Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

In summary: RCIC consists of a series of pumps, valves, and manifolds that allow coolant to be circulated around the reactor pressure vessel in the event of a loss of the main feedwater supply.In summary, the earthquake and tsunami may have caused a loss of coolant at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, which could lead to a meltdown. The system for cooling the reactor core is designed to kick in in the event of a loss of feedwater, and fortunately this appears not to have happened yet.
  • #8,716
A 5- shindo magnitude around Iwaki one hour ago ,

that's 40 km from Daiichi ?

Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #8,717
Bioengineer01 said:
Isn't this true ONLY if fission doesn't restart? The high levels of Iodine-131 reported recently makes be strongly doubt that fission has not been ongoing, at least in Unit 2.

This http://adultonsetatheist.blogspot.com/2011/03/corium.html" is as good as any. As long as overall heat output is trending down, it is the best you can hope for in this disaster. Might be some spikes along the way especially with Unit 3 and its MOX fuel but what can you do except wait it out?

As far as ground water contamination, they will just have to pump and flush it to the sea unless they want the entire site to become unworkable with standing-saturated-radioactive-contaminated-water.
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  • #8,718
For people interested in cracks created by earthquakes on nuclear power plants, here is a report published in November 2010 about the cracks caused by the 2007 earthquake at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant unit 3 : http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/material/files/k10111501.pdf (page 17 shows a crack in the reactor building, page 19 in the turbine building).

GJBRKS said:
A 5- shindo magnitude around Iwaki one hour ago ,

that's 40 km from Daiichi ?


A map of intensities in Fukushima prefecture is shown on the following video : http://www.mbs.jp/news/jnn_4742288_zen.shtml . A tsunami is ruled out.

Tepco says the radiation data measured at monitoring posts after this quake at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini are OK : http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0604/TKY201106030652.html
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  • #8,719
Tellurium-132 was detected 6 km northwest of Fukushima I Nuke Plant in Namie-machi in the morning of March 12.


"It was disclosed that the radionuclide that would indicate the nuclear fuel temperature exceeded 1,000 degrees Celsius was detected in the morning of March 12 in Namie-machi in Fukushima Prefecture, about 6 kilometers [north] from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant."

According to ex-SKF, before venting and before any explosions.

The timeline of what went on is far from complete.
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  • #8,720
There have been some extensive steam/smoke displays at Units 3 and 4 today.

Releases from 3 and 4 seem to coincide with one another.

Since TEPCO's official explanation for the hydrogen explosions in Unit 4 claim that hydrogen entered the building from a connection to Unit 3,

Could Unit 3 be venting smoke and steam via unit 4 to this day?
  • #8,721
Bodge said:
There have been some extensive steam/smoke displays at Units 3 and 4 today.

Releases from 3 and 4 seem to coincide with one another.

Since TEPCO's official explanation for the hydrogen explosions in Unit 4 claim that hydrogen entered the building from a connection to Unit 3,

Could Unit 3 be venting smoke and steam via unit 4 to this day?

IMO, there is no containment for reactors 1,2 and 3 all are open to the surrounding environment. If radioactive contamination doesn't vent/steam/vaporize away it gets washed away with cooling water. Cooling water at best is 'stored' and storage is beginning to exceed limits or capacity. This, besides leakage and ground water infiltration.
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  • #8,722
razzz said:
This http://adultonsetatheist.blogspot.com/2011/03/corium.html" is as good as any. As long as overall heat output is trending down, it is the best you can hope for in this disaster. Might be some spikes along the way especially with Unit 3 and its MOX fuel but what can you do except wait it out?.

Yes, just wanted to point out that things are much more complicated that what some posts make them appear to be...

Can anybody estimate what could happen if there is a hydrogen explosion around the corium creating a compression wave while fission is ongoing? I am not an expert, but when I thought about the scenario got scared and decided to post it here, where somebody may know the answer...
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  • #8,723
Bodge said:
Tellurium-132 was detected 6 km northwest of Fukushima I Nuke Plant in Namie-machi in the morning of March 12.


"It was disclosed that the radionuclide that would indicate the nuclear fuel temperature exceeded 1,000 degrees Celsius was detected in the morning of March 12 in Namie-machi in Fukushima Prefecture, about 6 kilometers [north] from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant."

According to ex-SKF, before venting and before any explosions.

The timeline of what went on is far from complete.

Is this not a smoking gun indication of structural damage to the reactor(s) from the quake, prior to the added impact of any explosions?
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  • #8,724
Technical question. Does anyone know the form of Cesium that is produced by a nuclear reactor? Is it pure cesium? Or an oxide?

In short, is the Cesium-137 produced a pure metal? Or is it oxidized inside the fuel rod? If it is oxidized, where does the oxygen come from?
  • #8,725
etudiant said:
Is this not a smoking gun indication of structural damage to the reactor(s) from the quake, prior to the added impact of any explosions?

I thought it was now common knowledge that all three reactors melted down before the explosions. That in fact the explosions were the result of catastrophic failure of the reactors.

Isn't that the latest version of what happened?
  • #8,726
etudiant said:
Is this not a smoking gun indication of structural damage to the reactor(s) from the quake, prior to the added impact of any explosions?

There was (a long time ago in march) interview with tepco worker which told that after earthquake there was explosive sound, dark smoke in unit 3 and it was hard to breathe
  • #8,727
Once core melting was underway I don't know if additional earthquake damage is necessary in order to explain radioactive releases into the environment.

Certainly it should not be news that radiation levels started to rise well before the explosion, since early data from site shows that readings started to go up considerably at some point shortly after 4am on the 12th and with quite a leap starting by 10.20am.

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  • #8,728
robinson said:
Technical question. Does anyone know the form of Cesium that is produced by a nuclear reactor? Is it pure cesium? Or an oxide?

In short, is the Cesium-137 produced a pure metal? Or is it oxidized inside the fuel rod? If it is oxidized, where does the oxygen come from?

cesium is an alkaline metal and will react powerfully with water to form an hydroxide. The presence of iodine will cause cesium iodide to form in preference to the hydroxide, but cesium iodide also dissolves very well in water.
The cesium fission product is in metal form afaik in the fuel tubes, as long as the tube remains intact.
When the zirconium is destroyed because of the loss of coolant, the cesium metal boils out of the hot fuel assemblies. The cesium vapor will deposit all over, on pretty much every surface that is cold enough, so it is a serious contaminant, not easily flushed because it is so reactive.
Afaik, the Japanese helicopters that did the water drops early in the crisis were very badly contaminated and their cleanup required special equipment provided by the US military, because the conventional cleanings failed to dislodge the cesium embedded in the helicopters paint.
  • #8,729
SteveElbows said:
Once core melting was underway I don't know if additional earthquake damage is necessary in order to explain radioactive releases into the environment.

Certainly it should not be news that radiation levels started to rise well before the explosion, since early data from site shows that readings started to go up considerably at some point shortly after 4am on the 12th and with quite a leap starting by 10.20am.


The reactors had clearly failed by the morning of Mar 12. However, the venting had not yet started, at least afaik, when these measurements were made 6 km away. That would seem to show an earthquake generated leak in the containment, which is something that was unclear previously.
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  • #8,730
etudiant said:
The cesium fission product is in metal form afaik in the fuel tubes, as long as the tube remains intact.

I strongly doubt that. Cesium is created in the form of just nucleus, ejected during fission. It grabs any electrons it can from the surroundings. I doubt it gets more electrons than needed to become Cs+. Counterions are whatever happened to be in the vicinity and was not keeping its electrons strong enough.
  • #8,731
Borek said:
I strongly doubt that. Cesium is created in the form of just nucleus, ejected during fission. It grabs any electrons it can from the surroundings. I doubt it gets more electrons than needed to become Cs+. Counterions are whatever happened to be in the vicinity and was not keeping its electrons strong enough.

Thank you for the extra information. I had not known the sequence of how one gets from a fission fragment to
a fission product. So cesium metal never forms even if the intact fuel.
Must be a real nuclear dance inside the fuel rods, with highly charged fission fragments competing for available counterions.
  • #8,732
etudiant said:
cesium is an alkaline metal and will react powerfully with water to form an hydroxide. The presence of iodine will cause cesium iodide to form in preference to the hydroxide, but cesium iodide also dissolves very well in water.
The cesium fission product is in metal form afaik in the fuel tubes, as long as the tube remains intact.
When the zirconium is destroyed because of the loss of coolant, the cesium metal boils out of the hot fuel assemblies. The cesium vapor will deposit all over, on pretty much every surface that is cold enough, so it is a serious contaminant, not easily flushed because it is so reactive.
Afaik, the Japanese helicopters that did the water drops early in the crisis were very badly contaminated and their cleanup required special equipment provided by the US military, because the conventional cleanings failed to dislodge the cesium embedded in the helicopters paint.

some light reading, just to clarify all thjs.

  • #8,733
etudiant said:
The reactors had clearly failed by the morning of Mar 12. However, the venting had not yet started, at least afaik, when these measurements were made 6 km away. That would seem to show an earthquake generated leak in the containment, which is something that was unclear previously.

I still don't see why this means it has to be earthquake generated. Surely the state of the reactor due to core melting is enough to cause problems by this stage.

There are not a huge number of pressure readings from the early hours of the situation at the reactors, but there are some. Reactor 1 seems most interesting of the 3 during the early hours of the 12th. At some point the reactor pressure goes from 6.9 MPa at 20:07 on the 11th to 0.8 Mpa by 02:45 on the 12th. Drywell is 0.6 MPa at 01:05 on the 12th, 0.84 Mpa at 02:30, 0.78 by 04:19, then tends to fluctuate around 0.74 and 0.75 until its time for steeper declines in the afternoon.

In my mind this means I can construct alternatives to earthquake damage to explain releases in this period. Extreme pressure or temperatures may have caused certain small drywell failures at reactor 1 by around 4am on the 12th.
  • #8,734
SteveElbows said:
I still don't see why this means it has to be earthquake generated. Surely the state of the reactor due to core melting is enough to cause problems by this stage.

There are not a huge number of pressure readings from the early hours of the situation at the reactors, but there are some. Reactor 1 seems most interesting of the 3 during the early hours of the 12th. At some point the reactor pressure goes from 6.9 MPa at 20:07 on the 11th to 0.8 Mpa by 02:45 on the 12th. Drywell is 0.6 MPa at 01:05 on the 12th, 0.84 Mpa at 02:30, 0.78 by 04:19, then tends to fluctuate around 0.74 and 0.75 until its time for steeper declines in the afternoon.

In my mind this means I can construct alternatives to earthquake damage to explain releases in this period. Extreme pressure or temperatures may have caused certain small drywell failures at reactor 1 by around 4am on the 12th.

Thank you, that is most helpful data. The sharp loss of pressure in reactor 1 before 2.45 am on Mar 12 would fit nicely with the timeline recording reactor products 6 km away a few hours later.
As you point out, the leak does not appear to be directly from the quake, but rather a subsequent pressure generated failure. Still, it indicates that the integrity of the facility was materially compromised even before the explosions.
  • #8,735
Bandit127 said:
Congratulations to the people at the sharp end of this situation.

It may only be a small solution in a mass of big problems, but the establishment of closed loop cooling for the SFP in Unit 2 is a turning point I think and it gives me a sense of optimisim that we will have improved success in working our way through this.

No more radiation washed out or steamed off of at least part of the site.

Good news.

Credit where credit is due, I agree. Of course they would be worthy of much more credit if they had started doing this weeks ago. They've allowed things to get worse by delaying prompt action, and that nullifies whatever praise they're otherwise deserving of this week. But it is a step in the right direction.
  • #8,736
MiceAndMen said:
Credit where credit is due, I agree. Of course they would be worthy of much more credit if they had started doing this weeks ago. They've allowed things to get worse by delaying prompt action, and that nullifies whatever praise they're otherwise deserving of this week. But it is a step in the right direction.

Is this actually the case?
My impression, from looking at the stuff that is getting deployed, is that we are seeing a lot of custom built gear, rather than a lot of off the shelf equipment. It is pretty impressive, to conjure this up in a couple of months. At a minimum, it proves that the TEPCO road map did actually reflect some serious engineering effort.
Maybe it has been ' a day late and a dollar short', but there is a real effort.

Short of making this a global effort, it is hard to see what TEPCO could have done additional.
Presumably, the global effort option was rejected both for operational as well as political reasons, ie how do you coordinate a nuclear emergency with a polyglot crew that cannot talk to each other?.
  • #8,737
etudiant said:
Thank you, that is most helpful data. The sharp loss of pressure in reactor 1 before 2.45 am on Mar 12 would fit nicely with the timeline recording reactor products 6 km away a few hours later.
As you point out, the leak does not appear to be directly from the quake, but rather a subsequent pressure generated failure. Still, it indicates that the integrity of the facility was materially compromised even before the explosions.

I forgot to include TEPCOs own thoughts on containment damage which came out in the 2nd half of may as part of a very long Japanese report that had not been fully translated into english last time we talked about it, and I presume it still hasnt. But there were some press stories about it which we talked about here, and I computer-translated a few paragraphs that were related to the timing of containment failures.

Their assumptions, which were apparently based on things such as pressure readings, don't exactly match what I've been saying, although they are not too far off for some reactors.

For reactor 1 they estimated a leak equivalent to a 3cm hole in drywell 18 hours after quake. Worsening to 7cm by 50 hours after quake. So here they are already admitting to some containment damage by the morning of 12th, although some 4 hours later than I guestimated based on a few pressure readings.

For reactor 2 they estimated a leak equivalent to a 10cm hole in drywell 21 hours after quake. Suppression chamber damage obviously followed at a later date, when the 'strange sound was heard. Drywell damage at 21 hours after quake is late on morning of 12th, a bit too late to blame this for the data 6km away.

I suppose it is possible that these '18 hours' and '21 hours' estimates that TEPCO mentioned are not supposed to be the exact starting times for containment failure, but rather an indication of how bad the damage may be at that moment. eg if damage equivalent to 3cm at around 8:30, maybe there could have been damage equivalent to 1cm at 5am. I cannot tell until I see full translation, and even then I would not be surprised if this remains a little unclear. Its not as if when I study what pressure data is available to us, the times TEPCO said fit perfectly with a dramatic event shown in data at precisely these times.

Anyway TEPCOs analysis of reactor 3 may be of particular interest to those seeking possible earthquake damage, because as discussed when press articles appeared on this subject some days ago, TEPCO seem to be suggesting that some piping system may have been damaged at reactor 3 by the earthquake itself. Again I wait in hope of full document translation, and I have no idea whether such early damage may be responsible for any of the radiation being picked up on morning of march 12th.
  • #8,739
Borek said:
I strongly doubt that. Cesium is created in the form of just nucleus, ejected during fission. It grabs any electrons it can from the surroundings. I doubt it gets more electrons than needed to become Cs+. Counterions are whatever happened to be in the vicinity and was not keeping its electrons strong enough.

I would like to see the math on how Cs is created in a fuel rod. Exactly how long does it take for a fresh fuel rod to produce a gram of the stuff. Since U238 and U235 have approximately that number of electrons AFAIK, doesn't Cs take its share of them after the products decay? Btw, I am not an expert on the chemical properties of isotopes or nuclear physics. I guess I am just an annoying "backseat driver". <-----My disclaimer
  • #8,740
etudiant said:
Thank you, that is most helpful data. The sharp loss of pressure in reactor 1 before 2.45 am on Mar 12 would fit nicely with the timeline recording reactor products 6 km away a few hours later.

I should also point out that I am not sure that particular pressure drop, of the reactor itself, gives a proper indication of release of radioactive substances to outside world. I am not especially knowledgeable about this stuff, but I assumed that drop of reactor pressure vessel tells us that stuff has gone from pressure vessel to containment vessel. It sets the situation up for trouble, but its a drop in containment pressure that we should look for when thinking about when exactly this material escapes into the wider world. So for my crude estimations of radioactive release timing I was looking for even slight falls in containment pressure.
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  • #8,741
There is another piece of data from early on March 12th which demonstrates radioactive release. It is mentioned in TEPCO document that analyses situation at plant in first hours. In the reactor 3 status table at the very end of the document, in the final row about emissions, it says:

Exhaust stack radioactive monitor : noise was confirmed after reactor scram, but it was stable rate until termination of recording From around 5:00 on March 12th, it showed temporarily gradual increase. Since it is assumable that the water level of the reactor of Unit 3 at that time was above flooded level to cover the fuel, increase in dose is effected by the other units at the site.

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  • #8,742
hbjon said:
Since U238 and U235 have approximately that number of electrons AFAIK, doesn't Cs take its share of them after the products decay?

Number of electrons in uranium atom is exactly the same as number of electrons needed for fissions products. Trick is, when fission products run apart they do it very fast. They can be able to take some of the electrons from the original uranium atom with them, I am not sure about details, but basically these are two massive, highly charged ions going through the fuel rod and ionizing everything on their way. Electrons don't need much time to get back "in place", but it is a messy process. Final products (in chemical sense) are ions - like Cs+ and I-, but they are put in random places in the original lattice of uranium oxide, creating local defects, so they can be hardly described as specific compounds.
  • #8,744
LabratSR said:

Hope that these are just the specs for the product, because they need at least two of each of those every day
just to hold the injected water at the current rate.
TEPCO is reportedly putting in a 100,000 ton storage tank underground, but it will not be ready until August.
Provided the AREVA treatment plant starts operating by mid June as expected, TEPCO might have just enough capacity to avoid an overflow of highly contaminated water. It does not look however as though they will be able to store the treated water unless there is some tanker storage planned. So there will of necessity be a further ocean disposal of contaminated water.
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  • #8,745
hbjon said:
I would like to see the math on how Cs is created in a fuel rod. Exactly how long does it take for a fresh fuel rod to produce a gram of the stuff. Since U238 and U235 have approximately that number of electrons AFAIK, doesn't Cs take its share of them after the products decay? Btw, I am not an expert on the chemical properties of isotopes or nuclear physics. I guess I am just an annoying "backseat driver". <-----My disclaimer
By successive beta decay, Te -> I -> Xe -> Cs -> Ba -> La (all having the same A, but different Z. Some Cs is born as a fission product. Te, I, Xe are also born as fission products, and decay by beta emission as shown.

Borek said:
Number of electrons in uranium atom is exactly the same as number of electrons needed for fissions products. Trick is, when fission products run apart they do it very fast. They can be able to take some of the electrons from the original uranium atom with them, I am not sure about details, but basically these are two massive, highly charged ions going through the fuel rod and ionizing everything on their way. Electrons don't need much time to get back "in place", but it is a messy process. Final products (in chemical sense) are ions - like Cs+ and I-, but they are put in random places in the original lattice of uranium oxide, creating local defects, so they can be hardly described as specific compounds.
The fission products do not go far - only a few microns (2-6 um) with the heavier nuclide going shorter distances, and the lighter one going longer. The Te - Cs are the heavier ones, and Se->Br->Kr->Rb->Sr->Y are the lighter ones.

Edit/update: The grains in the polycrystalline UO2 ceramic are on the order of 10 microns, and actually 2 to 20 microns. At temperature, the smallest grains basically reform as part of larger grains (the atoms at the grain boundaries migrate from small grains to large grains).
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  • #8,746
robinson said:
I thought it was now common knowledge that all three reactors melted down before the explosions. That in fact the explosions were the result of catastrophic failure of the reactors.

Isn't that the latest version of what happened?

It seems that the three cores melted quickly, agree. But The containment was not supposed to leak in the morning of March 12. So how did this Tellurium go out of the cores, out of the RPV, out of the containment, to deposit 6 kms away from Daichi?

Did they already vent? Tepco said no (as a matter of fact Kan was visiting the plant that morning and was upset that no venting had been done despite official governement approval). So how did this Tellurium come out?

Either Tepco already vented, or the containment was already breached, the earthquake being possibly the only credible explanation to explain some leak in the containment...
  • #8,747
etudiant said:
Hope that these are just the specs for the product, because they need at least two of each of those every day
just to hold the injected water at the current rate.
TEPCO is reportedly putting in a 100,000 ton storage tank underground, but it will not be ready until August.
Provided the AREVA treatment plant starts operating by mid June as expected, TEPCO might have just enough capacity to avoid an overflow of highly contaminated water. It does not look however as though they will be able to store the treated water unless there is some tanker storage planned. So there will of necessity be a further ocean disposal of contaminated water.

If I read it right under "Transportation Duration" they are planning on delivering up to 6 a day of the bigger ones for a month and 4 a day of the smaller ones for 2 months.
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  • #8,748
etudiant said:
Hope that these are just the specs for the product, because they need at least two of each of those every day
just to hold the injected water at the current rate.
TEPCO is reportedly putting in a 100,000 ton storage tank underground, but it will not be ready until August.
Provided the AREVA treatment plant starts operating by mid June as expected, TEPCO might have just enough capacity to avoid an overflow of highly contaminated water. It does not look however as though they will be able to store the treated water unless there is some tanker storage planned. So there will of necessity be a further ocean disposal of contaminated water.

Hummm, 100 000 tons underground storage installed in August? Do you have a idea of how big this is? How can they dig a hole that big and install a tank that big in so little time? That's putting below the ground a tanker, not exactly an easy task! And where?

I don't understand this statement.
  • #8,749
jlduh said:
Hummm, 100 000 tons underground storage installed in August? Do you have a idea of how big this is? How can they dig a hole that big and install a tank that big in so little time? That's putting below the ground a tanker, not exactly an easy task! And where?

I don't understand this statement.

World Nuclear News here
notes that TEPCO is moving to install 3 tanks on the site, a 10,000 ton unit for highly contaminated water, a 19,400 ton one for mid level contaminated water and a 140,000 ton low level contaminated water tank. No completion dates are given and no construction details.
  • #8,750
That explanation makes me think there is a complex stew of isotopes unwinding towards the zone of stability, decaying at various halflives, and converting mass to energy in the process. One thing that I cannot get my mind around is when you say "Te, I, and Xe are born by fission." Would that be U235 or P239?

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