Magnet falling thru copper tube -- How does the process occur visually?

In summary: This downward component opposes the motion of the falling magnet, and that's what you hear as the magnet swings.In summary, the current in the tube circulates round it and turns it into a single turn solenoid. This produces a vertical magnetic field opposing that of the magnet, which is what you hear as it swings.
  • #1
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  • #2
I think it is correct. The current induced in the tube circulates round it and turns it into a single turn solenoid. This produces a vertical magnetic field opposing that of the magnet.
  • #3
I am, however, very interested that the magnet sounds as if it is spinning in the tube.
  • #4
The magnet is not spinning because there can be no torque acting on it. The sounds you hear is most likely clanking as it hits the sides of the tube. Now for the explanation. Look at the left drawing in the figure below. There are induced currents in the tube (Shown in cross section) that circulate in opposite directions in the segments of the tube above and below the instantaneous position of the middle of the falling magnet at the dotted line. Typical rings of induced current are shown. Above the magnet the flux lines are decreasing as the magnet falls therefore the induced current will flow as shown to reinforce the decreasing "up lines". Below the magnet the flux lines are increasing in the up direction, therefore the induced current will flow as shown to decrease them.

Now look at the right drawing in the figure. The superposition of the magnetic fields produced by the sum total of all the rings above the magnet is equivalent to a "permanent" magnet oriented as shown. Likewise for the total sum of all the rings below. Note that the top equivalent magnet attracts the falling magnet while the bottom equivalent magnet repels it. In short, the induced current in both segments of the copper tube runs in the direction that always opposes the motion of the falling magnet. That's magnetic braking.

Cow Magnet.png
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  • #5
As the magnet descends, the circulating current rings move down the tube. So I presume there is a small downward component of current, maybe corresponding to the Ohmic losses.

Related to Magnet falling thru copper tube -- How does the process occur visually?

1. What causes the magnet to fall through the copper tube?

The process of the magnet falling through the copper tube is due to the concept of electromagnetic induction. When the magnet is dropped through the tube, it creates a changing magnetic field. This changing magnetic field induces an electric current in the copper tube, which in turn creates a magnetic field that opposes the motion of the falling magnet. This opposing force slows down the magnet and causes it to fall at a slower rate.

2. Why does the magnet fall slower in the copper tube compared to air?

The presence of the copper tube creates a magnetic field that opposes the motion of the falling magnet. This opposing force acts as a drag on the magnet, causing it to fall at a slower rate compared to when it falls through air. Additionally, the copper tube also creates eddy currents, which further slow down the magnet's descent.

3. Does the size of the copper tube affect the falling speed of the magnet?

Yes, the size of the copper tube does have an impact on the falling speed of the magnet. A larger tube will have a larger surface area, which means it can create a stronger opposing magnetic field. This will result in a slower falling speed for the magnet. On the other hand, a smaller tube will have a smaller surface area and a weaker opposing magnetic field, leading to a faster falling speed for the magnet.

4. Can any metal tube be used for this experiment?

Yes, any metal tube can be used for this experiment as long as it is a good conductor of electricity. Copper is commonly used because it is a highly conductive metal and readily available. However, other metals such as aluminum or brass can also be used to achieve similar results.

5. Is this phenomenon only observed with magnets and copper tubes?

No, this phenomenon of electromagnetic induction can occur with any moving magnet and conductive material. For example, a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a coil of wire, which is the principle behind generators and electric motors. It can also be observed in everyday objects such as metal detectors or magnetic braking systems in trains.
