Is there any research into the possability the universe is a fractal function?

In summary, according to the content, a fractal universe can be created that does not require intelligent design. It is possible that a divine power could have created the universe in a fractal way, and that there is no evidence that this happened.
  • #1
if so, that prooves that the universe can be created without any inteligent design (does not say the universe was not created with an inteligent design, God could have designed it to be fractal)

it further prooves that if the universe is a fractal function, then no Divine action has taken place since any divine action would imediatly destroy the fracticality.

so ultimatly, I think that mathmaticly, one can proove certain hypothosies about the creation of the universe and its evolution based on if a fractal function can be found that describes the universe. (of course the lack of fractal design and evolution does not imply Inteligent design and evolution)
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  • #2
You sound to have read of Descartes' clockwork universe. Recall that quantum mechanics is linear (nonfractal) by postulate, and that general relativity, though evidently nonlinear, is considered so only nonlocally(?) However, quasi-fractal patterns may develop on a classical level, even though true fractals require singularity.
  • #3
so, if Quantum theory says the universe is a linear function, then there is no way to prove that the universe was not intelligently designed or that a divine power can not have interacted with events in the universe.

that is very ironic...

physics, the science whose mission it is to discover all there is about the universe, dictates that it is impossible to disprove Creationism mathematically. in-fact, it is mathematically permissive to the notion that an intelligence outside the universe could have created it and could have/might interact with it.

again, by no means does the lack of fracticality (yeah I know it is not a word) prove creationism, or any other such divine activities, but it sure as heck allows for the possibility.
  • #4
At least, as with all physics, fractal dynamics can neither prove nor disprove a belief in a "highest intelligence."
  • #5
well, yes that is true, but a fractaly based universe allows for there to be no intelligent design involved in the evolution of the universe...which is what my point was. of course, that does not say that the hypothetical designer did not create the universe to be run by fractal based systems of evolution.

but then it is all moot since QT says the universe is a linear function.
  • #6
No - unless you can form a fractal pattern from a simple binary question.

Chaos may prevail but it is left to the electron or photon to decide, using a six dimensional dice.
  • #7

To talk about fractal, you also need to talk about probability, random number generator, stochastic processes, and fractional dimension, self-similarity, etc. These are some of the unique properties of fractals.

The dynamic of fractal is obviously nonlinear but it's not chaotic. It is complexity in its highest level of existence.
  • #8
Read about Linde's self-reproducing inflationary universe. It models the universe very similar to a fractal

FAQ: Is there any research into the possability the universe is a fractal function?

1. What is a fractal function?

A fractal function is a mathematical concept that describes a pattern or object that repeats itself at different scales. This means that as you zoom in on a fractal, you will see similar patterns or structures repeating themselves.

2. How does a fractal function relate to the universe?

Some scientists theorize that the universe may behave like a fractal function, with patterns and structures repeating themselves at different scales. This could potentially explain some of the observed patterns and structures in the universe, such as the distribution of galaxies and the structure of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

3. Is there any evidence to support the idea of the universe as a fractal function?

Currently, there is limited evidence to support this idea. Some studies have found patterns and structures in the universe that resemble fractals, but more research is needed to confirm this theory.

4. What research has been done on the possibility of the universe as a fractal function?

Several studies have been conducted to explore the potential fractal nature of the universe. These studies have looked at various aspects of the universe, such as the distribution of galaxies, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe.

5. What are the implications if the universe is indeed a fractal function?

If the universe is a fractal function, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It could potentially help explain some of the mysteries of the universe, such as the origins of dark matter and dark energy. Additionally, it could have implications for our understanding of the laws of physics and how they operate on different scales.
