Local detectability of frame-dragging

  • Thread starter bcrowell
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In summary, the conversation discusses the interpretation of frame-dragging and how it requires certain assumptions, such as asymptotic flatness, to measure the amount of angular momentum contained within a boundary. The speaker also mentions an experiment that can detect frame-dragging using local measurements, but in a universe without asymptotic flatness, the results cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The conversation also touches on the analogy of using mass or energy as a measurement and the difficulties in determining a system's total energy. Ultimately, the speakers reach an agreement on their interpretation of the situation.
  • #1
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I'm puzzling over a certain aspect of the interpretation of frame-dragging.

Frame-dragging says that the angular momentum of a body makes itself felt in a certain way in the curvature of the spacetime surrounding it. In GR, you typically can't point to a certain spacelike surface with a boundary around it, and say, "The amount of angular momentum inside the boundary is x." This only becomes possible under certain assumptions, e.g., asymptotic flatness. MTW have a nice argument to this effect, which is that in a closed universe, the boundary has two sides to it, so the flux of some quantity passing through the boundary cannot unambiguously be attributed to either of the two regions on the two sides.

In an experiment to detect frame-dragging, it therefore seems to me that you must carry out some measuring operations that depend on asymptotic flatness. For example, you could build two gyroscopes A and B out in the flat region, then carry A in close to the rotating body, loop it around once in the equatorial plane, and then transport it back out to the flat region and compare it with B. Call this experiment #1.

On the other hand, suppose you have two satellites, C and D, one in a prograde equatorial orbit and one in a retrograde orbit. Frame dragging causes them to have different orbital periods, and I think this is *locally* measurable. E.g., you can have the satellites depart from a certain starting point in opposite directions, then reunite on the other side, and I think you would see a different amount of proper time on their clocks. Call this experiment #2.

In practical terms, Gravity Probe B has verified frame-dragging to 15%. It used a distant star as a reference point, so it certainly wasn't carried out entirely locally.

The interpretation that I'm thinking is correct is that although experiment #2 is purely local, in a universe without asymptotic flatness the results can't be interpreted unambiguously as a measurement of the angular momentum contained *inside* the orbit. Is this correct?

TIA! -Ben
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  • #2
bcrowell said:
I'm puzzling over a certain aspect of the interpretation of frame-dragging.

Frame-dragging says that the angular momentum of a body makes itself felt in a certain way in the curvature of the spacetime surrounding it. In GR, you typically can't point to a certain spacelike surface with a boundary around it, and say, "The amount of angular momentum inside the boundary is x." This only becomes possible under certain assumptions, e.g., asymptotic flatness. MTW have a nice argument to this effect, which is that in a closed universe, the boundary has two sides to it, so the flux of some quantity passing through the boundary cannot unambiguously be attributed to either of the two regions on the two sides.

In an experiment to detect frame-dragging, it therefore seems to me that you must carry out some measuring operations that depend on asymptotic flatness.

Let's think about the analogous situation with mass. Finding the mass of a body requires certain assumptions, depending on the sort of mass, just as finding the angular momentum does.

But if we have a small region of space, we know that if it contains matter the Ricci will be nonzero, and if it doesn't it will be zero, a purely local measurement.

The interpretation that I'm thinking is correct is that although experiment #2 is purely local, in a universe without asymptotic flatness the results can't be interpreted unambiguously as a measurement of the angular momentum contained *inside* the orbit. Is this correct?

TIA! -Ben

This sounds similar to the situation with mass - one reason I chose it as an analogy is that I'm more familiar with it, but I think you are on the right track.
  • #3
pervect said:
Let's think about the analogous situation with mass. Finding the mass of a body requires certain assumptions, depending on the sort of mass, just as finding the angular momentum does.

But if we have a small region of space, we know that if it contains matter the Ricci will be nonzero, and if it doesn't it will be zero, a purely local measurement.

This sounds similar to the situation with mass - one reason I chose it as an analogy is that I'm more familiar with it, but I think you are on the right track.

Thanks for the reply, Pervect, that's good food for thought! I agree that there's nothing special about angular momentum. You could just as well talk about electric charge, and I think all the issues would be the same. But I'm not convinced that using mass is a simplification. The local value of the Einstein tensor let's you infer the local value of Tab, which isn't the same as measuring the local density of mass. For one thing, Tab is frame-dependent, and if you don't have an asymptotically flat background, you can't even decree a standard Lorentz frame in which to measure Tab.

The other issue that occurs to me is that if you want to determine a body's total mass, charge, angular momentum, ... you can't necessarily do it by internal measurements. In the case of the Earth it's impractical, and in the case of a black hole it's not even theoretically possible. But if you measure the Ricci or Einstein tensor on the exterior, you get zero, which doesn't tell you anything.
  • #4
Probably it was a mistake to use mass for the example - perhaps energy would be a better choice. T_00 measures the local energy density - but to determine the total energy of the system, you still need to look at a special space time (asymptotically flat, or perhaps a stationary one).

The issue is that you can't get a sensible answer for "total energy" just by multiplying T_00 by the volume and integrating - the energies are all defined in different tangent spaces and don't add in that manner.
  • #5
Okay, it sounds like we've converged on an interpretation we agree on. Thanks!

Related to Local detectability of frame-dragging

What is frame-dragging?

Frame-dragging, also known as the Lense-Thirring effect, is a phenomenon in general relativity where a rotating mass will drag and distort the surrounding spacetime, causing other objects to be affected by its rotation.

What is local detectability?

Local detectability refers to the ability to measure and observe the effects of frame-dragging in a small, localized region of spacetime. This is in contrast to global detectability, which would require observations across a large portion of the universe.

How is frame-dragging detected?

Frame-dragging can be detected through several methods, including precise measurements of the orbits of satellites around Earth, observations of spin precession in binary star systems, and the use of laser ranging to track small changes in the orientation of Earth's rotation axis.

What is the significance of local detectability of frame-dragging?

The local detectability of frame-dragging is important in understanding the effects of rotating masses on the structure of spacetime, as well as providing evidence for the predictions of general relativity. It also has potential applications in future technologies, such as developing more accurate navigation systems for space missions.

Are there any challenges in detecting frame-dragging locally?

Yes, there are several challenges in detecting frame-dragging locally, including the need for highly precise measurements and the presence of other factors that can affect the measurements, such as gravitational waves. Additionally, the effects of frame-dragging can be very small and difficult to isolate from other sources of noise.

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