Israel and Israel and Jerusalem and Judaism

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In summary, Israel is a country with a government that should be separated from religion. The issue of Israel is not about Judaism, but rather a struggle between the value of Torah and the value of human rights. Leibowitz, a critic of Israeli occupation, argues that the state should serve as an arena for this struggle and not be blamed for its outcome. He believes that Judaism should be determined by halakhic praxis, and warns against the tendency of idolatry among both religious and non-religious citizens. The debate over the place of religion in Jewish identity and the relationship between Judaism and the Jewish State has been ongoing since the beginning of the Zionist movement. However, Leibowitz sees all states, including Israel, as essentially secular,
  • #36
The problem with historical claims are that they deny current reality. Some claim that Israel belongs to Arab Muslims because they were once the majority, some claim that the land belongs to Jews, because the whole area was once part of a system of Jewish states and thus the entire area, including the West Bank and Gaza belong to Israel and non-Jews should leave, since they only moved into the area sometime in the last one or two thousand years.

Neither historical claim is really applicable and just serve the purposes of extremist groups like Hamas and Israeli right-wingers to deny reality. The reality is that, regardless of all the claims that Israel has no right to exist, it will continue to exist. The West Bank and Gaza are a majority of Muslim Arabs, and will have to be granted autonomy for any peace deal to work.

So long as people continue to deny reality and see things as how they want them to be, rather than how they are, there will be conflict. Historical claims are meaningless and will only serve to prolong the conflict. Do Jews have a greater historical claim because it is older? Do Arabs have a greater historical claim because it is more recent?

Once people stop worrying about history and start thinking about the future, peace will be possible.
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  • #37
I agree with you mate. The sooner we start accepting the facts the better. However, there are some things that are not acceptable. These include not allowing the Palestinian refugees to return home and not making Eastern Jerusalem the capital of the Palestinian state. Don't you agree?