Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem

In summary, the cube will tip over if the bullet's speed is greater than the cube's rotational inertia.
  • #1
A solid balsa cube of side length L = 16.0” and mass M = 8.60 kg is at rest on a horizontal table top. It is constrained to rotate about a fixed and frictionless axis, AB, along one edge of the cube. A bullet of mass m = 50.0 g is fired with speed v at the other side of the cube, at height a = 12.0” above the table surface. The bullet becomes embedded in the cube in the middle of the face opposite face ABCD. Find the minimum value of the speed v required to tip the cube over, so that it falls on face ABCD. You may assume that the bullet mass m is small enough, compared to M, that it does not change the rotational inertia or center of mass of the cube after it embeds.

I've been working on this problem for a while and the only answer i got was 921 m/s but i don't think that's right... if someone could help me set up the problem that would be appreciated.
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  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
How did you get to 921 m/s? Then we can see where you went wrong.
I honestly have no idea how to set it up, i just plugged it into an equation my professor showed me on a similar problem today. which is mvr=.5ml^2 +md^2
so .05*v*4=1/12 *8.6 *16^2 +.25*4^2
  • #4
T$$$ said:
I just plugged it into an equation my professor showed me on a similar problem today.
That sounds like a recipe for failure. There is too much specific detail here for such an approach. There's no substitute for understanding and applying the general principles.
I gather that AB is an edge on the table. Have you drawn a diagram? What general principles have you learned that can be applied?

FAQ: Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem

1. What is the "Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem?"

The Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem refers to the lowest velocity at which a balsa wood cube, resting on one of its corners, will tip over due to the force of gravity.

2. Why is the Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem important?

This problem is important because it helps to understand the stability and tipping point of objects, and it has practical applications in engineering and design.

3. How is the Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem calculated?

The Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem can be calculated using the formula v = √(μ * g * h), where v is the minimum speed, μ is the coefficient of static friction, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the cube.

4. What factors affect the Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem?

The Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem is affected by the coefficient of static friction, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height of the cube. Other factors that may also play a role include the shape and surface of the cube and any external forces acting on it.

5. How does the Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem relate to real-world scenarios?

The Minimum Speed for Balsa Cube Tipping Problem can be applied to real-world situations, such as designing stable structures or determining the maximum speed for a vehicle to make a turn without tipping over. It can also help engineers and designers understand the tipping point of various objects and materials.

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