- #36
The Dagda
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Hurkyl said:You've lost sight of the question; the point is how best to understand quantum physics. At the time, CI was pretty much the only option, because the ramifications of relative states hadn't been discovered, indefiniteness hadn't really been treated seriously in a scientific context, and nobody had yet worked out any hidden-variable variations on the theory. But now that we have 90 years of experience, we can make a more informed decisions.
As a mathematician, I look at QT and see two parts: unitary evolution that happens most of the time, and collapse which happens occasionally. It's often a good idea to study things one piece at a time, so it's very natural to study the effects of unitary evolution (in other words, MWI). That's just a good way to learn and study things; it would apply to any theory, and it baffles me how vehemently people seem to reject that notion.
Anyways, while I may have been expecting to then add collapse into the picture1, you run into decoherence -- the interesting phenomenon that the observational effects of collapse can be described as a by-product of unitary evolution. So again, just looking at the theory tells you that it's very natural to consider decoherence-based viewpoint. I'm baffled how many people won't even consider such a thing!
Sure, one can complain about all the non-observable things, but that's not a feature unique to MWI -- we've been doing it with physical theories for centuries. At its core, it's nothing more than the acknowledgment that many different mathematical states can represent indistinguishable physical realities. Again, I'm baffled that people would take such a stance to reject interpretations like MWI.
1: Yes: the CI posits that between collapses, the quantum world behaves exactly as described by MWI.
No I have not lost sight of the question, MWI just isn't science its arm waving away problems in a what if scenario. Tell me what exactly is the point of making something up that in all likelihood will and could never be tested. If its just to illustrate CI then fine, but it's still philosophy. I consider such a thing and I do not reject it, I fear though people as usual give too much weight to what is essential pure philosophy.
But, as the quote said, they're "magic". CI excludes, a priori, the possibility that such things can be described by quantum mechanics.
And so therefore it cannot possibly be correct? Is that your assumption and if so how do you reconcile it with the fact that experimentally it is true, by resorting to magic?
If all predictions of quantum mechanics can be computed (in principle) from the wavefunction, then that means the quantum wavefunctions really do refer to "real propagations in some quantum underworld".
So, I ask you, what predictions of quantum mechanics are not determined (even in principle) by a wave function?
The question is meaningless, since you have no idea what really happens, all it does is model what happens in experiment without knowing intrinsically anything about the wave. I agree with Bohr, there is nothing real about the wave function in as much as we know, and how people have the nerve to suggest such without actually knowing anything about it is beyond me and science. Claiming the wave function is real is all very well in principal but is it? Show me the money?
If QM is deterministic then how do you resolve the Bell inequalities, which show that it is not? This again is magical thinking, if I say it is, it must be because I say so.
If you ask me many worlds is just a neat way of avoiding hidden variables without actually tackling the issue at all or addressing gaps in our knowledge. In that sense it is no better than a God of the gaps theory, where CI is not, there I am by will of my imagination. Now as I say I have no problem with it as a hypothetical concern, but people take it as far, far more than that, and personally I don't think they have any reason to that is scientific at least.
Let's define what we mean by determinism, which is after all the same in science as it is in any other field.
Causal Determinism
Causal determinism is, roughly speaking, the idea that every event is necessitated by antecedent events and conditions together with the laws of nature. The idea is ancient, but first became subject to clarification and mathematical analysis in the eighteenth century.
This article discusses the issues from classical to quantum mechanics without being too maths heavy.
4.4 Quantum mechanics
As indicated above, QM is widely thought to be a strongly non-deterministic theory. Popular belief (even among most physicists) holds that phenomena such as radioactive decay, photon emission and absorption, and many others are such that only a probabilistic description of them can be given. The theory does not say what happens in a given case, but only says what the probabilities of various results are. So, for example, according to QM the fullest description possible of a radium atom (or a chunk of radium, for that matter), does not suffice to determine when a given atom will decay, nor how many atoms in the chunk will have decayed at any given time. The theory gives only the probabilities for a decay (or a number of decays) to happen within a given span of time. Einstein and others perhaps thought that this was a defect of the theory that should eventually be removed, by a supplemental hidden variable theory[6] that restores determinism; but subsequent work showed that no such hidden variables account could exist. At the microscopic level the world is ultimately mysterious and chancy.
So goes the story; but like much popular wisdom, it is partly mistaken and/or misleading. Ironically, quantum mechanics is one of the best prospects for a genuinely deterministic theory in modern times! Even more than in the case of GTR and the hole argument, everything hinges on what interpretational and philosophical decisions one adopts. The fundamental law at the heart of non-relativistic QM is the Schrödinger equation. The evolution of a wavefunction describing a physical system under this equation is normally taken to be perfectly deterministic.[7] If one adopts an interpretation of QM according to which that's it — i.e., nothing ever interrupts Schrödinger evolution, and the wavefunctions governed by the equation tell the complete physical story — then quantum mechanics is a perfectly deterministic theory. There are several interpretations that physicists and philosophers have given of QM which go this way. (See the entry on quantum mechanics.)
More commonly — and this is part of the basis for the popular wisdom — physicists have resolved the quantum measurement problem by postulating that some process of “collapse of the wavefunction” occurs from time to time (particularly during measurements and observations) that interrupts Schrödinger evolution. The collapse process is usually postulated to be indeterministic, with probabilities for various outcomes, via Born's rule, calculable on the basis of a system's wavefunction. The once-standard, Copenhagen interpretation of QM posits such a collapse. It has the virtue of solving certain paradoxes such as the infamous Schrödinger's cat paradox, but few philosophers or physicists can take it very seriously unless they are either idealists or instrumentalists. The reason is simple: the collapse process is not physically well-defined, and feels too ad hoc to be a fundamental part of nature's laws.[8]
In 1952 David Bohm created an alternative interpretation of QM — perhaps better thought of as an alternative theory — that realizes Einstein's dream of a hidden variable theory, restoring determinism and definiteness to micro-reality. In Bohmian quantum mechanics, unlike other interpretations, it is postulated that all particles have, at all times, a definite position and velocity. In addition to the Schrödinger equation, Bohm posited a guidance equation that determines, on the basis of the system's wavefunction and particles' initial positions and velocities, what their future positions and velocities should be. As much as any classical theory of point particles moving under force fields, then, Bohm's theory is deterministic. Amazingly, he was also able to show that, as long as the statistical distribution of initial positions and velocities of particles are chosen so as to meet a “quantum equilibrium” condition, his theory is empirically equivalent to standard Copenhagen QM. In one sense this is a philosopher's nightmare: with genuine empirical equivalence as strong as Bohm obtained, it seems experimental evidence can never tell us which description of reality is correct. (Fortunately, we can safely assume that neither is perfectly correct, and hope that our Final Theory has no such empirically equivalent rivals.) In other senses, the Bohm theory is a philosopher's dream come true, eliminating much (but not all) of the weirdness of standard QM and restoring determinism to the physics of atoms and photons. The interested reader can find out more from the link above, and references therein.
This small survey of determinism's status in some prominent physical theories, as indicated above, does not really tell us anything about whether determinism is true of our world. Instead, it raises a couple of further disturbing possibilities for the time when we do have the Final Theory before us (if such time ever comes): first, we may have difficulty establishing whether the Final Theory is deterministic or not — depending on whether the theory comes loaded with unsolved interpretational or mathematical puzzles. Second, we may have reason to worry that the Final Theory, if indeterministic, has an empirically equivalent yet deterministic rival (as illustrated by Bohmian quantum mechanics.)
I know what you are saying when you say it is deterministic in the sense we can equate the maths to fit the facts by using abstract tricks like renormalisation and i, all I say is that is it reflective of the facts or are we just postulating an outcome and retrofitting the maths to that? If so how do we know it is fundamentally deterministic? And isn't the Schrödinger equation underivable?
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