Is the Lorentz force invariant under Lorentz transformations?

In summary, the Lorentz force, defined by the equation F = F_E + F_B = qE + qvB, is not invariant under Lorentz transformations. While it is covariant, meaning that it can be expressed in a manifestly covariant tensor-based form, it is not Lorentz-invariant because it is a vector, not a scalar. This can be seen in the example of a point charge being inert in a laboratory frame on Earth, where the charge experiences a Lorentz force of F=qE, while in any inertial frame it experiences a Lorentz force of F'=qE'+qvxB, showing that F and F' are not identical.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am trying to establish whether the force defined by the Lorentz equation below is invariant under the Lorentz transforms:

[1] [tex]F = F_E + F_B = qE + qvB [/tex]

In the context of this equation, [q] is moving with velocity [v] such that it is acted on by both an electric E-force and magnetic B-force. If this frame of reference were transformed into a stationary (*) frame such that v=0, then [tex]F_B*[/tex] would be zero, i.e.

[2] [tex]F* = (F_E*) + 0 [/tex]

So is the Lorentz force [F] invariant?

If so, I presume you can equate [1] and [2] as follows

[3] [tex]F = F_E + F_B = (F_E*) + 0 = F* [/tex]

Which would lead to:

[4] [tex]F_E* = F_E + F_B [/tex]

However, I believe the magnetic force can be related to the electric force as follows:

[5] [tex]F_B=F_E \frac {v^2}{c^2}[/tex]

Again, if this is correct, it would appear that [4] can be transposed as follows:

[6] [tex]F_E* = F_E (1+ \frac {v^2}{c^2}) [/tex]

As such, the implication appears to be that [tex]F_E* > F_E [/tex] and the invariance of the Lorentz force [F=F*] leads to the conclusion that the electrostatic force [tex]F_E[/tex] in the stationary frame is transformed into [tex]F_E+F_B[/tex] in the moving frame. Would welcome any clarification of these points. Thanks
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  • #2
mysearch said:
I am trying to establish whether the force defined by the Lorentz equation below is invariant under the Lorentz transforms:

[1] [tex]F = F_E + F_B = qE + qvB [/tex]

In the context of this equation, [q] is moving with velocity [v] such that it is acted on by both an electric E-force and magnetic B-force. If this frame of reference were transformed into a stationary (*) frame such that v=0, then [tex]F_B*[/tex] would be zero, i.e.

[2] [tex]F* = (F_E*) + 0 [/tex]

So is the Lorentz force [F] invariant?

If so, I presume you can equate [1] and [2] as follows

[3] [tex]F = F_E + F_B = (F_E*) + 0 = F* [/tex]

Which would lead to:

[4] [tex]F_E* = F_E + F_B [/tex]

However, I believe the magnetic force can be related to the electric force as follows:

[5] [tex]F_B=F_E \frac {v^2}{c^2}[/tex]

Again, if this is correct, it would appear that [4] can be transposed as follows:

[6] [tex]F_E* = F_E (1+ \frac {v^2}{c^2}) [/tex]

As such, the implication appears to be that [tex]F_E* > F_E [/tex] and the invariance of the Lorentz force [F=F*] leads to the conclusion that the electrostatic force [tex]F_E[/tex] in the stationary frame is transformed into [tex]F_E+F_B[/tex] in the moving frame. Would welcome any clarification of these points. Thanks

The general Lorentz force :


is not Lorentz invariant . The reason is that the "magnetic" component

is not Lorentz invariant since it depends on particle speed.

On the other hand, the Lorentz force can be recast in a "covariant" form, the proofs are non-trivial, i.e. they require quite a lot of of math. For example:

[tex]f_b=\gamma(v)(qvXB, (qvXB).v/c)=\gamma(v)(qvXB,0)[/tex]

is covariant

[tex]f_e=\gamma(v)(qE, qE.v/c)[/tex]

is covariant. I can write up the proof for you.
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  • #3
A force can't be Lorentz-invariant, because it's a vector, not a scalar.
  • #4
mysearch said:
So is the Lorentz force [F] invariant?
As mentioned by both starthaus and bcrowell, the Lorentz force, being a vector, cannot possibly be invariant. It is, however, covariant. Einstein went into quite some detail on the Lorentz force in a moving frame in part 2 (Electrodynamical Part) of his seminal paper:

This includes everything that you need to know to work out the Lorentz force in special relativity. In general relativity the Lorentz force can be cast in a manifestly covariant tensor-based form:

[tex]f^{\mu}=q U^{\lambda}F_{\lambda} ^{\mu}[/tex]
  • #5
mysearch said:
I am trying to establish whether the force defined by the Lorentz equation below is invariant under the Lorentz transforms:

[1] [tex]F = F_E + F_B = qE + qvB [/tex]

In the context of this equation, [q] is moving with velocity [v] such that it is acted on by both an electric E-force and magnetic B-force. If this frame of reference were transformed into a stationary (*) frame such that v=0, then [tex]F_B*[/tex] would be zero, i.e.

[2] [tex]F* = (F_E*) + 0 [/tex]

So is the Lorentz force [F] invariant?

No. The scenario must turn out to be amiss; as it has to be portrayed in such a way that the result stands for the non-invariance of the Lorentz force under Lorentz transformations.

You can consider a point charge [tex]q[/tex] being inert in a laboratory frame on Earth (your stationary frame.) A stationary observer only observes an electric field while an inertial observer measures both electric and magnetic fields. In the laboratory frame, the charge would experience a Lorentz force [tex]F=F_E=qE[/tex]; whereas in any inertial frame the same charge experiences a Lorentz force [tex]F'=qE'+qv\times B'[/tex] and thus it can be seen that [tex]F[/tex] and [tex]F'[/tex] are not identical; leading to the non-invariance of the Lorentz force as already have been pointed out here by many other.

  • #6
Thanks for all the knowledgeable insights. I am not sure that I fully understand the idea of covariance and while I have quickly looked at the following 2 wikipedia references, I am not sure that I am really any the wiser, at this point. However, it is obviously a gap in my understanding – so thanks.

However, the following quote seems to capture an intuitive insight, which makes sense to me because in the example I have been trying resolve, the force always changes direction when the frame of reference is switched. However, I had always thought of velocity being invariant, but possibly the inference relates only to its magnitude, not its direction.
bcrowell said:
A force can't be Lorentz-invariant, because it's a vector, not a scalar.

I raised the example, cited above, in the diagram attached in another post (#3)/thread:

While I had looked at a number of solutions under the general heading of ‘Relativistic Electrodynamics’ there were certain assumptions that I couldn’t transpose into a discrete model involving just 2 charges as outlined in post #3 above, which related to the propagation delay of the E and B fields, when the respective charges are moving with relativistic velocities. While accepting the statement about the non-invariance of the Lorentz force in this thread, I was looking for a way to balance the net force on charge [q] in the diagram of post #3.

Apologises for taking the following quotes out of context, but in some ways, they gave me the impression that force may be somehow invariant, when possibly they only meant to make a comment about the net effect. The thread above also outlines how some of my confusion over force arose. However, the net force is problematic in the example cited, because I couldn’t get the electric and magnetic force vectors to align, when accounting for the propagation delay and so I was looking to understand where this model was wrong. Anyway thanks for the correction and would wlecome any further in-sights to the other problem.
AJ Bentley said:
I will say one thing though. Because there is no preferred frame, the resultant forces in both frames should be identical - however you arrive at them.
jason12345 said:
Essentially, you use the fact that the force experienced by a charge in its proper frame when moving in a static Coulomb field depends only on its position there and not its velocity acceleration etc. You then transform the coordinates of this event to any other frame: In a frame where the particle is stationary, the force is E. In another where it's moving, the force is the sum of E and B there. The important point is that you can say with certainty that the force experienced by moving charges in their proper frame at the same space, time locations in another frame is identical.
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  • #7
mysearch said:
Thanks for all the knowledgeable insights. I am not sure that I fully understand the idea of covariance and while I have quickly looked at the following 2 wikipedia references, I am not sure that I am really any the wiser, at this point.

Check out the third attachment . I just wrote it specifically for you.
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  • #8
mysearch said:
However, I had always thought of velocity being invariant, but possibly the inference relates only to its magnitude, not its direction.

In Newtonian mechanics, velocity is not invariant. For something to be invariant means that it's the same in all frames of reference. For example, mass and charge are invariant in Newtonian mechanics. In a frame of reference defined by my desk, a tree outside has a velocity of zero. In a frame of reference defined by a car driving by, the tree has a nonzero velocity.

Typically, there are more things in relativity that are frame-dependent (not invariant) than in Newtonian mechanics. Since velocity is frame-dependent in Newtonian mechanics, we would definitely expect it to be frame-dependent in relativity. Although force is frame-independent in Newtonian mechanics, it is frame-dependent in relativity.

A mathematical way of making the whole picture very simple is that in relativity, we only care about quantities that transform as tensors. A rank-0 tensor, such as charge, is a scalar; it's frame-independent. A rank-1 tensor is a four-vector, i.e., a vector with four components, three spacelike and one timelike. All four-vectors transform in the same way, as defined by the Lorentz transformation. Since force is a vector in Newtonian mechanics, the only way we could possibly describe it meaningfully in relativity is as part of a four-vector, in which case it will transform as a four-vector, and will be frame-dependent.
  • #9
bcrowell said:
A mathematical way of making the whole picture very simple is that in relativity, we only care about quantities that transform as tensors. A rank-0 tensor, such as charge, is a scalar; it's frame-independent. A rank-1 tensor is a four-vector, i.e., a vector with four components, three spacelike and one timelike. All four-vectors transform in the same way, as defined by the Lorentz transformation. Since force is a vector in Newtonian mechanics, the only way we could possibly describe it meaningfully in relativity is as part of a four-vector, in which case it will transform as a four-vector, and will be frame-dependent.

To continue from where bcrowell left off, the four-vector constructed by using the 3-vector Lorentz force is "covariant". This means (among other things) that it transforms as the "prototype" 4-vector (x,y,z,ct) and that its norm is frame-invariant, exactly like the one for the "prototype".
  • #10
Thanks again for the insight into some of the maths. While I have a basic understanding of 4-vectors and tensors, it been quite sometime since I had any reason to revisit these ideas in any depth, so Starthaus’ papers in #7 will be a useful place to start.

My comment about velocity did not relate to either a desk or a tree in which you orientate your frame of reference to either the stationary or moving frame, but rather a more general case. For example, let the infamous hypothetical rocket travel between A and B, which we might align along the x-axis for convenience. Let a stationary observer measure the distance between A-B as [x] and the time taken as [t]. I am assuming an observer on board would measure this time as [t’] and the distance to be [x’]. However, it was my understanding that both would determine the magnitude of the velocity as [v=x/t=x’/t’] such that that [v] remains ‘constant’ in both frame of reference.

Anyway, to some extent, my main focus at this point was not the subject of relativity itself but its implications on electrodynamics as cited in the problem here:

May be you could applied the maths to explain why the propagation delay of the E-field 'seems' to cause a problem. Thanks

P.S. This thread has already cleared up my issue about force.
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  • #11
mysearch said:
For example, let the infamous hypothetical rocket travel between A and B, which we might align along the x-axis for convenience. Let a stationary observer measure the distance between A-B as [x] and the time taken as [t]. I am assuming an observer on board would measure this time as [t’] and the distance to be [x’]. However, it was my understanding that both would determine the magnitude of the velocity as [v=x/t=x’/t’] such that that [v] remains ‘constant’ in both frame of reference.
This is only true for |v|=c, which is why c is called the invariant speed. For v<c, such as in this example, there will be some frame where x'=0 so the velocity would be 0 in that frame.

Related to Is the Lorentz force invariant under Lorentz transformations?

1. What is the Invariance of Lorentz Force?

The Invariance of Lorentz Force refers to the principle that the force experienced by a charged particle in an electromagnetic field is the same in all inertial reference frames. This means that the magnitude and direction of the force will be the same regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

2. Why is the Invariance of Lorentz Force important?

The Invariance of Lorentz Force is important because it is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism and is necessary for the consistency of Maxwell's equations. It also plays a crucial role in many areas of physics, including particle accelerators, plasma physics, and astrophysics.

3. Does the Invariance of Lorentz Force apply to all types of electromagnetic fields?

Yes, the Invariance of Lorentz Force applies to all types of electromagnetic fields, including static, uniform, and non-uniform fields. It is a fundamental property of electromagnetism and is not dependent on the specific type of field.

4. How is the Invariance of Lorentz Force mathematically represented?

The Invariance of Lorentz Force is mathematically represented by the Lorentz force equation: F = q(E + v x B), where F is the force experienced by a charged particle, q is the charge of the particle, E is the electric field, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field. This equation is valid in all inertial reference frames.

5. Can the Invariance of Lorentz Force be violated?

No, the Invariance of Lorentz Force has been extensively tested and has been found to hold true in all experimental observations. It is a fundamental law of nature and has not been observed to be violated. Any apparent violations can be explained by other factors, such as relativistic effects.

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