- #1
mc Kravitz
- 15
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- TL;DR Summary
- Einstein came up with the idea of the relativity of simultaneity to resolve the many paradoxes of SR but is it's use arbitrary?
<Moderator’s note: a reference to an article published in a predatory journal has been removed. References on PF should be from the professional scientific literature or from other sources consistent with the professional scientific literature>
I read through many posting on various threads in this forum and others regarding the twin/triplet paradox. The conclusions supporting SR generally boil down to using the relativity of simultaneity to eliminate any paradoxes.
Basically any form of acceleration, change in direction etc. allows the use of the relativity of simultaneity to dismiss any further discussion of the topic and get back to discussing the important things about relativity like; why can't anyone detect dark matter, dark energy, or whatever else is needed to further glorify GR.
From much of what I read on the topic, it appears that Einstein himself spent years on resolving the paradoxes before coming up with the idea.
"After seven and more years of toil, Einstein made the breakthrough that brought him his special theory of relativity. Some five to six weeks were then needed to complete his famous 1905 paper, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies." The breakthrough was his recognition of the relativity of simultaneity: judgments of the simultaneity of events will vary according to the state of motion of the observer. As a reflection of its importance, Einstein later simply talked of the discovery as "The Step." " See: https://sites.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/Goodies/rel_of_sim/index.html
He did not present any formulas to calculate how time/clocks can appear to suddenly move forward or backward and how the acceleration function causes it. He merely postulated it. You do the calculations using the Lorentz transforms and if results in a paradox you are free to use the relativity of simultaneity to eliminate the paradoxes. It always assume that there is one observer who never undergoes any acceleration. and any accelerated observers clocks/age can be adjusted to eliminate any paradoxes.
Simple and easy steps but it just doesn't sound like physics. It sounds more like a recipe (add salt to obtain desired flavor).
I read through many posting on various threads in this forum and others regarding the twin/triplet paradox. The conclusions supporting SR generally boil down to using the relativity of simultaneity to eliminate any paradoxes.
Basically any form of acceleration, change in direction etc. allows the use of the relativity of simultaneity to dismiss any further discussion of the topic and get back to discussing the important things about relativity like; why can't anyone detect dark matter, dark energy, or whatever else is needed to further glorify GR.
From much of what I read on the topic, it appears that Einstein himself spent years on resolving the paradoxes before coming up with the idea.
"After seven and more years of toil, Einstein made the breakthrough that brought him his special theory of relativity. Some five to six weeks were then needed to complete his famous 1905 paper, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies." The breakthrough was his recognition of the relativity of simultaneity: judgments of the simultaneity of events will vary according to the state of motion of the observer. As a reflection of its importance, Einstein later simply talked of the discovery as "The Step." " See: https://sites.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/Goodies/rel_of_sim/index.html
He did not present any formulas to calculate how time/clocks can appear to suddenly move forward or backward and how the acceleration function causes it. He merely postulated it. You do the calculations using the Lorentz transforms and if results in a paradox you are free to use the relativity of simultaneity to eliminate the paradoxes. It always assume that there is one observer who never undergoes any acceleration. and any accelerated observers clocks/age can be adjusted to eliminate any paradoxes.
Simple and easy steps but it just doesn't sound like physics. It sounds more like a recipe (add salt to obtain desired flavor).
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