Is the Completeness Axiom Equivalent to the Heine Borel Theory?

  • Thread starter autobot.d
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In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the Completeness Axiom and the Heine Borel Theory. The Completeness Axiom states that every set of real numbers bounded from above or below has an upper or lower bound, while the Heine Borel Theory states the equivalence between compact and (closed, bounded) subsets of R^n. It is necessary to assume that the set in question is closed and bounded in order to prove the completeness axiom using the Heine Borel Theorem. The completeness axiom does not mention anything about a set being closed.
  • #1

I am trying to prove that The Completeness Axiom is equivalent to the Heine Borel Theory (open finite cover).

I was wondering when going from Completeness Axiom to Heine Borel, is ok to assume that the set is closed?
I know the heine borel assumes that it is closed, but Completeness does not. I was just wondering if I had to prove that Completeness also asserted that the set was closed.

Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
What is your "completeness axiom"? That every set of real numbers bounded from above (below) has an upper (lower) bound? What set do you mean when you say "that Completeness also asserted THE set was closed"?

Also, Heine-Borel states equivalence between compact and (closed, bounded) subsets of R^n. It does not "assume" some set is closed.
  • #3
That be the completeness axiom I am talking about.

Not sure what you mean by not assuming set is closed.

"Let F be a closed and bounded set of real numbers. Then every open cover of F has a finite subcover."

Thanks for the help!
  • #4
Let me put it this way: yes, you have to assume F is closed and bounded, and then in your proof use the completeness axiom somewhere. The completeness axiom does not say anything about a set being closed.
  • #5

So I can only use the fact that my set is bounded, if I have you correct.
That is what I figured. Thank you again for your help.
  • #6
landau said:
you have to assume f is closed and bounded
autobot.d said:
so i can only use the fact that my set is bounded, if i have you correct.
I don't see how you get that from my answer.
  • #7
The completeness axiom does not say anything about a set being closed.

I thought you meant that proving the Completeness Axiom using Heine Borel Theorem that I cannot use that the set is closed since the Completeness Axiom doesn't call for it. Sorry for the confusion.

FAQ: Is the Completeness Axiom Equivalent to the Heine Borel Theory?

What is completeness to Heine?

Completeness to Heine is a mathematical concept that states a set is complete if it contains all of its limit points. In other words, every convergent sequence in the set must have its limit point also in the set.

Why is completeness to Heine important?

Completeness to Heine is important because it is a fundamental property of metric spaces and is used to prove many theorems in analysis and topology. It also helps to define continuity and convergence in a metric space.

How is completeness to Heine different from completeness to Cauchy?

Completeness to Heine and completeness to Cauchy are two different concepts in mathematics. Completeness to Heine deals with the limit points of a set, while completeness to Cauchy deals with the convergence of a sequence. They are related, but not equivalent, as a set can be complete to Heine but not complete to Cauchy.

What are some examples of complete and incomplete sets in relation to completeness to Heine?

An example of a complete set in terms of completeness to Heine is the set of all real numbers, as it contains all of its limit points. An example of an incomplete set is the set of rational numbers, as it does not contain all of its limit points, such as the irrational numbers.

How is completeness to Heine related to the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem?

The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem is a consequence of completeness to Heine. It states that every bounded sequence in a complete metric space has a convergent subsequence. This theorem is used to prove other important theorems, such as the Heine-Borel theorem.
