Is Vector Integration Possible on Open N-1 D Surfaces in ND?

In summary, the flux through an N-1D surface is determined by the volume integral of the divergence of the vector field over the region inside the surface. If the surface does not have a boundary, then Gauss's Theorem will apply and the flux will be volume preserving.
  • #1
In N D I want to do an integral of the flux through an N-1 D surface. The usual vector calculus integration theorems say I can integrate around the perimeter of the surface. OK, but that perimeter is now N-2 D. In 4D it could be a cube or a 2-sphere. I can't use Gauss' theorem because the surface isn't closed. Now what?
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  • #2
The surface doesn't have to be closed. The boundary of the surface is closed.
  • #3
(If you're not familiar with differential forms, this is a good opportunity to learn about them, since they are exactly the appropriate objects to use in the answer to your question. This may seem a bit technical, but once you are familiar with differential forms, it should make perfect sense.)

Let's say we're talking about a volume-preserving flow, generated by a vector field V on Euclidean space n. Let ω denote the volume form.

That V preserves ω means that the Lie derivative LVω = 0.

In other words,

d(ιVω) + ιV(dω) = 0,​

where ιV denotes the contraction of a differential form by V.

Since ω is already an n-dimensional form on n, we have

dω = 0​

automatically, which means that

d(ιVω) = 0​

Now the flux form τ, i.e., the (n-1)-form that must be integrated over an (n-1)-dimensional manifold M to get the flux of V through M, is given by just contracting ω by V:

τ = ιVω​

and so from the previous equation, the exterior derivative of the flux form vanishes everywhere:

dτ = 0.​

In Euclidean space (and other spaces with sufficiently simple topology), when the exterior derivative d of any differential form σ vanishes everywhere, this implies by the de Rham theorem that σ itself is the exterior derivative of some form of one lower dimension. Hence we have that there exists an (n-2)-dimensional form μ such that

τ = dμ.​

Now, the general version of Stokes's theorem that works in any dimension states that for a compact manifold M and a differential form ρ of dimension = dim(M) - 1, we have

M dρ = ∫∂M ρ.​

(In fact, all the "usual vector calculus integration theorems" you refer to can be shown to be special cases of this general Stokes's theorem for differential forms.)

Applying this Stokes's theorem to the flux form τ with

τ = dμ,​

we have

M τ = ∫M dμ​

and so we get

flux through M = ∫M τ = ∫∂M μ.​

This is exactly what you asked about: How to calculate the flux through an (n-1)-dimensional manifold by integrating something else over its boundary.
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Likes WWGD, Hornbein and fresh_42
  • #4
Golly! Thanks for going to all this effort for lil' ole me.
  • #5
thanks for sharing even I was in need of this equation..
  • #6
One thing to underscore in zinq's post is that if you start with an arbitrary vector field then its divergence may not be zero. In this case it is not possible to find an N-2 form such that

τ = dμ

This is true even in three dimensions.

zinq's point is that if you can solve this equation, then the flow must be volume preserving. The physical term for a volume preserving flow is that it is "incompressible".

A formal way to look at this is to use the identity d(dμ)=0 which is actually true for any differential form, then one has dτ = d(dμ) = 0.
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  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
The surface doesn't have to be closed. The boundary of the surface is closed.

Are you thinking of Stokes' Theorem? For Gauss' Theorem

" the outward flux of a vector field through a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of the divergence over the region inside the surface." -- Wikipedia
  • #8
Hornbein said:
Are you thinking of Stokes' Theorem? For Gauss' Theorem

" the outward flux of a vector field through a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of the divergence over the region inside the surface." -- Wikipedia
I think closed manifold here means a manifold without boundary. An N-1 manifold with boundary - as you assumed - is not closed but its boundary is.

For instance, a disk in 3 space is a 2 - manifold with boundary a circle. So it is not a closed manifold. But its boundary, the circle, is closed.

In general, the boundary of a boundary is empty

Gauss's Theorem would apply if the N-1 manifold did not have a boundary and itself was the boundary of an N-dimensional volume. So for instance, it would apply if instead of a disk, the surface was a sphere.
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  • #9
lavinia said:
In general, the boundary of a boundary is empty


Can you think of a case when it is not? I think in any chain complex you have ##\partial^2 =0##, for a general boundary operator. So a counter would come from somewhere else.
  • #10
WWGD said:
Can you think of a case when it is not? I think in any chain complex you have ##\partial^2 =0##, for a general boundary operator. So a counter would come from somewhere else.
Good question. Don't know of any.

Related to Is Vector Integration Possible on Open N-1 D Surfaces in ND?

1. What is vector integration in ND?

Vector integration in ND refers to the process of integrating vector fields in n-dimensional space. It involves finding the total amount of a vector quantity over a given region or path in n-dimensional space.

2. What is the difference between scalar and vector integration?

Scalar integration involves integrating scalar quantities, which have only magnitude, over a given region or path. Vector integration, on the other hand, involves integrating vector quantities, which have both magnitude and direction.

3. How is vector integration performed in ND?

Vector integration in ND is performed using various techniques such as line integrals, surface integrals, and volume integrals. These techniques involve breaking down the region or path into smaller segments and calculating the contribution of each segment to the overall integral.

4. What are the applications of vector integration in ND?

Vector integration in ND has various applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is used to calculate work done by a force, flux of a vector field, and moment of a force. It is also used in vector calculus and differential equations to solve complex problems.

5. What are some common challenges in vector integration in ND?

Some common challenges in vector integration in ND include dealing with non-conservative vector fields, choosing appropriate coordinate systems, and dealing with complex regions or paths. It also requires a good understanding of vector calculus and mathematical techniques for integration.

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