Kinematics: finding the average acceleration

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the average acceleration of a particle moving along the x-axis, given the velocity function and initial and final times. The concept of functions is explained, and the final answer is determined to be 15.4m/s2. The person expressing gratitude for the clear explanation of functions and their understanding of the problem.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement
The velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis varies in time according to the expression


t is in seconds

Find the average acceleration in the time interval from t=0 to 3.63s.
Answer in units of m/s2

2. Homework Equations
I really do not have the slightest idea as to what equation to use for this. I know I need to find the average acceleration which is a=Δv/Δt, however, I don't recognize how to get the initial and final velocities out of that problem. It's already given me the initial time and final time so obviously 3.63s-0s=3.63s but as previously stated, how do I pull the initial and finals out of that? (Even if that is the way to go about it.) I have tried a few things and my results of those will be under this.

3. The Attempt at a Solution
First I got 28.20986915 just by plugging and chugging. I'm still working on it but I am in desperate need of a quick lesson on how to solve this problem and the concepts of it.
Please, no answers; I only want to know and understand how to solve this.
Thank you.

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  • #2
Hello hrodger,

Do you know what a function is? The velocity is a function of time. This means that you can plug in different values of t as the argument to the function, and different values of v result. What is the initial speed v(0)? What is the final speed v(3.63)? So, what is the difference between them?
  • #3
Thanks for the reply! To answer your question about functions, no, not particularly; I've worked with them a little bit in college algebra last semester, but that's it. And my final velocity (3.63) - my initial velocity (0) = 3.63s, I thought that the 3.63s was my time, not velocity? I must have misunderstood it.
  • #4
hrodger said:
1. Homework Statement
The velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis varies in time according to the expression


t is in seconds
3. The Attempt at a Solution
First I got 28.20986915 just by plugging and chugging.

You can't get 10 significant figures when you start with only 3.
  • #5
hrodger said:
Thanks for the reply! To answer your question about functions, no, not particularly; I've worked with them a little bit in college algebra last semester, but that's it. And my final velocity (3.63) - my initial velocity (0) = 3.63s, I thought that the 3.63s was my time, not velocity? I must have misunderstood it.

The simplest way to think about it (without even worrying about the term "function") is that 't' is the "independent" variable. It doesn't depend on anything else. It varies independently.

v is the "dependent" variable, because its value "depends" on the value of t.

For every value of t (time) there is a corresponding value of v (velocity). That's what a function is, it's a mapping from one set of values to another set. As an analogy, you can think of a function being like a machine that takes an "input" (t) and according to some algorithm (procedure), spits out some output (v). In this case, the mapping is given by the following mathematical expression:


So, for every value of t, you can find the corresponding value of v just by evaluating this expression. The function notation with the parentheses is meant to indicate this relationship. The thing inside the parentheses is called the "argument" to the function. It's the independent variable. Whatever you put in the parentheses is what you are passing as an input to the "machine." So, if you pass 0 as the value: v(0), then you are computing the value of v when t = 0, and you would do that just by setting t = 0 in the mathematical expression for the function:

v(0)=α+β(0)2 = α

If you pass 3.63 as the argument to the function: v(3.63), then you are computing the value of v when t = 3.63.
  • #6
tms said:
You can't get 10 significant figures when you start with only 3.
Wasn't my final answer. I needed to get either the final velocity or initial velocity out of that equation. What my issue was is that I didn't know which. I asked a friend and he helped me figure it out. My final answer was 15.4275000 or 15.4m/s2 as the sig fig would require.
  • #7
cepheid said:
The simplest way to think about it (without even worrying about the term "function") is that 't' is the "independent" variable. It doesn't depend on anything else. It varies independently.

v is the "dependent" variable, because its value "depends" on the value of t.

For every value of t (time) there is a corresponding value of v (velocity). That's what a function is, it's a mapping from one set of values to another set. As an analogy, you can think of a function being like a machine that takes an "input" (t) and according to some algorithm (procedure), spits out some output (v). In this case, the mapping is given by the following mathematical expression:


So, for every value of t, you can find the corresponding value of v just by evaluating this expression. The function notation with the parentheses is meant to indicate this relationship. The thing inside the parentheses is called the "argument" to the function. It's the independent variable. Whatever you put in the parentheses is what you are passing as an input to the "machine." So, if you pass 0 as the value: v(0), then you are computing the value of v when t = 0, and you would do that just by setting t = 0 in the mathematical expression for the function:

v(0)=α+β(0)2 = α

If you pass 3.63 as the argument to the function: v(3.63), then you are computing the value of v when t = 3.63.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the time you spent in explaining this to me. That is honestly the most clear-cut and simple way I have heard functions described. Thank you very much. The problem has been solved and I shouldn't ever have issues with functions again thanks to you, my friend. Good night!
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein

FAQ: Kinematics: finding the average acceleration

What is kinematics?

Kinematics is the branch of physics that studies the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause the motion.

What is average acceleration?

Average acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity over a given time interval. It is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time interval.

How do you calculate average acceleration?

Average acceleration is calculated by taking the final velocity of an object and subtracting the initial velocity, then dividing by the time interval. The formula for average acceleration is: a = (vf - vi) / t.

What are the units of average acceleration?

The units of average acceleration are meters per second squared (m/s²) in the metric system, and feet per second squared (ft/s²) in the imperial system.

What is the difference between average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration?

Average acceleration is the overall change in velocity over a given time interval, while instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration at a specific moment in time. Average acceleration is calculated using the average velocity over a time interval, while instantaneous acceleration is calculated using the instantaneous velocity at a specific point in time.
