Is the Hamiltonian Conserved for a Point Mass on a Slowly Lengthening String?

In summary: Since ##l## is not a degree of freedom, it does not have a canonical momentum associated with it.In summary, in this conversation the topic of a point mass attached to a string with a slowly increasing length was discussed. The equations for L and H were derived, with some confusion regarding the calculation of p_l. It was determined that H is not conserved and is equal to the total energy. The concept of external constraints and degrees of freedom was also discussed in relation to the variables l and theta.
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Homework Statement

Consider a point mass m attached to a string of slowly increasing length ##l(t)##. Them motion is confined to a plane. Find L and H. Is H conserved? Is H equal to the total energy? Is the total energy conserved? Assume ##|\dot{l}/l|<<\omega##

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I have $$L=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot{l}^2+l^2\dot{\theta}^2)+mglcos\theta$$. For H, for some reason the solution in the book doesn't calculate the ##p_l## but only ##p_\theta## and I am not sure why. The way I proceeded is: $$p_\theta=ml^2\dot{\theta}$$ and $$p_l=m\dot{l}$$ so $$H=\frac{1}{2}\frac{p_\theta^2}{ml^2}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{p_l^2}{m}-mglcos\theta$$. Is this correct by now? Now for the conservation I calculate $$\frac{dH}{dt}$$ which is not zero, as I will have terms such as ##\dot{l}## which are not 0 (is ##\dot{p_\theta}=0##?). Now by the form of ##H## it is clear that ##H=E_{tot}## so the total energy is not conserved either. Is my reasoning correct?
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  • #2
##l## is not a dynamic variable, it has an external constraint and hence there is no corresponding canonical momentum.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
##l## is not a dynamic variable, it has an external constraint and hence there is no corresponding canonical momentum.
Thank you for the reply. Could you please give me a bit more details about it (I am new to hamiltonian mechanics)? What do you mean by the fact that it's not a dynamic variable? And what would be the external constrain? And when does a variable have a canonical momentum? I thought that each term in the kinetic part has a corresponding canonical momentum.
  • #4
Silviu said:
Thank you for the reply. Could you please give me a bit more details about it (I am new to hamiltonian mechanics)? What do you mean by the fact that it's not a dynamic variable? And what would be the external constrain? And when does a variable have a canonical momentum? I thought that each term in the kinetic part has a corresponding canonical momentum.
The length is already a fixed function of time, this is your constraint and thus not a degree of freedom.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
The length is already a fixed function of time, this is your constraint and thus not a degree of freedom.
I am not sure I understand. I agree it is a fixed function of time and it should be an external force acting on it (so that it compensate the tension in the string for example). But can't you say the same thing about the angle. It is also a fixed function of time and it is due to an external force (i.e. gravity). Why is l different than ##\theta##?
  • #6
Silviu said:
It is also a fixed function of time and it is due to an external force (i.e. gravity).
No, you are not correct here. The function ##l(t)## is set from the beginning and the constraining force is whatever it needs to be to accomplish this. The dynamics appear only in the angle ##\theta##, which is not externally constrained. The difference lies in whether or not you allow your system to have displacements. You can have different initial conditions on ##\theta##, leading to different solutions, but ##l(t)## is being fixed to some function.
  • #7
Orodruin said:
No, you are not correct here. The function ##l(t)## is set from the beginning and the constraining force is whatever it needs to be to accomplish this. The dynamics appear only in the angle ##\theta##, which is not externally constrained. The difference lies in whether or not you allow your system to have displacements. You can have different initial conditions on ##\theta##, leading to different solutions, but ##l(t)## is being fixed to some function.
Oh ok, I got it now. However, isn't this change in l associated with a kinetic energy? And a kinetic energy has a momentum associated with it? I understand that both mathematically and physically ##\dot{l}## and ##\dot{\theta}## are different but why can't you call ##\frac{\partial L}{\partial l}## a momentum?
  • #8
Silviu said:
However, isn't this change in l associated with a kinetic energy?
Yes, but you already have that term in the Lagrangian. The term does not disappear.

Silviu said:
And a kinetic energy has a momentum associated with it?
No it does not. A degree of freedom represented by a generalised coordinate has a canonical momentum associated with it.

Silviu said:
but why can't you call ##\frac{\partial L}{\partial l}## a momentum?
You can call it whatever you want, it will not be standard nomenclature though. Canonical momenta are related to the degrees of freedom of the system.

FAQ: Is the Hamiltonian Conserved for a Point Mass on a Slowly Lengthening String?

1. What is the kinetic term in the Hamiltonian?

The kinetic term in the Hamiltonian represents the energy associated with the motion of particles in a system. It is a mathematical expression that describes the total kinetic energy of all the particles in the system.

2. How is the kinetic term calculated in the Hamiltonian?

The kinetic term in the Hamiltonian is calculated by summing the kinetic energy of each individual particle in the system. This is typically done using the momenta of the particles and the mass of each particle.

3. Why is the kinetic term important in the Hamiltonian?

The kinetic term is important in the Hamiltonian because it contributes to the total energy of the system. This energy is used to calculate the equations of motion for the particles, which in turn determine how the system evolves over time.

4. How does the kinetic term affect the behavior of a system?

The kinetic term in the Hamiltonian affects the behavior of a system by determining the speed and direction of the particles in the system. It also plays a role in determining the total energy of the system, which can affect the stability and dynamics of the system.

5. Can the kinetic term be negative in the Hamiltonian?

Yes, the kinetic term in the Hamiltonian can be negative. This typically occurs when there is an attractive potential energy term present in the Hamiltonian. In this case, the negative kinetic term contributes to a lower total energy of the system, leading to more stable and bound particle configurations.
