Is Reality Real? Uncovering the Mystery

  • Thread starter Enix
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In summary, the author discusses how often he or she thinks about something and then hears or sees the same thing on TV or the radio a few seconds later. The author also discusses how a recent conversation about a rat led to the idea of creating one's own reality.
  • #1
First may I say to all, HAPPY holidays! ok, This may seem kinda whacky, but so often I almost feel as though I (or we) create our own daily reality show, and by our own minds, we decide how to fill in the blanks based on what is familiar in our own individual choices we choose to add to what to me almost feels like a sitcom in a way. By that I mean so often, and more often than not I will be doing something, talking about something, thinking about something, or mention someone, and anywhere from a few seconds later to maybe a half our later I will turn on the TV, or radio, or get a phone call and the name, word, song or topic is exactly what I had just said or thought. And this is not the everyday things that are common things to suggest it is something that would more than likely be in my thoughts,or said or heard to suddenly be heard or said back to me. A perfect example, which is a smidgeon of the so many examples I could state , for instance just yesterday I called my neighbor who happen to be babysitting, and stated how her Grandson is having a blast with this silly Gag gift I gave her husband years ago. He was in the war (world war II) and I happened upon this tacky plastic flower in a pot that was triggered off by motion. And as soon as you would walk by it, it would start spinning and singing the song Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company Blue (1941), and told me I HAVE to come and see this toddler having a blast as he danced around to the song. Feeling bad saying "no thanks" It went watched, got a kick myself seeing this, and went back home, turned on the news, and what's on? the song Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company Blue (1941)! Days before that, My friend was having a problem with a Rat who was apparently trying to gnaw its way into her home, obviously trying to find a warm and cozy place to stay warm and sheltered for the winter. She as myself are critter/creature lovers, and if there is a humane solution, that is the first choice. So I had suggested trying to trap it with a Have-a-heart trap, which for those that are not familiar with what this is, it is a cage that has a door and a trigger mechanism that when the animal goes in it to eat the food(bait) the trigger mechanism will (should cause the door to shut and lock. Hence, the Rat (or whatever it is) can be driven somewhere else and released. Needless to say, Two days ago, after a week of the rat outsmarting the trap, she was stating that as much as she does not want to do it, she questions if she should just get a quick kill trap. Being the over the edge animal lover I am, I told her to let me try setting the humane trap to see if maybe my doing it might work better, and to give me a few days to see if we get it. This was a phone conversation. I should also mention she does not have or watch TV. I say this for a reason, for those who may try to reason with this. I should also mention that I rarely watch or have the time TO watch much TV myself. Needless too say, I hung up the phone , turned on the TV just for the noise while I cooked and at the split second of hanging up the phone and turning on the TV and what is on?, an old Darma and Gregg sitcom, and the whole story was based on EXACTLY what I just got off the phone about. Darma Had a Rat that is apparently living in her wall/house, And telling Gregg that it should/could be caught ONLY with a Have-a-heart trap, and the whole issue of doing everything possible to not harm the rat, but to send him elsewhere. The ONLY difference with this was Darma had given the Rat a name. So, what I am getting at is, This happens to me more often than not, almost as quick as the thought or discussion enters my brain, and they are NOT the run of the mill things as you can see! For this reason, and many others, it almost leads me to question if each of us are creating/designing/tailor making our own individual realities, or possibly, we are merely the human puppets that are being created by another creation who/which is in fact creating OUR daily life and filling in the pieces for their own entertainment.
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  • #2
Um, what is it you have against paragraph breaks?
  • #3
Never Claimed to be an English Major. Posted it without editing it (obviously). But I can see based on your past posts you should consider minoring in arrogance.
  • #4
The song is "Boogie woogie bugle boy of company B". Not company blue.

We all have these coincidences, some of us notice it more than others. You just notice it more.
  • #5
Yes you are correct.(company B) I would be interested in your opinion on what exactly IS cooincidence. Obviously I know what it is supposed to mean, and what most believe it to mean. But for just these two of many "coincidences", I find them rather, well, beyond coincidental.
  • #6
Enix said:
Yes you are correct.(company B) I would be interested in your opinion on what exactly IS cooincidence. Obviously I know what it is supposed to mean, and what most believe it to mean. But for just these two of many "coincidences", I find them rather, well, beyond coincidental.
I also have what would be considered an unusually "high" coincidence level. I think we are just more perceptive and perhaps have better memories, and have the ability to relate events better than the average person. I could make a huge list of "coincidences" which seem to defy explanation, but it perhaps just the way I think and remember.

Because people like us tend to notice this and others don't would be an obvious sign that it is something peculiar to a minority of people , therefore jumping to the conclusion that we are creating our own reality doesn't appear to be a logical conclusion, as not many people have this experience.
  • #7
Enix said:
Never Claimed to be an English Major. Posted it without editing it (obviously). But I can see based on your past posts you should consider minoring in arrogance.
We do not tolerate attacks on fellow members here.

Your post was extremely difficult to read. In the future, please edit and break your post into logical paragraphs. People tend to not bother reading large chunks of text.
  • #8
" better memories"<<<Explain. I would say more tuned in the average person. Coincidental or not, I DO find that those that have a similar belief system tend to also be very close or need to be close to nature, the earth, more in tuned to others emotions, animals emotions, are very creative (musically favoring percussion and bass tones, which I feel has something to do with being connected/attracted to the vibration, and more often are artistically inclined, for we are able to truly feel in reach into the very core of the subject matter), we tend to be ambidextrous,or lean more towards left handed, tend to be somewhat dyslexic. There are more similarities, but I'll leave it at that. Do you also find THIS as coincidence? Or would you put another word/meaning for this "coincidence"
  • #9
Enix said:
" better memories"<<<Explain. I would say more tuned in the average person. Coincidental or not, I DO find that those that have a similar belief system tend to also be very close or need to be close to nature, the earth, more in tuned to others emotions, animals emotions, are very creative (musically favoring percussion and bass tones, which I feel has something to do with being connected/attracted to the vibration, and more often are artistically inclined, for we are able to truly feel in reach into the very core of the subject matter), we tend to be ambidextrous,or lean more towards left handed, tend to be somewhat dyslexic. There are more similarities, but I'll leave it at that. Do you also find THIS as coincidence? Or would you put another word/meaning for this "coincidence"
I am artistic, but not ambidextrous, not left handed, not dyslexic.

To give you some idea, for 6 months, I could hear the phone ring before it rang. My family got so used to this that when I said the phone was ringing, someone would get up and walk to the phone because by the time they got there it would begin to ring. I could then tell who was calling by "perceptions" I had from the ring. 100% spot on.

My youngest daughter and I had a very strong bond for about two years when she was going through puberty. I often unplugged the phone so I wouldn't be botherd by telemarketers. Many times I would be sound asleep and then felt jerked up by the neck and told to answer the phone, I could feel my younger daughter. I'd scramble around looking for the phone cord, plug it in, and as soon as I did, the phone would be ringing and it would be her needing me to come get her or a friend of hers. She be screaming that she'd been calling me for 30 minutes. Her rage finally reached a peak that it hit me while asleep.

There are many more stories.
  • #10
I experience these (paranormal?) happenings as well. And too, I find it is stronger at times, and than there is a loll(sp?) Unfortunately, it is rarely a pleasant premonition. And find it is rarely one that can be changed.
Many years ago my husband was about to drive my mother somewhere. I suddenly had this awful feeling of impending doom. I pleaded with them to NOT drive/leave. My mother knowing my odd premonitions got out, but my husband continued on. Nothing occurred. This was in Early Spring, in the Mid 70's.
A few weeks later, my mother was with my Step father (recently married) a non believer, with my aunt and uncle(believers) at an Airport in New Orleans .I woke up from a horrific nightmare/vision. It was just the quick sensation of impact(crash), and 2 numbers (99). Oddly, when I see numbers in my dreams, they are either backwards, or upside down. I jumped up to see the time, and was not sure WHAT flight they were on, (or going on), only that they were expected to arrive at JFK. I immediately Called the Airport, had my mother paged. Pleaded for them to take the next flight, especially after now finding out their flight was 66.
My Step father called me back VERY pissed off, for no-one was getting on that plane, and the next available flight was not for many hours later. And stated the numbers were not the same, it is just "coincidence", yada yada yada.
My mother, who has always been submissive, stood her ground. My Aunt and uncle opted to take the bus home. In a nut shell, that plane crashed as it was approaching JFK. To this day,my Step father rules it as coincidental.
Weeks later, I woke up to a VERY upsetting dream, that my mother approached me quite concerned about a huge hard lump on her breast bone. I knew (in my dream it was cancer, and she was dieing) who in real life outwardly was the perfect example of Glowing health, and enjoying her recent marriage, after so MANY years of unhappiness and loneliness.. I woke up sobbing. How does one approach your mother, who has finally found a little happiness about such a dream. a few weeks after, she brings me aside, and lifts up her sweater to ask if this lump between her breasts looks odd. My heart sank.
A week later, I was now having a constant reoccurring dream of my being struck by large vehicle. At least it looked that way as I saw and felt this large grill in a split second run into me. It was so quick, yet at that split second I saw a partial license plate number and this quick impact. Yet I felt no pain. It was dark out, and could see the dim lights around me reflecting on my body which felt warm and soaking wet. As I look at my self, I realized it was blood, and suddenly realized it was not me but my husband, as if it were his eyes that were now my eyes. At this time, (in real life), he was riding a motor cycle to work (the night shift) from Long Island to Jersey City. I never feared up until than his riding it, but now, after having that dream I was SURE it was connected, and pleaded for him to get rid of it. Not a believer, but cared enough to console my fears, he agreed to sell it, but would ride it just one more time (that night) to work and have the mechanics there check it all over before selling it. That was the last time I saw my husband. The rest of that story would take as long as this entire post, for he was left dieing, robbed of all personal information etc, and at the time there were no eye witnesses, yet through my dreams was able to locate a witness, and find out exactly what transpired. Coincidence?
Six months later, my mothers Cancer had taken over. She died a horrible and painful death. As you, I have so much I can speak about regarding these unexplained phenomena, and wish there was a clear explanation for it. For it is very difficult to know sometimes what is premonition, and what is just fear. And as you see, from the first feeling of dread prior, with their both being in that car, to me, I question if that was in fact the actual moment it was really meant to occur, and I could not prevent destiny, only postpone it. My apologies for the length of this, and if the paragraphs are wrong/long etc. And yes I do have a form of Dyslexia, so focusing on that in itself is difficult when writing.
  • #11
Wow, you definitely have it much stronger than I do. I'm going to move this down into S&D where we can discuss it better, as it is more "paranormal".

This has fascinated me since I was a child becuase of my mother's experiences. I've mentioned them here before. I'll go into them again when I have more time (I'm at work).

Sure all if it can be coincidences brought about by worry or stressful events. But some of it is really hard to explain. My mother's were very eerie.
  • #12
You should apply for THE RANDI MILLION!
  • #13
I'm dyslexic and quite ambidextrous, I was left handed 'til I was about five and then for some reason I changed to being right handed, also seem more profficient at multi tasking than most people, kind of makes up for the bad things really.

I think everyone has these sorts of experiences to some extent or another. Mostly though I chalk them up to the subconscious rather than anything mystical.

FAQ: Is Reality Real? Uncovering the Mystery

1. What is the definition of reality in scientific terms?

In science, reality is defined as the state or quality of being actual or true, rather than imaginary or subjective. It is the existence of things as they are, independent of human perception or interpretation.

2. How do scientists study reality?

Scientists study reality through the use of the scientific method, which involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data. They also use various tools and technologies, such as microscopes and telescopes, to observe and measure the physical world.

3. Is reality subjective or objective?

This is a complex question and the answer depends on different perspectives. In science, reality is considered to be objective, meaning it exists independently of human perception. However, our individual experiences and perceptions can shape our understanding and interpretation of reality, making it somewhat subjective.

4. Can reality be proven?

In science, nothing can be proven with 100% certainty. However, through repeated experimentation and observation, scientists can gather evidence that supports the existence of certain aspects of reality. The more evidence that is collected, the more confident we can be in our understanding of reality.

5. How does the concept of quantum mechanics affect our understanding of reality?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. It has challenged our traditional understanding of reality and has shown that at the quantum level, things can behave in seemingly contradictory ways. However, this does not necessarily mean that reality is not real; it simply means that our current understanding of it may be limited.

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