Is There an Infinite Number of Universes in Infinity Itself?

In summary: This next part is probably what's going to get me slammed but using Hawking's idea that brought down his own Information Paradox (the one that said information sucked up by a black hole is preserved in universes without black holes) wouldn't it be possible to use a black hole to prove the existence of another universe and therefore prove the existence of other universes?I don't think you should be slammed for that idea, it seems well thought out.I haven't read enough about Hawking's idea except a few pages at the end of The Elegant Universe that mentioned it, but the way you describe it it certainly makes the existence of other universes seem possible. However, I was under the impression that Hawking's idea
  • #1
Here's an idea that I have been working on for the past few months.

After weeks of writing out idea after idea about the universe and other universes I have reason to believe that there is an infinite number of universes contained in infinity itself. Here's the idea broken up: There is one universe and there are universes parallel, skew, and interecting it but there are other universes that contain the other universes within it's subatomic particles and in those other universes there are other universes contained within those subatomic particles. It's a little hard for me to write out in words without diagrams or anything else like that (especially since I'm a high school freshman).

Let me know what you think. If this idea gets some interest I'll elaborate more.
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  • #2
Do you literally mean that if you split open a quark and looked inside it (or perhaps on the surface of a string) you would find another complex universe with its own subatomic structure and on and on?

Interesting concept; I think everyone's thought about this possibility at some point or another. It seems really implausible to me since it would mean the nonexistence of a fundamental constituent of matter and/or forces, but if you assume our universe is only one of many trillions of others it's basically the same as saying it's just a subatomic particle in the multiverse, assuming the different universes interact in a way similar to the particles we're (sort of) familiar with. Those other universes could even be parallel universes in which the different possibilities of quantum mechanics play out, and could be mirrors of one another, creating different physical properties and giving rise to different types of particles in the multiverse.

It's mind boggling but definitely fun to think about, even if it's unprovable.
  • #3
Yup, that's exactly what I'm trying to get at.

This next part is probably what's going to get me slammed but using Hawking's idea that brought down his own Information Paradox (the one that said information sucked up by a black hole is preserved in universes without black holes) wouldn't it be possible to use a black hole to prove the existence of another universe and therefore prove the existence of other universes?
  • #4
I don't think you should be slammed for that idea, it seems well thought out.

I haven't read enough about Hawking's idea except a few pages at the end of The Elegant Universe that mentioned it, but the way you describe it it certainly makes the existence of other universes seem possible. However, I was under the impression that Hawking's idea was only just that - an idea. If it was somehow proven it seems you'd be able to use it to prove the existence of other universes, but as of now I think it's still unprovable.

These are the kinds of thoughts that get me excited. But I have to go to bed now.
  • #5
Yeah, I know what you mean. At this point in time with our current technology, it would be impossible to prove the existence of other universes because we wouldn't be able to revieve a signal from the other end of a black hole.

I guess we're going to have to wait and see what the space community will do.
  • #6
this is nothing new..
  • #7
a; nothing new.
b; very unlikely.
  • #8
True this isn't a new idea. However, if you believe in evolution then it really isn't that unlikely. Think about it. First off keep in mind that space, time, speed, and mass is all related. Now if there is one little tiny water (including the micro-organisms, minerals like Fe, and etc) drop on our planet and it is in one place, undisturbed, for a long enough period of time. Then, the microorganisms would evolve into complex organism, like humans. Those complex organism could live on minerals that have clumped together to form spheres, like earth. Other organisms would have evolved differently, some would become plant like, others animal like, others would stay simple because they had no need to evolve like bacteria. Then H2O would exist. Hydrogen and Oxygen. Our universe has mainly Hydrogen. This "universe" or water drop would have mainly Hydrogen too, with some oxygen. And minerals. Of course Big Bang wouldn't need to create more elements from H because the elements would already exist in that drop. Now, the little planets in the water could have water droplets that sustained life also. Now, since the mass of so small an object is considerably less than the mass of the universe, time could take place at a different rate. Especially on a quantum level. I don't think its terribly crazy, I thought about the same idea when I was a Freshy in HS. Anyways, this I think is more philosophical than anything. It could be argued to the end of our universe.
  • #9
yah i thought of the same idea last year in 10th grade, and re-started thinking about it a couple days ago. Its really cool to think about it when your bored to death in a classroom or something.
  • #10
Yea, this idea was brought up in the movie "Animal House" when some girls were over at the professor's (Donald Sutherland) house smoking weed.
  • #11
May be I should get my self some of that weed?
  • #12
NerfMonkey said:
I don't think you should be slammed for that idea, it seems well thought out.

I.e., not bad for a bright high school student, but not acceptable for the physics journals!

malawi_glenn said:
this is nothing new..

AFAIK the first suggestion of a hierarchy of "nested universes" at all scales was by Fournier in the late nineteenth century.

FAQ: Is There an Infinite Number of Universes in Infinity Itself?

1. What is infinity in the universe?

Infinity in the universe refers to the concept of endlessness or boundlessness in terms of space and time. It is a concept that is difficult for our finite human minds to fully comprehend, but it is a fundamental aspect of the universe.

2. Is the universe infinite?

The current scientific consensus is that the observable universe is finite in size, but it is constantly expanding. However, the concept of infinity in the universe goes beyond just physical size and also includes the idea of infinite possibilities and potential.

3. How does infinity relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory states that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature. This singularity then expanded rapidly, leading to the formation of the universe as we know it. Thus, the concept of infinity is closely tied to the origins of the universe.

4. Can infinity be measured or calculated?

No, infinity cannot be measured or calculated in the traditional sense. It is a concept that exists beyond our current understanding of mathematics and physics. However, scientists can use mathematical models and theories to try to understand and explain aspects of infinity in the universe.

5. What are some examples of infinity in the universe?

Some examples of infinity in the universe include the vastness of space, the endlessness of time, and the infinite number of stars and galaxies. It is also theorized that there may be multiple universes or dimensions, adding to the concept of infinity in the universe.
