Load combo's on footing subjected to large wind loads

  • Thread starter Fat Ryan
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    Load Wind
In summary, the author is working on a spreadsheet to design a small footing to support 1-4 Radiation Portal Monitors. These are vehicle scanners weighing in around 2-2.5 kips a piece and roughly 7.5'Hx3'Wx1.5'D. The spreadsheet has checks for overturning, moment capacity, shear (1-way and 2-way), and sliding of the footing. The author is also trying to update the whole thing in conjunction with AASHTO spec for signs/supports (2009), AASHTO spec for highway bridges (if he has access to it), ASCE-7 08, and ACI 318-08. One major issue the author is
  • #1
Fat Ryan
I am working on a spreadsheet for designing a small footing to support 1-4 Radiation Portal Monitors (RPMs). These are vehicle scanners weighing in around 2-2.5 kips a piece and roughly 7.5'Hx3'Wx1.5'D. they are arranged on the footing in a few different configurations. aside from the self weight, they are to be designed for wind loads around 100-140 mph. they also have input for ice and snow loads.

in my spreadsheet, its assumed that the RPM/footing connection is fixed and i do not need to supply a design for it. so in the spreadsheet i have checks for overturning, moment capacity, shear (1-way and 2-way), and sliding of the footing. also, i have a check for soil bearing capacity.

before i go any further...i am an intern, and this is the previous interns work that im... basically redoing completely lol

back on topic, i feel as though i pretty much have all the theory set right with a few assumptions here and there. I am still working on formatting (the previous interns spreadsheet was horrendous!), but i think its still easy enough to follow so far. one major issue with the spreadsheet though is that it references old code/standards. a lot of it was ASD with random interjections of LRFD and other methodologies (dont ask me why, it wasnt my doing). also, it references TIA standard...i don't see the previous intern's logic here. so I am trying to update the whole thing in conjunction with AASHTO spec for signs/supports (2009), AASHTO spec for highway bridges (if i have access to it), ASCE-7 08, and ACI 318-08.

my major issue comes in load factoring. it seems as though in AASHTO sign/support it says to factor the lateral wind load. however, the moment arm for the wind is different than that of the self weight and other loads. id think i should factor the loads at a common level (i.e. M for moment capacity, q for soil bearing, etc.). However, if i were to do that, it'd literally have thousands of iterations of the load combo equations to do...to account for wind in all directions, stress induced in +/- directions on both x & y axes. i just don't have time to do that kind of data entry, i have other spread sheets to work on.

am i missing something here? or what are my options, rather? thanks in advance.

(i tried attaching the spreadsheet, but it exceeds forum size limits. i can't access sites like megaupload.com here at work, so ill get it up when i get home)
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  • #2
i got home waaaay later than i had planned last night, so i didnt get it up. but perhaps someone can help me with the load factoring without having the spreadsheet?

FAQ: Load combo's on footing subjected to large wind loads

What are load combinations?

Load combinations are a set of different loads that are applied to a structure simultaneously. These loads can include dead loads, live loads, wind loads, earthquake loads, and others. They are used to determine the maximum stress and deflection in a structure.

Why are load combinations important for footings subjected to large wind loads?

Large wind loads can cause significant stress on a structure, and footings are responsible for transferring this load to the ground. Load combinations are important in determining the maximum stress that a footing will experience under different load scenarios, allowing for proper design and reinforcement.

How are load combinations determined for footings subjected to large wind loads?

Load combinations for footings subjected to large wind loads are typically determined using the guidelines set by building codes, which consider the magnitude and duration of the wind load, as well as the type and location of the structure. Structural engineers also use their expertise and experience to determine the most appropriate load combinations for a specific structure.

What factors can affect the load combinations on footings subjected to large wind loads?

The load combinations on footings subjected to large wind loads can be affected by factors such as the type and height of the structure, the location and orientation of the structure in relation to the wind direction, and the terrain and topography of the site. Other factors that can influence load combinations include the type and quality of the soil, as well as the design and construction of the footing itself.

How do load combinations affect the design of footings subjected to large wind loads?

The load combinations on footings subjected to large wind loads play a critical role in the design process. They help engineers determine the appropriate size and reinforcement of the footing, as well as the location and spacing of reinforcement bars. Properly designed load combinations can ensure the stability and structural integrity of the footing, even under extreme wind conditions.
