Why does the U.S. continue to provide military aid to Israel?

  • #106
vertices said:
pray tell. where did I say the opinions of the people residing in Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru and Palau mean nothing.

Notice how you're changing it to the opinion of a GOVERNMENT interested in POLITICS to the opinion of individual people? Completely different but none-the-less the opinion of a lot of people from various countries I would consider worthless. Especially on an international scale.

The opinion of people like 'The Taliban' now THAT'S something that's worth listening to cause they can really **** **** up. But opium farmer Moe from Afghanistan? Probably has very little impact on the rest of the world, very little knowledge of the rest of the world, and very little power to change anything.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #107
vertices said:
You are like a broken record aren't you? I have no interest in debating about the UN and how bad it is.

World opinion matters to me. It clearly doesn't to you.

Nothing more to be said.

I wonder when it will sink in: The UN is NOT a place for 'individual people to present their world opinions'.

When the UN accomplishes something worthwhile during the rest of its miserable and hopefully short existence send me a PM.
  • #108
zomgwtf said:
Notice how you're changing it to the opinion of a GOVERNMENT interested in POLITICS to the opinion of individual people? Completely different but none-the-less the opinion of a lot of people from various countries I would consider worthless. Especially on an international scale.

The opinion of people like 'The Taliban' now THAT'S something that's worth listening to cause they can really **** **** up. But opium farmer Moe from Afghanistan? Probably has very little impact on the rest of the world, very little knowledge of the rest of the world, and very little power to change anything.

yeah those illiterate opium farmers. Not worthy of anything..

Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't really want to respond to anymore posts from you... (nothing personal)
  • #109
vertices said:
yeah those illiterate opium farmers. Not worthy of anything..on the international stage

Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't really want to respond to anymore posts from you... (nothing personal)
Fixed and in 99.9% of cases its true. Unless of course they band together and form some unified opinion and take action to get **** done. Completely worthless.

second time I'll refer to the zombieland quote: Nut up or shut up.
  • #110
estro said:
And I know why.

This has nothing to do with believe, but only historical facts.

Estro, your objections are moot: <srug> so what if it was originally built by the Jews? That does not mean they can come and uproot people from their homes and expect said people to take it sitting down. The Jews want that land. Similiarly the arabs want that land. Both have ties to that land for generations, both want it. Clearly, you both can't have it. Learn to share, or be prepared for never ending violence on both sides.
  • #111
Cyrus said:
Estro, your objections are moot: <srug> so what if it was originally built by the Jews? That does not mean they can come and uproot people from their homes and expect said people to take it sitting down. The Jews want that land.

What are you talking about?
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  • #112
estro said:
What are you talking about?
And if tomorrow morning I'll want Mecca, it mean Saudia needs to share it with me?

This analogy doesn't make any sense, the Jews (as far as I am aware) have not been living in Mecca for generations.
  • #113
So if tomorrow Jews will settle Mecca, we can make a "sharing agreement" after few generations?

[We have theoretical physics, why not having theoretical politics?]
  • #114
estro said:
So if tomorrow Jews will settle Mecca, we can make a "sharing agreement" after few generations?

[We have theoretical physics, why not having theoretical politics?]

I don't understand the point of this hypothetical - I don't do hypotheticals.
  • #115
estro said:
So if tomorrow Jews will settle Mecca, we can make a "sharing agreement" after few generations?

[We have theoretical physics, why not having theoretical politics?]

If Jews were to settle in Mecca and establish themselves as a community, it would be wrong for the Saudi government to expel them, especially if they've lived there for generations. There is infact a phrase for this in English - it is called ethnic cleansing and is a crime against humanity.

BTW I thought you were with me on Jews and Arabs coexisting - you said it was your dream?
  • #116
Many Arabs have Israeli citizenship, and leave peacefully as a community.
Can't understand your point...
Israel never expelled or uprooter no one from their homes...
  • #117
estro said:
Israel never expelled or uprooter no one from their homes...

This is flat out wrong, becuase Israel has uprooted its own people when it had to give back land to the Arabs. Needless to say, the Jews uprooted in the settlement didn't go without making a big stink about it.
  • #119
estro said:
Many Arabs have Israeli citizenship, and leave peacefully as a community.

Actually, they are discriminated against. Just like Mizrahi Jews in Sderot. Israel clearly has problems within its own borders it needs to deal with first.
  • #120
Cyrus said:
This is flat out wrong, becuase Israel has uprooted its own people when it had to give back land to the Arabs. Needless to say, the Jews uprooted in the settlement didn't go without making a big stink about it.

On this one you right, we made sacrifice to try making peace with them. But we all know the consequences.
I'm very tired of discussing this topic...

I can't change your opinion, and I don't condemn you about your opinions, since some things can be understood only by personal experience.

Hopefully one day we and the Palestinians could live in peace, but Jerusalem status will not be negotiated. Jerusalem was built by my ancestor, and Jerusalem will remain our capital city forever, your opinion is irrelevant. (Who want Jerusalem will have to come and take it from my cold bloody hands)

Israel will continue to be honest, patient and gentle towards peaceful civilians (of all religions).
Israel will continue to defend what belongs to the Jewish people, we love peace but we know the art of war, we crashed our enemies in the past we will crash our enemies in the future.

You talk your opinions, but my nation will act according to ours.

I hope we can enjoy discussion on other topics.
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  • #121
estro said:
Hopefully one day we and the Palestinians could live in peace, but Jerusalem status will not be negotiated. Jerusalem was built by my ancestor, and Jerusalem will remain our capital city forever, your opinion is irrelevant. (Who want Jerusalem will have to come and take it from my cold bloody hands)

This kind of dogma is precisely what will get you into trouble.

Israel will continue to be honest, patient and gentle towards peaceful civilians (of all religions).
Israel will continue to defend what belongs to the Jewish people, we love peace but we know the art of war, we crashed our enemies in the past we will crush our enemies in the future.

Unfortunately, this is just propoganda.
  • #122
Cyrus said:
Unfortunately, this is just propoganda.

Doesn't make it incorrect.
  • #123
drankin said:
Doesn't make it incorrect.

But in this case, it is incorrect. It's not even a meaningful statement. What does "belong to the Jewish people" even mean? Do the Christian or Muslim people have something that "belongs to them"? No.
  • #124
This thread has gone way off topic.


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