Law of conservation of Energy question.

In summary, the question is asking for the maximum speed of the roller coaster on the track, the speed at point E, and the constant braking needed to stop the roller coaster within 5 meters. The law of conservation of energy can be used to solve these problems, with the highest point of the track having the least velocity and the most kinetic energy. The question is ambiguous in part C, so it is best to use constant acceleration equations to find the acceleration required.
  • #1
I have a exam tommorrow so i will greatly appreciate anyone who helps me on this one. The question has to be solved using law of conservation of energy.

Q: A roller coaster starts from rest at point A and weighs 1000kg with the ppl in it and goes through the designed track. The height of the track changes 5 times. There is a pic but i don't know how to post it.

Point A:9.5m
Point B:6.5m
Point C:9.2m
Point D:0.50m
Point E:5.5m

a)What is its maximum speed?
b)With what speed does the roller coaster arrive at point E?
c)What constant braking would have to be applied at point E to stop the roller coaster within 5m.?

I finished part B. That was easy mgh=mgh+0.5mv^2 and the speed came out to be 8.8m/s

I have no idea how to do a and c. Before i begin. i just want to know, the more the energy the more the accelaration right. So at the heighst point of the track the roller coaster would have the max velocity. If this is right, then i know how to do part a as well. Use point A and point C to find the max veloctiy and point C.

Part c relates to the force of friction. I could use F=ma but i don't have the time so i am stuck here.

Hope you guys understand what i am saying.

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  • #2
ultimatejester said:
I have a exam tommorrow so i will greatly appreciate anyone who helps me on this one. The question has to be solved using law of conservation of energy.

Q: A roller coaster starts from rest at point A and weighs 1000kg with the ppl in it and goes through the designed track. The height of the track changes 5 times. There is a pic but i don't know how to post it.

Point A:9.5m
Point B:6.5m
Point C:9.2m
Point D:0.50m
Point E:5.5m

a)What is its maximum speed?
b)With what speed does the roller coaster arrive at point E?
c)What constant braking would have to be applied at point E to stop the roller coaster within 5m.?

I finished part B. That was easy mgh=mgh+0.5mv^2 and the speed came out to be 8.8m/s

I have no idea how to do a and c. Before i begin. i just want to know, the more the energy the more the accelaration right. So at the heighst point of the track the roller coaster would have the max velocity. If this is right, then i know how to do part a as well. Use point A and point C to find the max veloctiy and point C.

Part c relates to the force of friction. I could use F=ma but i don't have the time so i am stuck here.

Hope you guys understand what i am saying.

Think of two glasses, with just enough water for one. The first glass is speed, and the other glass is height. You can pour water from the speed glass into the height glass, or vice versa, but you always have the same amount of water.

There will be the greatest possible amount of water in the speed glass when there is the least possible amount of water in the height glass. That is, the coaster will have the most kinetic energy when it has the least gravitational potential energy. So, to answer part A, you need to find out which part of the track is lowest. Whatever speed the coaster has there is the maximum speed it will achieve on the track.

You said, "the more energy the more acceleration right." This is not correct, kinetic energy describes only an object's velocity (and mass), it does not tell you how much it is accelerating.

The highest point of the track would have the least velocity.

Question C is worded ambiguously, they might be asking for the acceleration required to stop the car in five meters, or they might be asking for the amount of friction required to produce that acceleration. In either case, your first step should be to use your constant acceleration equations to find out how much acceleration would be required.
  • #3
for reaching out for help with this question. In order to solve it using the law of conservation of energy, we need to consider the initial potential energy at point A and the final kinetic energy at point E. This is because according to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another.

a) To find the maximum speed, we need to find the point where all of the potential energy at point A is converted into kinetic energy. This would be at point D, where the roller coaster is at its lowest point. To solve for the maximum speed, we can use the equation mgh = 0.5mv^2, where m is the mass of the roller coaster (1000kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8m/s^2), h is the height difference between points A and D (9.5m-0.5m = 9m), and v is the maximum speed we are trying to find. Plugging in these values, we get v = √(2gh) = √(2*1000*9.8*9) = 42.4 m/s. So the maximum speed of the roller coaster is 42.4 m/s.

b) To find the speed at point E, we can use the same equation mgh = 0.5mv^2, but this time we are solving for v at point E. Plugging in the values for point E (m = 1000kg, g = 9.8m/s^2, h = 5.5m), we get v = √(2gh) = √(2*1000*9.8*5.5) = 35.3 m/s. So the roller coaster arrives at point E with a speed of 35.3 m/s.

c) To find the constant braking force required to stop the roller coaster within 5m, we can use the equation F = ma, where F is the force of friction, m is the mass of the roller coaster (1000kg), and a is the deceleration due to the braking force. We can find a by using the equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where u is the initial velocity (35.3 m/s) and s is the stopping distance (5m). Plugging in the values,

Related to Law of conservation of Energy question.

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another.

How does the Law of Conservation of Energy apply to everyday life?

The Law of Conservation of Energy applies to everyday life in numerous ways, such as the energy we use to power our homes and vehicles, the energy we consume through food and drink, and the energy we use to perform physical activities.

Why is the Law of Conservation of Energy important in science?

The Law of Conservation of Energy is important in science because it is a fundamental principle that helps us understand how energy behaves in various systems and processes. It allows us to make accurate predictions and calculations about energy use and transformations.

What are some examples of the Law of Conservation of Energy in action?

Some examples of the Law of Conservation of Energy in action include a pendulum swinging back and forth, a rollercoaster moving through its track, and a light bulb converting electrical energy into light energy. In all of these scenarios, energy is conserved, even though it may change forms.

Are there any exceptions to the Law of Conservation of Energy?

As of now, there are no known exceptions to the Law of Conservation of Energy. However, scientists are constantly conducting research and experiments to further our understanding of energy and its behavior, so there may be exceptions discovered in the future.

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