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This post, which is necessarily long, seeks to summate my argument in the other-sciences forum, concerning 'recreating life' - after considerations of its complex-order. I am posting it here because I believe it to be a sound rational-argument for the existence of an absolutely-intelligent 'Being', prior to Universal origins.Special note:-This post does *NOT* refute that the evolution of life came about via physical-processes. I.e., I acknowledge that the complexity of life COULD be explained via physical-processes. My argument is not really about which physical-processes led to the complexity of life. My argument is about the underlying order inherent within those processes, and what this actually means in relation to life's origins.The order of lifeTo progress this argument, we need to recognise two important aspects of life:-a) Life is highly-ordered. A living-organism can be compared to a highly-tuned machine; whereby each part of that organism is doing a specific job to enable that organism to function as a 'whole'.b) Life is highly-complex. There is no such thing as a simple life-form. That's just a relative-phrase.I came across this interesting site:From it, I would like to bring this to your attention:-~ "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10^-12 grams, each is in effect a veritable microminiaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world." In a word, the cell is complicated. Very complicated. ~Thus, we see that life is complex-order, on an extremely-grande scale.The evolution of this complex-orderWhen we contemplate the evolution of life, we cannot fail to recognise the ever-growing magnitude of this order & complexity. I.e., the above-argument relates to complex-order at the molecular-level; whereas considerations of larger-organisms, sees this complex-order also imposed at the cellular-level... on an equally-grande scale.Not only this; but we should also note how 'chemistry' produces ordered-groups of organisms: for example, an ant-colony. Hence, even more order & complexity is produced.We can also ask ourselves: What is the highest form of complexity & order producable by such laws? Interestingly, the answer to that question is:- The highest form of complex-order is an organism with self-awareness and free-will (or the belief that it has free-will), which will integrate with other-such organisms (a society of such complexity). This is the highest-form of order possible for chemistry to create. And ithasbeen achieved. 'Humanity'.It becomes clear that the laws of science (the forces behind those laws) are predisposed to impose *supreme* complex-order upon matter & energy.No matter howthese processes transpire, we can state with certainty that the laws of science are inclined to yield supreme complex-order (in the correct environment - which the forces of nature also create).This is highly-significant. We are not just contemplating the existence of 'Laws' here. We are contemplating Laws which impose the highest form of complex-order upon energy and matter, to produce the highest-form of complex-order attainable:- Organisms with human characteristics.Every action, inter-action, and reaction inherent within the matter/energy/forces of Nature, are so-designed to yield (eventually) Human-type life. The fundamental-point to be made thus-far from this argument, is that the laws of sceincearethe Laws of sentient-life. Life was pre-ordained to exist in this Universe... even from the onset of Universal-origins.It wasdeterminedto occur.Origins of the forces of NatureNow; the finale of this argument: Where do these forces/laws come from?Given the difference between classical physics and quantum physics, wouldn't you say that it was fair to say that 'order has emerged from chaos.'?Given the complexity of life, wouldn't you say that 'it' represented the emergence of a higher-order, emanating from this pre-existing order?The laws of science are obviously ordered in such a way that whatever has transpired, was destined to transpire... even from the beginning.From the initial indeterminancy, a set of laws dictated the birth of man.Of all the countless possibles & probables that exist within the quantum-realm, this perfect-order of life arose.Remember, the 'quantum-realm' is the essence of these laws of science - the determiner of these laws. Order emerges from chaos. Thus, the reason why we cannot completely apply classical-law to the quantum-realm, is because the q-realm is not a slave to our laws-of-science. We cannot apply order to it. But 'it' has applied order to those Laws themselves. 'Something' definitely has done this. Our existence is proof of that.Perfectly consistent and singular laws cannot emanate from everlasting indeterminancy, unless willful order is imposed upon that indeterminancy.Thus, the *continuous* (note the emphasis of this word) existence of a singular-law from chaos/infinity/indeterminancy/whatever, MUST involve the continuous involvement of supreme-order upon chaos/infinity/whatever.'This' cannot be attributed to 'chance'. It requires will & intelligence, not to mention power of ability and purpose.The last line of 'defence' is the Strong Anthropic Principle, which basically states:-'Anthropic-principle: anything which can be,is. The anthropic-principle is an idea which encapsulates omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience: anything which can be;is.'The AP is not a refutation of anything I have said. It's an endorsement.I conclude by stating that these Laws - this Universe - have emanated from a 'Being' of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, exhibiting willful-intelligence and purpose at a supreme level:-A God.Thanks for taking the time to read this.