- #421
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Derek Potter said:Since all states evolve independently of each other in a linear system, different alternatives can't affect each other whether macroscopically distinguishable or not. Whether decohered or not. Whether eigenstates or not. Heck, they don't even have to be orthogonal. Interference is not one state affecting another but a single superposition evolving. The interference is visible in the state of the observer if he repudiates the boring preferred basis of |left>,|right> and insists on using [itex]\frac{1}{2} (|L\rangle \pm |R\rangle)[/itex]
Suppose that the system is in a superposition of states [itex]|A\rangle + |B\rangle[/itex]. You want to know what the probability of winding up in state [itex]|C\rangle[/itex] is. Well, it could be zero, even if there is a nonzero chance of state [itex]|A\rangle[/itex] evolving into [itex]|C\rangle[/itex] and a nonzero chance of state [itex]|B\rangle[/itex] evolving into [itex]|C\rangle[/itex]. That's because the two amplitudes could undergo destructive interference. So in that case, it would be weird to think of this situation as two independent possible worlds, one in which the system is in state [itex]|A\rangle[/itex] and another in which the system is in state [itex]|B\rangle[/itex]. Or so it seems to me.