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vin300 said:" ['in stationary frames (relative to the gravitating source) the energy [of radiation] increases as it goes down.] 'light's energy is affected by gravity' [...] "
There had been discussions on this in a recent thread, about the energy of light increasing as it goes down. I always thought that the energy of an object falling or rising in a gravitational field doesn't change.
It depends on how you define "energy" and how you define "change". Different people have different definitions they like, and they often will say (as the Okun paper that harrylin mentioned does--btw, harrylin, do you have a link to the paper itself?) that other definitions besides theirs are "misleadinng" or some such. The key thing IMHO is to remember that in GR, "energy" is not a fundamental concept; it's a way of interpreting the physics, but you don't need it to actually calculate what happens. You can calculate everything using covariant geometric objects like vectors and tensors, which have unambiguous definitions and behave in well-defined, unambiguous ways.
For example, take the photon free-falling radially towards a gravitating body. It has a 4-momentum vector [itex]p^{a}[/itex] which is parallel transported along its worldline. Since parallel transport is one common way in GR of defining what it means for a geometric object to "not change" along a curve, this implies that the photon's 4-momentum does not change. And since the norm of the 4-momentum can be defined as the "energy at infinity" of the photon, some people interpret this as saying that the energy of the photon does not change.
However, the energy that the photon will be *observed* to have depends on the 4-velocity of the observer, via the equation:
[tex]E_{obs} = g_{ab} p^{a} u^{b}[/tex]
Even if we interpret what I said above as [itex]p^{a}[/itex] not changing as the photon falls, [itex]g_{ab} u^{b}[/itex] *will* change, in general, for different observers. In particular, it will change for static observers at different altitudes, who will therefore observe the photon to have different energies, and therefore different frequencies, i.e., gravitational redshift/blueshift. Some people interpret this as saying that the energy of the photon *does* change.
Which interpretation is "right"? Does it matter? It depends on what you are using the interpretation for. Both interpretations agree on the actual physical observables, so as far as physics is concerned, they're equivalent. One may lead to more understanding and less confusion for some people, in some situations. But IMHO that's not a question of physics.