Is Music Addiction Taking Over Our Lives?

  • Music
  • Thread starter Pengwuino
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In summary, people are obsessed with music. They are too concerned with appearing busy and cool to be attentive to their surroundings.
  • #71
dictionary said:
We: 1. Used by the speaker or writer to indicate the speaker or writer along with another or others as the subject

If he did not want to include himself in the group, he should have used "they." Though from what I have seen of his lyrics, he thinks "they" means "their," so maybe he should check out a dictionary.
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  • #72
You just don't get it do you? Rap is NOT the written language. If you think it is, then you are under the wrong impression and you should stop listening to it. Go listen to a NAS CD, you could make the same argument towards NAS, yet you like him.
  • #73
I am not saying I don't like Common, I have never listened to anything he has done, so I have no place to judge his music. My goal here is to show you how silly it is to judge an artist from strictly lyrics and a sample from iTunes which is what you have done with Rakim.
  • #74
I just bought "I know you got soul"

If this song stinks, your a dead man.
  • #75
That is a good song. Though, if you have GTA: San Andreas, you could listen to the whole thing on there for free. If you are going to listen to Rakim, give it a few listens to sink in, some of his lyrics/word/rhyme-plays are very complex. Listen to My Melody and you will definitely see what I mean.
  • #76
Go listen to commons album

One day it'll all make sense.
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  • #77
I am going to buy Like Water for Chocolate in my next cd purchase. Today is monday, I thought it was the weekend. I guess I will buy it now.
  • #78
No, that one is not that good!

Buy Be, or one day itll all make sense

BTW, common is not new. Hes been at it since 92'
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  • #79
:smile: you people have been arguing for 3 days, and 4 pages
  • #80
Too late already bought it, but from the reviews, they all seem good. If I like it I will check out One Day.