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This device, if it or something similar exists at all, needs to be completely mechanical without ANY electricity and be really precise and strong (to last a long time).
- Press a button in order to trigger the start of the delay time. It must start only when the button is fully pressed down (or at a very precise and predictable moment in time)
- The delay mechanism, whatever it is, will do its thing for the set amount of delay time after which it will popup the button/plate in 3.
- The plate pops out
- Fully extended (the time it takes for the plate to be fully extended from fully pressed in, should always be the same)
Is there even a thing like this...? if not, how would one devise a device like this?
When thinking about different solutions for the variable delay time mechanism, which really is at the heart of the device, I'm thinking that gravity would be the most precise way of achieving the same delay even after thousands of runs.
Like this:
- Press the button which at the bottom has a magnet (in red) charged so that it will repel the steel sphere (in blue)
- When the button is fully depressed, the magnet will release the steel ball which "hangs" in the black ceiling by a weaker magnet than that of the red repelling force). The black ceiling is variable in height in order to change the delay time.
- The plate pops out after time X + the time it takes to push the black piston down fully into the tube
- Fully extended plate
Ideas, thoughts?