those that score very high when young.
  • #50
Oh? I thought they kept going higher, until the mid-teens, then plateaued out.
  • #51
Mk said:
Oh? I thought they kept going higher, until the mid-teens, then plateaued out.
Yes, after mid-teens, they will usually plateau or drop. I don't think many increase in these situations.
  • #52
I think this thread has the highest concentration of troll posts I've seen here in while. Since that one guy, in the thread-killers thread.
  • #53
franznietzsche said:
I think this thread has the highest concentration of troll posts I've seen here in while. Since that one guy, in the thread-killers thread.

Who would that be..
  • #54
Evo said:
"60 minutes" did a special on these schools for child geniuses and the school that was suggested to my parents was one of the ones featured. Among the graduates were a belly dancer, a short order cook, no one went on to anything great.

Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise
  • #55
The_Professional said:
Who would that be..

I don't remember exactly. It seems both he and his posts have been erased from PF existence. he was being a real pain in the arse between posts 1000 to 3000, especially around 2000. For get the name, it was so long ago, but i just looked and his posts are definitely no longer there.

Edit: Just checked my PMs, his name was Bart
  • #56
Danger said:
Unless things have changed in the past 20 years or so, Oriental children consistently outscore North American and European ones on the same tests because they have a cultural appreciation for patterns (ie: gardens, complex pictographs, etc.). Likewise, someone with a lot of reading experience, even if it's just Jackie Collins novels, will outscore a more intelligent TV addict on the verbal sections.
As Evo said, IQ is just a measure of relative capacity for knowledge. What you put in there and how you use it is the true test of intelligence.

True words of wisdom...

  • #57
zoobyshoe said:
When I read things like this I came back to the same thought: IQ tests are a very good measure of how well a person does on IQ tests.

Never thought about it like that...but it is indeed very true

marlon, this is a line to remember :smile:
  • #58
Evo said:
Among the graduates were a belly dancer, a short order cook, no one went on to anything great.

What, belly dancing ain't great ?C' need a very high 'lumbago-coordination-IQ' for that, bedies the way you look also plays a very important rule in the IQ-determination :wink:

  • #59
marlon said:

Never thought about it like that...but it is indeed very true

marlon, this is a line to remember :smile:
For a nominal fee, you may use it in your signature.
  • #60
zoobyshoe said:
For a nominal fee, you may use it in your signature.
:smile: err, i think i'll stick to the Requiem extract

  • #61
Evo said:
Among the graduates were a belly dancer, a short order cook, no one went on to anything great. Glad my parents didn't make me go.
I can definitely see you as a belly dancer. In fact, I often do on those nights when my doggie suit is in the laundry and my Teddy bear catches on in time to hide.

marlon said:
True words of wisdom...
Once again, you flatter me too much. If you didn't have such a hot girlfriend, I'd start to worry about this.
  • #62
Danger said:
I can definitely see you as a belly dancer. In fact, I often do on those nights when my doggie suit is in the laundry and my Teddy bear catches on in time to hide.

ha, that's a coincidence...same here

Once again, you flatter me too much. If you didn't have such a hot girlfriend, I'd start to worry about this.

i can relate...

  • #63
marlon said:
:smile: err, i think i'll stick to the Requiem extract

I have signatures disabled anyway. I wouldn't even see it if you used it.
  • #64
zoobyshoe said:
I have signatures disabled anyway. I wouldn't even see it if you used it.
The only times that I wish I had the signature disable turned on is when Ivan or Astro show up. It's nothing against their signatures per se, but they take up so much memory that my other applications quit whenever they post.

marlon said:
i can relate...
Obviously, or you wouldn't still have her. :biggrin:
  • #65
Danger said:
It's nothing against their signatures per se, but they take up so much memory that my other applications quit whenever they post.

Shall I wave the pot roast again? :smile:
  • #66
Zygotic Embryo said:

or just goto

it's the most scientifically correct test on the net

I got a 136. That's pretty general. I've received between 128 - 167, usually around 136 - 145.
  • #67
Rahmuss said:
I got a 136. That's pretty general. I've received between 128 - 167, usually around 136 - 145.

Haha that is funny, did you read the general outcome-statistics...guess not :rolleyes:

OK, but realize one thing : don't think you are a genius because you are NOT. You are just an average Joe Schmoe... :rolleyes:

Besides, why do people always come whinning about their 136-scores and then say it is general, while in theirselves they think : hey, 136 that is not bad at all. I mean;, it does not take a genius to figure out you are faking here. Sorry, don't get this personal but i just wanted to put you back on the offense, none taken

  • #68
Is there some significance to the score 136? I've noticed with quite a few people they always seem to score 136 on those online IQ tests. I find that kind of strange... almost like it is rigged to give that answer.
  • #69
ShadowKnight said:
Is there some significance to the score 136? I've noticed with quite a few people they always seem to score 136 on those online IQ tests. I find that kind of strange... almost like it is rigged to give that answer.
:approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:

You are completely correct...Don't mind those guys, they are just fakers with small...

  • #70
ShadowKnight said:
Is there some significance to the score 136? I've noticed with quite a few people they always seem to score 136 on those online IQ tests. I find that kind of strange... almost like it is rigged to give that answer.

Online IQ tests are generally bunk. Its kind of amusing to watch people sport the scores as badges of pride though. Like posting your IP to IRC as and watching all the leet script kiddies knock themselves off the internet is kind of amusing.

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