- #141
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cfrogue said:One solution from the accelerating ships concludes a rod within the space will contract.
I do not think that would be a correct solution. If the rod is attached to just one ship the observers on that ship will not consider the rod to be contracting. If the rod is connected to both ships they will consider the rod as being stretched.
cfrogue said:One solution from the accelerating ships concludes the ships get further apart.
That's an OK solution. The ships are getting further apart and anything connecting them is being stretched from the POV of the ship observers.
In the lauch frame the observers calculate the relaxed length of the accelerating rod to be d' which is less than the relaxed length of the rod when it was at rest in the launch frame. Since they observe the rod is still spanning a distance of d when it moving relative to them the launch frame observers consider the rod to stretched or under stress and will probably break if the stress continues to increase unless the rod has infinite strength which is unlikely.
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