Light's Ability to Move Matter: Explained

  • Thread starter tdev
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In summary, light can indeed move matter through its momentum, which is not solely dependent on mass but also on energy and wavelength. This is supported by both classical and quantum theories of physics.
  • #1
can light move matter?
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  • #2
Light possesses momentum, so in that sense it can certainly move matter in the form of radiation pressure. Was there anything in particular you were looking for?
  • #3
But it doesn't have any mass to posses momentum,then how can it iteract with matter?
  • #4
In non-relativistic mechanics, we learn that momentum is given by ##p = mv##, but in relativity it comes out that the relationship is actually $$E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2$$ where ##c## is the speed of light and ##E## is the energy. For a photon, ##m = 0##, which gives us $$E = pc$$ And we know that photons have energy, so they must necessarily have momentum.

Additionally, as you would learn in introductory quantum mechanics, the de Broglie relationships state that the momentum of a photon is given by $$p = \frac{h}{\lambda}$$ where ##\lambda## is the photon's wavelength and ##h## is called the Plank constant. (This relationship actually turns out to be true for all particles, but that's another story.)

Note that I'm simply stating facts here, I haven't actually explained anything properly. There's a lot of physics that really contextualizes these relationships, but the basic point is that the notion of momentum just being the product of mass and velocity isn't really satisfactory.
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  • #5
Also, even in classical electrodynamics, in which concept of "photon" does not appear at all, electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum which are related by (surprise!) E = pc.
  • #6
jtbell said:
Also, even in classical electrodynamics, in which concept of "photon" does not appear at all, electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum which are related by (surprise!) E = pc.

Yes. If you do all the classical EM calculations for what happens when a beam of light falls on a reflecting surface, there is a resulting force on that surface which corresponds exactly to the rate of change of momentum of the equivalent rate of photons bouncing off it. Things like that are really refreshing, imo.

FAQ: Light's Ability to Move Matter: Explained

How does light have the ability to move matter?

Light has the ability to move matter through a process called radiation pressure. This is when photons from light interact with particles in matter, transferring momentum and causing them to move. This phenomenon is also known as the photoelectric effect.

Can all types of light move matter?

Yes, all types of light have the ability to move matter. However, the amount of radiation pressure and the type of matter that can be moved may vary depending on the wavelength and intensity of the light.

What is the relationship between light intensity and its ability to move matter?

The intensity of light is directly proportional to its ability to move matter. This means that the higher the intensity of light, the more radiation pressure it exerts on matter, causing it to move more.

How is light's ability to move matter utilized in technology?

Light's ability to move matter has been harnessed in various technologies, such as laser cutting and printing. In these processes, the intense light beam is used to move and manipulate matter to create precise cuts or patterns.

Is light's ability to move matter affected by the properties of the matter?

Yes, the properties of matter, such as its size, shape, and composition, can affect light's ability to move it. For example, smaller particles may be more easily moved by light compared to larger ones, and certain materials may reflect or absorb light differently, affecting the amount of radiation pressure exerted.
