Joy Christian's disproof of Bell

  • Thread starter ajw1
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In summary: In order for a theory to be considered valid, it must be able to be understood and followed by others in the scientific community. If a theory is poorly presented, it is difficult for others to assess its validity and contribute to its development.
  • #71
ajw1 said:
For several years Joy Christiaan has been publishing about the disproof of Bell in a typical EPR setup, his latest (?) publication being" .

In a nutshell his argument is that Bell uses an invalid topology for the EPR elements of reality (1D instead of 3D). When using Clifford algebra the author says he can reproduce the Bell inequalities.

Does he have a valid argument here?

This" further summarizes his arguments

ps. I haven't seen his articles being published somewhere else then Arxiv, but Carlos Castro references him claiming about the same" . Quantum Mechanic 5.pdf
The orthogonal Clifford algebra and the generalised Clifford algebra, Cn,
(discrete Weyl algebra) is re-examined and it is shown that the quantum
mechanical wave function (element of left ideal), density operator (element
of a two sided ideal) and mean values (algebraic trace) can be constructed
from entirely within the algebra. No appeal to Hilbert space is necessary.
We show how the GNS construction can be obtained from within both
algebras. The limit of Cn as n->oo is shown to be the extended Heisenberg algebra.
Finally the relationship to the usual Hilbert space approach is discussed.

The Clifford Algebra Approach to Quantum Mechanics B: The Dirac Particle and its relation to the Bohm Approach

In this paper we present for the first time a complete description of the Bohm model of the Dirac particle. This result demonstrates again that the common perception that it is not possible to construct a fully relativistic version of the Bohm approach is incorrect. We obtain the fully relativistic version by using an approach based on Clifford algebras outlined in two earlier papers by Hiley and by Hiley and Callaghan. The relativistic model is different from the one originally proposed by Bohm and Hiley and by Doran and Lasenby. We obtain exact expressions for the Bohm energy-momentum density, a relativistic quantum Hamilton-Jacobi for the conservation of energy which includes an expression for the quantum potential and a relativistic time development equation for the spin vectors of the particle. We then show that these reduce to the corresponding non-relativistic expressions for the Pauli particle which have already been derived by Bohm, Schiller and Tiomno and in more general form by Hiley and Callaghan. In contrast to the original presentations, there is no need to appeal to classical mechanics at any stage of the development of the formalism. All the results for the Dirac, Pauli and Schroedinger cases are shown to emerge respectively from the hierarchy of Clifford algebras C(13),C(30), C(01) taken over the reals as Hestenes has already argued. Thus quantum mechanics is emerging from one mathematical structure with no need to appeal to an external Hilbert space with wave functions.

The Clifford Algebra approach to Quantum Mechanics A: The Schroedinger and Pauli Particles

In this paper we show how all the quantum properties of Schroedinger and Pauli particles can be described entirely from within a Clifford algebra taken over the reals. There is no need to appeal to any `wave function'. To describe a quantum system, we define the Clifford density element [CDE] as a product of an element of a minimal left ideal and its Clifford conjugate. The properties of the system are then completely specified in terms of bilinear invariants of the first and second kind calculated using the CDE. Thus the quantum properties of a system can be completely described from within the algebra without the need to appeal to any Hilbert space representation.
Furthermore we show that the essential bilinear invariants of the second kind are simply the Bohm energy and the Bohm momentum, entities that make their appearance in the Bohm interpretation. We also show how these parameters emerge from standard quantum field theory in the low energy, single particle approximation. There is no need to appeal to classical mechanics at any stage. This clearly shows that the Bohm approach is entirely within the standard quantum formalism. The method has enabled us to lay the foundations of an approach that can be extended to provide a complete relativistic version of Bohm model. In this paper we confine our attention to the details of the non-relativistic case and will present its relativistic extension in a subsequent paper.
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