Is Our Universe Contained Inside One Atom?

In summary, many people think that our universe is contained inside of an atom in another universe. There is no evidence to support this idea, but it is an interesting concept to think about.
  • #1
now I'm no scientist, but, in physics class today i sat at my desk and let my mind wander.

now- my thought was: could it be a possiblity that our entire universe as we know it, is contained inside of what appears as one single atom in another universe?
would it be completely out of the question that each individual atom contained in our universe is an entire universe in itself?

if there is a name for this, or if anyone has any information on this, please contact me. also- if anyone has anything that seriously proves this idea wrong, please also contact me.

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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums, myfinalcoffinx! :smile:

You're not the first person to wonder that. The first thing to remember with this line of thinking is that we have no information about anything "outside" of this universe (if such a place exists at all) we're mostly limited to speculation (imaginative and mathematical).

In general, our universe does not seem to behave like a subatomic it's probably not...but then again, we cannot see our universe "from the outside".

But, there are scientific speculations that our universe is but one in an infinite number of other, equally valid universes or that our universe is contained within a larger meta-universe. Interesting to think hard evidence though. Check out the "many worlds" theory, M-theory (string theory), etc.
  • #3
I've also pondered this same idea and wanted to throw in time as a factor into the equasion, assuming that the length of time as we know it varies by mass. Now assuming that our universe was an atom of some enormous unknown substance (possibly in a combustion or fission stage), what would the time relevance be in proportion to our known complex atom's size? Anyone have a good calculator? ..
  • #4
This comment probably has nothing to do with cosmology but more with mathematics: I am sure many of you are familiar with the Mandelbrot set, which is a boundary in the complex plane that forms a fractal image. When you zoom in on the boundary in super-high magnification, you find miniature Mandelbrot sets in there. Apparently this occurs infinitely no matter how far you zoom in. This mathematical fact has often made me wonder about metaverses. Interestingly, the "mini-mandelbrots" are always slight variations of the original, just like metaverse theory allows for variations.
  • #5
Hmm. Overly speculative?
  • #6
Whilst this sort of thread may have been allowed when it was started (five years ago), it is not permitted now. Please take a moment to read the PF guidelines, especially the part regarding overly speculative posts.

FAQ: Is Our Universe Contained Inside One Atom?

1. How can our entire universe fit inside one tiny atom?

Although it may seem unfathomable, the concept of our universe being contained inside one atom is based on the theory of holographic universe. This theory suggests that the entire universe can be represented as a hologram, where all information about the universe is encoded on a 2D surface. In this scenario, the boundaries of the universe are not defined by space, but rather by information.

2. What evidence supports the idea of our universe being contained inside one atom?

Currently, there is no direct evidence to support this theory. However, the concept is based on mathematical models and theories such as string theory and quantum mechanics. These theories suggest that the fabric of space and time is not continuous, but rather made up of tiny units of energy. This idea aligns with the concept of our universe being contained within one atom.

3. Is our universe the only one contained inside an atom?

According to the holographic universe theory, our universe is just one of many possible universes contained within a larger, multi-dimensional reality. This theory suggests that there could be an infinite number of universes contained within atoms, each with their own unique characteristics and laws of physics.

4. Could we ever prove or disprove the idea of our universe being contained inside one atom?

At this time, it is difficult to prove or disprove the concept of our universe being contained within one atom. However, as technology and scientific understanding continue to advance, it is possible that we may one day be able to gather more evidence and insights into the nature of our universe and its potential containment within an atom.

5. What are the implications of our universe being contained inside one atom?

If the holographic universe theory is true and our universe is contained within one atom, it would mean that our perception of reality is limited to what we can observe within this 3D world. It could also suggest that there are higher dimensions and realities beyond our own, and that the boundaries of our universe are much more complex and interconnected than we can currently comprehend.

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