Is the Universe's Early Smoothness Questioned by Inflationary Theory?

  • Thread starter Glenn
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In summary, Inflationary Theory was proposed as a solution to the Smoothness Problem in the universe. Recent surveys of the Cosmic Background Radiation have shown that the universe was not perfectly smooth in its early stages, but the smoothness problem only requires a high level of smoothness, not perfection. The theory suggests that the tiny quantum irregularities from inflation are responsible for the large-scale structure we see today. Although the original theory of Alan Guth is no longer valid, there are numerous other inflationary theories that are still being studied.
  • #1
It was my understanding that one of the reasons for Inflationary Theory was to address The Smoothness Problem.

Haven't recent detailed surveys of the CBR shown that the universe wasn't smooth in it's first few moments?

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  • #2
Originally posted by Glenn
It was my understanding that one of the reasons for Inflationary Theory was to address The Smoothness Problem.

Haven't recent detailed surveys of the CBR shown that the universe wasn't smooth in it's first few moments?


The smoothness problem doesn't require the universe to be perfectly smooth, just "very" smooth. Specifically, the problem is that in a decelerating universe, gravity causes locally dense regions to clump, so to explain the amount of smoothness we see today, the earlier universe must have been much, much smoother, and the question is what mechanism caused it to be so smooth. It didn't have to be perfectly smooth --- in fact, the tiny quantum irregularities from inflation are thought to be what is responsible for all the large-scale structure (galaxies, groups of galaxies, etc.) we see today. This tiny amount of non-smoothness was amplified exponentially by inflation.
  • #3
The original theory of Alan Guth is not longer valid because suffered of a problem called "graceful exit", and it predicted an inhomogeneous universe, rather that the homogeneous universe that we observe. Actually chaotic inflation, hybrid inflation or supernatural inflation are the references
  • #4
Really, there are a gazillion inflationary theories ... some have been ruled out by WMAP, but there are plenty left.

FAQ: Is the Universe's Early Smoothness Questioned by Inflationary Theory?

1. What is Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory?

Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory is a scientific theory that proposes that the universe underwent a rapid period of expansion in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. This expansion, known as cosmic inflation, helps to explain certain observations about the early universe that cannot be explained by traditional Big Bang theory.

2. What evidence supports Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory?

Some of the key evidence for Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory includes the observation of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the leftover heat from the Big Bang. This radiation is more uniform than would be expected without cosmic inflation. Additionally, the theory helps to explain the observed large-scale structure of the universe and the absence of certain relics from the early universe.

3. How does Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory relate to the Big Bang?

Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory is a modification of the traditional Big Bang theory. It proposes that the universe underwent a rapid period of expansion in its very early stages, which helps to explain certain observed features about the universe that cannot be explained by the traditional Big Bang theory. It does not replace the Big Bang theory, but rather builds upon it.

4. Are there any criticisms of Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory?

While Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory has gained widespread acceptance in the scientific community, there are still some criticisms. Some scientists argue that the theory lacks a solid mathematical foundation and that there is not yet enough evidence to fully support it. Additionally, there are ongoing debates about the specifics of the theory and how it fits into our current understanding of physics.

5. How does Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory impact our understanding of the universe?

Alan Guth's Inflationary Theory has greatly impacted our understanding of the universe. It helps to explain several key observations about the early universe and has led to new insights into the origins of the universe. The theory has also influenced other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics and cosmology, and continues to be an important subject of research and debate among scientists.
