Keplerian scattering through an array of mass lumps

In summary, the author is trying to model a mass moving through a potential that is a grid of point masses and is having trouble relating impact parameter and interaction region radius. He is considering central masses and fears that if he does not consider them stationary, his method may not be general enough.
  • #1
Hey guys,

Hit a bit of a snag in something I'm working on and need some help. I've attached an image so hopefully that will help a bit. Basically I'm trying to model a mass m moving through a potential that is, currently, a grid of point masses and seeing how the overall distance traveled in a given time changes as you vary the masses of the grid. I have a model and I'm comparing to some simulations I'm running (which theoretically should be correct).

The model:
Ok so basically I have some code that treats the incoming mass as coming along the positive x-axis at some velocity and some height, impact parameter b, which is unperturbed until it enters the interaction region, at which point it undergoes motion according to the solution to the Kepler problem, and then leaves. I'm assuming conservation of energy here (ridgid central body) and so the outgoing velocity is the same as the incoming, or close enough anyway. It's basically the impulse approximation. I realize there are problems with this namely with masses of comparible size to the incoming mass and i think that may be where my problem lies but i'll continue anyway. So for a given incoming mass, point mass...mass, impact parameter, radius of interaction region and velocity i can output a scattering angle. From this i assume some distance and travel time between scattering events and get an overall path distance, which i then compare to an unperturbed path difference (ultimately its the difference I am interested in).

Now here's my problem: the parameters i was having trouble fixing or relating to other parameters are the impact parameter and interaction region radius. Now i figure the IR radius s must be related to the mass of the point mass so i did some simulations and found that it follows a power law pretty well ie s proportional to aM^b. Now physically i would assume that this should be sufficient, i mean any change in velocity or the incoming mass should be taken into account by the rest of the mathematics and the 'physical size' of this mass/its IR should be independent of incoming velocity and mass, however when i start fiddling with those i get inconsistent results. I fear this may be because I am considering central masses that are too small to be considered stationary wrt the other mass. I want my method to be as general as possible so should i rewrite my model in terms of centre of mass scattering instead?

I was wondering if anyone had any insights on this matter =(


EDIT: Sorry perhaps this should be in the CM forum, its to do with stars and galaxies so i figured i'd put it here =P


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  • #2
Sounds like your having fun. I'm not sure I totally understand your question, but maybe this will help:

Interaction distance, [itex]s[/itex], can be found by setting kinetic energy equal to potential energy:

[tex]\frac{1}{2} m v^2 = \frac{GMm}{s^2} [/tex]



This sort of problem was looked at analytically by Chandrasekhr (sp?) and others. When a large body moves through other smaller bodies it actually slows because of gravitational effects. This effect is known as" :

[tex]F_{dyn} \propto \frac{M^2 \rho}{v^2} [/tex]

You can compare your simulation to the dynamical friction formula found in the above link to check for consistency.

Good luck,
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  • #3
Ah of course. Yes i tried PE = KE but being the muppet that i often am i had the wrong equation and had s = GM/m v^2 which gave a constant scattering angle regardless of other paramters. I think what you've given there is the hard scattering distance which i heard my supervisor mention, i will give it a go, cheers!

Related to Keplerian scattering through an array of mass lumps

1. What is Keplerian scattering through an array of mass lumps?

Keplerian scattering through an array of mass lumps is a phenomenon in which a small object, such as a planet or comet, is deflected from its original path by the gravitational pull of multiple larger objects arranged in a specific pattern. This pattern is often referred to as an "array of mass lumps" or "mass distribution."

2. How does Keplerian scattering differ from other types of scattering?

Keplerian scattering is unique in that it involves the gravitational pull of multiple objects, whereas other types of scattering, such as Rayleigh or Mie scattering, are caused by interactions with individual particles. Additionally, Keplerian scattering occurs on a much larger scale, involving celestial bodies and their orbital paths.

3. What factors influence the strength of Keplerian scattering?

The strength of Keplerian scattering is influenced by several factors, including the mass and distribution of the objects in the array, the distance between the objects, and the velocity of the small object. These factors can combine to create a complex gravitational field that affects the trajectory of the small object.

4. Can Keplerian scattering be observed in our solar system?

Yes, Keplerian scattering has been observed in our solar system, particularly in the orbits of comets and other small bodies that pass through the gravitational fields of larger planets. In fact, the study of Keplerian scattering has helped scientists better understand the dynamics of our solar system and how objects interact with each other.

5. How is Keplerian scattering relevant to other fields of science?

Keplerian scattering has implications in various fields of science, including astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary science. By studying Keplerian scattering, scientists can gain a better understanding of the behavior of objects in space, the formation of planetary systems, and the dynamics of celestial bodies. This knowledge can also be applied to other systems, such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies, to study their formation and evolution.

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