Lots of people who're rich, educated, health and popular

  • Thread starter Lisa!
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In summary, happiness is a subjective concept that differs for each person. It can come from various sources such as relationships, achievements, and lifestyle choices. Some believe it is a result of biology and genetics, while others think it can be influenced by external factors. Marriage can also play a role in one's happiness, but it ultimately depends on the quality of the relationship. Overall, happiness can be obtained by finding joy in the things that matter to each individual and fulfilling personal responsibilities.
  • #1
Gold Member
I know lots of people who're rich, educated, health and popular but they still don't feel happy. On the other hand I know some peolple who're poor and sick but they seem to be happy.
What's happiness in your idea? Is it relative? I mean does it have different definition for everyone.
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  • #2
What makes people happy is as varied as what makes them sad. I also believe, that what makes you happy changes with age.
I use to think being happy meant good friends to share life with. Then it went on to, happiness was seeing my children progress and be healthy and successful.
Now I think happiness comes from maintaining a stress free, healthy lifestyle.
I have always been a happy person, and a happy life is a gift to share with those around you. :smile:
  • #3
hypatia said:
What makes people happy is as varied as what makes them sad. I also believe, that what makes you happy changes with age.
I use to think being happy meant good friends to share life with. Then it went on to, happiness was seeing my children progress and be healthy and successful.
Now I think happiness comes from maintaining a stress free, healthy lifestyle.
I have always been a happy person, and a happy life is a gift to share with those around you. :smile:
I think you're happy because You make others happy and you share your happiness with others.
  • #4
"Give, and thou shalt receive".
Not all Bible verses are devoid of wisdom..
  • #5
The obvious counter argument to that is: "Take and thou shalt have"
  • #6
I think that in part at least, happiness is a function of bio-chemistry. It also seems to be genetic. There are two identical twins who, though separated at birth, are both perpetually cheerful. In fact they laugh so much that it grows annoying just watching them.

Considering the number of people living on antidepressants, I sometimes wonder if the brain is engineered for happiness. Maybe it's an aberration... However, I find that happiness is a BBQ'd steak. :biggrin:
  • #7
What do you think of the relation btw marriage and happiness, Ivan or any other married person?:wink:
  • #8
Lisa! said:
What do you think of the relation btw marriage and happiness, Ivan or any other married person?:wink:

Well, IIRC, married men live longer than single men. So if we live longer because we're happier, then on the average, marriage must make men happier than the single life. But I don't think that the news for women was as encouraging. :smile:

But obviously it all depends on the marriage. If two people are right for each other then marriage is a wonderful thing; hard as hell at times, but wonderful as well.
  • #9
Lisa! said:
I know lots of people who're rich, educated, health and popular but they still don't feel happy. On the other hand I know some peolple who're poor and sick but they seem to be happy.
What's happiness in your idea? Is it relative? I mean does it have different definition for everyone.

I can't say just what happiness is, but I do recall a survey taken several years ago. After polling many people it revealed that the rich actually are, in general, happier with their lives than poor people.

  • #10
Kenneth Mann said:
I can't say just what happiness is, but I do recall a survey taken several years ago. After polling many people it revealed that the rich actually are, in general, happier with their lives than poor people.


Perhaps they are richer in part because they're happier? For example, a person who is happy, healthy, and blessed with an innate positive attitude would seem to be more likely to be financially successful than a sick, depressed, socially challenged person.
  • #11
Lisa! said:
What's happiness in your idea? Is it relative? I mean does it have different definition for everyone.

Im sure it does! I certainly wouldn't care if i won a million bucks (although itd be a nice convenience) or anything like that. I mean hell, when i gamble, I am happy if i lose or win money! Id rather just sit around and watch tv with a friend then go on a vacation to the coast. Its all based on what you find joy in :)
  • #12
Lisa! said:
What do you think of the relation btw marriage and happiness, Ivan or any other married person?:wink:
I don't see how someone can be really happy in a loveless marriage -- although they may be content, I guess. OTOH, I can imagine two people in love being happy without the state's or the church's blessing. Marriage can and does mean a whole lot of different things across cultural lines; love is universal ... at least more universal, one hopes. "Love and marriage go like a horse and carriage..."
  • #13
EnumaElish said:
I don't see how someone can be really happy in a loveless marriage -- although they may be content, I guess. OTOH, I can imagine two people in love being happy without the state's or the church's blessing. Marriage can and does mean a whole lot of different things across cultural lines; love is universal ... at least more universal, one hopes. "Love and marriage go like a horse and carriage..."
Yeah, a loveless relationship coul ruin all happiness that ones have in his/her life.
  • #14
The best way to be happy, according to me is to stop caring for what others think of you. Most of the time no one is going to show any kindness towards you unless you pay a full price for it with your heart. Once you stop seeking for happiness and love...you might just find it.
  • #15
Well I heard you can't get the happiness till you're seeking :wink: for it.Just like what you said. But you can get the happiness by doing your duties and responsibility. I don't know how it could make us happy, but somehow if we don't take any responsibility as a human or talent person we would be sad and feel bad about ourselves. Most of time we're not happy because we feel bad about ourselves. and we feel bad about ourselves when we don't do our responsibilities.

I head this too:
"It's difficult to find happiness in ourselves but it's impossible to find it else where."
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
I think that in part at least, happiness is a function of bio-chemistry. It also seems to be genetic. There are two identical twins who, though separated at birth, are both perpetually cheerful. In fact they laugh so much that it grows annoying just watching them.

Considering the number of people living on antidepressants, I sometimes wonder if the brain is engineered for happiness.
As sick as that sounds, I tend to believe it. People can be happy in very different circumstances: some people seem to be able to be happy no matter what and some people seem to never be happy.

POWs in Vietnam reported that the way they stayed sane (and most of them did) is that they learned that the only thing in your life you have total control over is your state of mind. They lived inside their heads and didn't let their situation destroy them.
Perhaps they are richer in part because they're happier?
Or perhaps success and happiness are just two parts of the same thing. Again, with the mindest: the same mindest that causes happiness (positive thinking) is what causes success.
Well, IIRC, married men live longer than single men. So if we live longer because we're happier, then on the average, marriage must make men happier than the single life.
Or do married men live longer because their wives nitpick all the bad (fun) habits out of them?
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  • #17
russ_watters said:
Or do married men live longer because their wives nitpick all the bad (fun) habits out of them?
I think it could be one of the reasons but for sure it has other reasons too. we should consider what differences marriage could make in every person life.

I heard that
"Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die."

Of course it seems to be a kind of joke, but you know it tells me something. Living for along time doesn't necessarily mean having a happy life. Although I think happy people are usually healthier.You know they're health mentally and they can deal with physical diseases better.

FAQ: Lots of people who're rich, educated, health and popular

What are the characteristics of people who are considered "rich"?

People who are considered "rich" often have a high net worth, meaning they have a large amount of assets (such as money, property, and investments) and a low amount of debt. They also typically have a high income and are able to maintain a certain standard of living.

How does education impact a person's success?

Education can greatly impact a person's success by providing them with knowledge, skills, and opportunities. A higher level of education often leads to higher paying jobs and more career advancement opportunities. It can also increase a person's critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, making them more competitive in the job market.

What factors contribute to a person's overall health?

A person's overall health is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, access to healthcare, and environmental factors. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress can all contribute to good health. Additionally, access to quality healthcare and a safe and clean living environment can also impact a person's overall health.

What makes a person popular?

Popularity is subjective and can vary based on different social groups and cultures. However, some common factors that may contribute to a person's popularity include their personality, appearance, social skills, and level of influence or power within their community. Additionally, being well-liked and having a large social network can also contribute to a person's popularity.

How does a person maintain wealth and success?

Maintaining wealth and success requires diligence, discipline, and strategic planning. This can include creating a budget, investing wisely, and making smart financial decisions. It also involves continuously learning and adapting to changes in the economy and market. Additionally, maintaining good relationships and a strong support system can also contribute to long-term success and financial stability.

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