- #71
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vanesch said:In as much as this *sounds* like a scientific question, it isn't actually one. The scientific question is always "will I observe that...".
OK, I'll reformulate:
"will I observe that the electron will go up or down in a Stern Gerlach device?"
MWI cannot answer that. (this is true about QM in general, but MWI, by accepting QM as complete, cannot be expected to give an answer, never).
Why are you the person you are, and aren't you George Bush ?
1. my parents' DNA
2. my father's name is not Bush
3. my parents did not put me the name George.
Why do you think this question is relevant?
This is in fact not MWI, but rather the Landscape in string theory.
Yeah, but the method is similar. It proves the theory logically consistent but it gives useless answers.
The only thing "useful" that comes out of it, is to have an ontology which fits perfectly with the formalism of quantum theory as we know it, without any desire to fiddle with it. It is a kind of tranquilizer which helps you come to peace with the quantum formalism - and to help you develop some intuition for it. That's what "interpretations" are for. Peace of mind.
The problem is that QM's formalism fails to explain some experimental results (like the exact moment of decay of an unstable particle). Therefore the theory must be amended or changed (by adding hidden variables, like in BM for example). Trying to save the theory by in spite of unexplained experimental data is not, IMHO, a good way to do science. We should not "come to peace" with the present situation but try to improve it.
We are absolutely NOT forced to accept MWI because of EPR-Bell! We are not forced AT ALL to accept any interpretation (and certainly not MWI). Only, EPR-Bell is there in the first place because of the quantum formalism. So why look for *another* explanation if we have a machinery already on paper which has made us put up with the situation in the first place!
Because the "machinery" we have does not give exact answers (like the spin of the particle detected at a specific detector. The obvious answer is that we have a statistical theory that should be amended.
The reason I mention this is different. If all this discussion were not there, and if, from the start, one was to have an MWI-kind of view on quantum theory, then one could easily see an EPR-experiment as a kind of "confirmation" of quantum interference with macroscopic bodies: you entangle two macroscopic systems with different spin decompositions of a pair of entangled particles, and you do this at spacelike separation in order to be sure that they don't decohere immediately with one another. Then you let them "interfere" (calculate the correlations), and you show that this is statistically not possible without quantum effects.
You need quantum effects only if you assume statistical independence between the choice of detection angle and the properties of the entangled particles. EPR proves this assumption wrong.
If, in Newtonian mechanics, you calculate the force on a planet, and find, from those calculations, that the orbit is then going to be an ellipse, then why would you want to look for *another* mechanism which could produce elliptic orbits ? The very formalism that gave you the orbit (the Newtonian force of gravity) can also serve as the explanation or the mechanism. So you imagine with your mind's eye that some "force" is pulling on a planet, and that as such, it follows the orbit it should. If you do Newtonian mechanics, it wouldn't come to your mind to think of that as a kind of "bending of spacetime" or "crystal ellipsoids on which the planets roll" or whatever: if you do Newtonian mechanics, you take "as real" the elements of the theory. You don't lie awake at night of what "mechanism" might be responsible for elliptical orbits which come out of the mathematical formalism.
Well, to me, MWI is just a similar kind of reasoning held wrt the unitary quantum formalism. That's all. It's just a picture to keep in mind, when working with a formalism. A kind of "image of a reality" that will do the trick. But the nice thing is that because it sticks closely to the formalism, that it helps you reason intuitively in quantum theory.
When Newtonian mechanics failed to explain observations it was replaced. Not so with QM. Here, it is assumed that the random character of the measurement results must be fundamental, therefore a question that doesn't comply with this assumption is deemed irrelevant. I maintain that such a view is unscientific. MWI goes along with it, saying that there is no reason whatsoever for the specific result you get in an experiment because there are other, "superposed", experimenters getting the other possible results. Once you assume MWI as true, it makes sense, but I think such an assumption goes against scientific progress.
MWI will learn you nothing more than what is already in the quantum formalism. To me, it is the kind of "minimalistic" ontological picture that one can have. It simply gives you the "ease of mind" not to have the desire to change the formalism. In exactly the same way as the usual view of Newtonian mechanics doesn't give you any desire to change it.
I agree with this, but I don't see any merit in this lack of desire to change QM.