Is This Avatar a Picture of Your Daughter?

  • Thread starter Tom McCurdy
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In summary: Yes, that is my daughter and she is 16. She is very smart, all honors and AP classes. She's not into physics though. She is deciding between law & psychology right now. She's tops in forensic debate in the state, so law would be a natural for her, although she would do well in psychology.
  • #1
Tom McCurdy
Evo-- Question

I think I read somewhere -- don't ask me where-- that your avatar is a picture of your daughter. I was wondering if this was true or if it ws my imagination-- also if it is true-- Does she like physics lol-- I am 17 and figured the picture looked at least 5 years in the range (on the older side) but then again i could be comepletly wrong
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, that is my daughter and she is 16. She is very smart, all honors and AP classes. She's not into physics though. She is deciding between law & psychology right now. She's tops in forensic debate in the state, so law would be a natural for her, although she would do well in psychology.

Her sister is a talented artist and as soon as she gets me some of her drawings, I will post them.
  • #3
Yes, that is my daughter and she is 16. She is very smart, all honors and AP classes. She's not into physics though. She is deciding between law & psychology right now. She's tops in forensic debate in the state, so law would be a natural for her, although she would do well in psychology.

Wow. Pretty and smart. Must be taking after her mother :smile: .
  • #4
It's actually pretty hard to tell the difference between the Evo picture and Evo Jr. picture. They look an awful lot alike to me.
hmm... I wonder if Evo had herself cloned...?
  • #5
I am still waiting to see the change but I can never tell when Evo is on because the little green light doesn't try on anymore. :frown:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #6
Evo has magical powers that she uses to keep her green light off.

And she's much too busy working...
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
Evo has magical powers that she uses to keep her green light off.

And she's much too busy working...

Yer, I know. :frown:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #8
Evo said:
Yes, that is my daughter and she is 16. She is very smart, all honors and AP classes. She's not into physics though. She is deciding between law & psychology right now. She's tops in forensic debate in the state, so law would be a natural for her, although she would do well in psychology.

Her sister is a talented artist and as soon as she gets me some of her drawings, I will post them.

i honestly thought that picture was of you Evo! :blushing:
  • #9
It's never too late to become what you should have been

-George Elliot
  • #10
She is very smart, all honors and AP classes.

Does AP and Honor classes in America account for smart? American grade school is usually pretty easy, and even with AP classes, wouldn't be harder than what is taught regularly in other countries like France or China.

Not that I'm saying the Ottowa school system or Canadian school system is better, because it's just as easy if not easier. I'm just saying that the Quebec system is better.
  • #11
Dagenais said:
Does AP and Honor classes in America account for smart? American grade school is usually pretty easy, and even with AP classes, wouldn't be harder than what is taught regularly in other countries like France or China.

Not that I'm saying the Ottowa school system or Canadian school system is better, because it's just as easy if not easier. I'm just saying that the Quebec system is better.
I would say American schools are much easier than schools in most other countries.
  • #12
Depends on what you do

normal school is a joke, but i like the math and science center I go to
I was lucky ennough to visit one of the top boarding schools in England when i went over there to give my lecture on TOE

thats fun she does forensics-- I did it the last 2 years, didn't take it too seriously as it was very umm unique. I did surprisingly make it to states for Impromptu-- an event where you are given an editorial about a topic say Civic Infastructure then you have to read it in about 30 seconds and start talking within about that time and ur speach must last 6 minutes

what event does she do-
  • #13

Math Is Hard said:
It's actually pretty hard to tell the difference between the Evo picture and Evo Jr. picture. They look an awful lot alike to me.
hmm... I wonder if Evo had herself cloned...?
Seems to be clear to me
  • #14
As far as I can tell, they indeed look like very beautiful woman. Since they are doubtlesly also very intelligent, this demonstrate that they can't exist.

Sorry. :blushing: Within this theory, I would probably be one of the most beautiful person in this forum :-p
  • #15
hahah that's great

Hey Evo what's ur daughters email or aim
It would be fun to talk to her about you sometime

also you ever going to tell me what event she does in forensics
  • #16
Tom McCurdy said:
hahah that's great

Hey Evo what's ur daughters email or aim
It would be fun to talk to her about you sometime
I will ask her if she's willing for me to give you her info. She's rarely online anymore, I rarely see her since she got her car when she turned 16. :frown:

Tom McCurdy said:
also you ever going to tell me what event she does in forensics
From the debates I've been to (I got voluntered to be a debate judge) the topics vary by level. At her school there are two people to a team. They are given a topic and they have to be prepared to argue for or against it.

I will try to remember tonight to ask her to explain more to me.
  • #17
She's rarely online anymore, I rarely see her since she got her car when she turned 16.

What is it with Americans and rushing to get their license at 16? Most of them can hardly drive, a reason why they get into so many damn accidents.

In parts of Europe and Asia, you don't get your license 'till 18 and I wish that was the law in North America.

I'm tired of seeing 16 and 17 year olds flying down the road when they have no clue about how little driving skill they have.

I've seen 17 year olds drive to their neighbor's house. Bicycles and the public transit become non-existant to North American high schoolers once they get that license.
  • #18
oh debate and forensics are two separate programs
in forensics you particpate in particular "events" as opposed to policy debate which it sounds like she does as opposed to congress

they all count towards NFL though
  • #19
Tom McCurdy said:
oh debate and forensics are two separate programs
in forensics you particpate in particular "events" as opposed to policy debate which it sounds like she does as opposed to congress

they all count towards NFL though
My daughter says yes, you are correct, she is in policy debate.
Last edited:
  • #20
So she is probably a junior this year, anyway did she say if i could have her sn or email yet?

lol this is weird talking to a mom on physics forum about her daughter
but it should be better to talk to the taughter about the mom on aim
  • #21
Tom McCurdy said:
So she is probably a junior this year, anyway did she say if i could have her sn or email yet?

lol this is weird talking to a mom on physics forum about her daughter
but it should be better to talk to the taughter about the mom on aim

No offense, but you come off as kind of desperate for some female friends.
  • #22
Tom McCurdy said:
So she is probably a junior this year, anyway did she say if i could have her sn or email yet?

lol this is weird talking to a mom on physics forum about her daughter
but it should be better to talk to the taughter about the mom on aim
I asked, but we got sidetracked. I will ask her again tonight.
  • #23

Dagenais said:
No offense, but you come off as kind of desperate for some female friends.

I thought for a moment on how to respond to this statement. If i were to respond in defense it would seem like you are correct and I am lying. however if I were to say your right then it would have the same end outcome.

Let me just say I always would like more female friends... you can never have ennough. But i do have a fair amount of female friends-- I have been ranked first on the varsity soccer team for last 3 years for our d 1 school, so i have a lot of friends through soccer. However going to a math and science center does limit the actual time i am able to spend with them. However at the center we seem to be fine... you can check out to see well proof that i am alright

but hmm
maybe it would have been best if i didn't respond but this is useful in delaying on working on college apps
  • #24
Tom, are any of the pictures of you?
  • #25
yes many
on lol
or i can just send a few
to an email address or something

  • #26
Which one are you?
  • #27
oh btw i am the curly red headed kid if you just search through the pic section or watch the spirit of christmas
i am jesus
(suggest watching spirit of christmas)
  • #28
Tom McCurdy said:
oh btw i am the curly red headed kid if you just search through the pic section or watch the spirit of christmas
i am jesus
(suggest watching spirit of christmas)
The red head in the middle of the pics at the bottom of the home page?
  • #29
no, that's evan, i am the 2nd guy in on the left, but its an odd picture
watch the spirt of christmas with the googles
i am jesus
its a short film like 5 minutes
  • #30
lol btw when i said I was jesus i meant in the movie which was a little comedy we were paid to make
  • #31

Well I actually got to talk to your daughter for a bit...

You guys are from kansas I believe... oh how exciting

anyway thanks for telling her
  • #32
lol, that Christmas video was fun to watch :biggrin:
  • #33
Dagenais said:
What is it with Americans and rushing to get their license at 16? Most of them can hardly drive, a reason why they get into so many damn accidents.

In parts of Europe and Asia, you don't get your license 'till 18 and I wish that was the law in North America.

I'm tired of seeing 16 and 17 year olds flying down the road when they have no clue about how little driving skill they have.

I've seen 17 year olds drive to their neighbor's house. Bicycles and the public transit become non-existant to North American high schoolers once they get that license.

Im 17 and a senior with no car, no insurance, and no rush to get anywhere. I was too busy with schoolwork to get a permit at 16. I see sophomores already driving around, wasting precious gas and not carpooling. Insurance costs wayy to much for me right now, and I can't get a job with my time-intensive courses. Instead, I run around town. Slower, a little, but free.

Whenever I do get my car eventually, it will strictly be from point A to point B, carpooling with my cousins to school. Also no 'joyriding'. That would be an economic waste of money.

Dagenais, I agree completely with you about these teenagers who have no idea how to drive. They're all over the place at my school. A few of the more idiotic ones taunt me and call me a b*tch whenever I am running. I am just waiting for the day they are put in jail for wreckless driving. Its extremely rude for them to be insulting strangers from the beds of their pickup trucks, they are nothing but hooligan loosers.
  • #34
I agree with 16 being too young to drive for most kids. They just raised the age here, my daughter is one of the last to get a "real" license at 16.

Where we live, her closest friends are at least 10-15 miles away from us. There is no mass transit here, no taxis, car is the only way. Before she got her license, all I did was drive her and her friends places. It was my second full time job. She had school, track, debate, now she also has a part time job.
  • #35

Monique said:
lol, that Christmas video was fun to watch :biggrin:
Thank you, i hoped people would enjoy it

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