Moderate forum software upgrade 4/10

  • Announcement
  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary, Tomorrow 4/10 Jeez, he's going to fiddle with the knobs again. However, the upgrade is complete. One of these big changes is a new editor. I predict there will be some minor issues going forward. Please be aware and report them so we can get them fixed asap. Thanks!
  • #36
anorlunda said:
I can't see it using Chrome.
I fired up Chrome and can see it okay. I didn't log into the Chrome session, so I also saw lots of ads. Some of them pretty racy... :wideeyed:
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  • #37
berkeman said:
so I also saw lots of ads. Some of them pretty racy... :wideeyed:
...I swear it's not my fault, honest! 😬 😅 😦
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  • #38
Ibix said:
I like the new editor - everything now seems to be accessible in mobile, which wasn't the case with the old one. It'll take a bit of time to get used to the submenu layout, though.

Yes, and by the time everyone is working from his wristwatch we will have six or seven vdots ( ##\vdots## ) side by side and no icons any more.

I appreciate some folks want to work like gyneacologists (in a small workspace), but I have 48 inches widh (of which PF refuses to use more than twelve for some obscure reason) and it's stupid to have these ##\vdots## on a mostly white and empty toolbar space.


By the way: why hide one set of more ... when you click another, when there is plenty room to expand them all ?

By the byway: the second ##\vdots## compresses all of two buttons 🤣 !

grmbl grmbl 🦕🦕🦕 (how do you enlarge one of these :smile: ?)

##\ ##
  • #39
BvU said:
Yes, and by the time everyone is working from his wristwatch we will have six or seven vdots ( ) side by side and no icons any more.
I hadn't tried it on a desktop when I wrote the post you quoted. I'm currently on my laptop, and I agree it seems odd that the menus aren't expanded. Is that an option, Greg?

I can see the video in #31 on this device, and I've also just checked and it's now working in my phone too, @Greg Bernhardt. So either you've fixed it or it fixed itself. 😁
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  • #40
Ibix said:
<Salutes, plays Taps>

More like the theme from Branded.
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  • #41
BvU said:
vdots ( )
Hah, I learned a new word!
  • #43
PeroK said:
I would never have spotted that!

I found it all by myself.
  • #44
BillTre said:
Its in the left corner:

View attachment 281325
That's the right in my universe.

Ah but then you lot drive on the wrong side of the road don't you so I guess it's OK for you.
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  • #45

Of the 4 vdots(), 3 of them are functional. Vdots() at the circular arrow show... nothing.

Math Symbols can not be found.

BvU said:
and it's stupid to have these on a mostly white and empty toolbar space.

I suppose that many of the hundreds of users can Eventually figure out which icon is hidden behind which Vdot(), but Why Should They? Can you have the icons scroll on demand if they won't fit on a phone?

Text Editing by highlite-and-drag is erratic as to placement (destination) within a line.

re. the video in post 31:
Shows a still image
Click on Play and a circle segment chasing itself, forever
(that's a known video format/browser incompatibility here)
Click on Stop and the video frame goes blank

etotheipi said:
Some honest feedback would be that I preferred the old preview button, just because you could see the preview whilst editing and also because you don't need to keep clicking backward and forward.
Another vote for the old Preview button functionality (separate windows).

So far, this 'New and Improved' is an 'Advance to the Rear.;' features less accessible and require more interaction and more time.

User friendly, No. A pain in the rear, Yes.

[end rant]
  • #46
Vanadium 50 said:
...least you could do is add a 10K like award.
I support that feature request.

And maybe 12500 as next step or so.
  • #47
[rant part 2]
Going thru the homework section with lots of images, I discovered another 'Extra Work' situation.

In the past imbedded images could be opened in the same tab by clicking on the image, or in a new tab by clicking the filename.

That option is no longer available; the image opens in the same tab thereby blocking the text of the post. After opening the image there is an option to open in a new tab, however this now takes 4 mouse clicks to have the text in one tab and the image in a separate one.

Four mouse-and-click operations versus one. Is anyone considering usability, or intentionally making things more complex?

[end rant part 2)
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  • #48
Greg, I just notice that for threads I'm watching, the little eye icon, clearly indicating that I'm watching it, has been replaced by a bell icon, which as nearly as I can tell means you've got got bats in your belfry since you think a bell implies sight. Ding ding ding !
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  • #49
Tom.G said:
Four mouse-and-click operations versus one.
Scroll-wheel click? Or whatever else your browser accepts as "open this link in a new tab".
I do that every time I want to open things in a new tab. Websites may or may not set that as default, I don't rely on it because it's a single click either way.
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  • #50
Tom.G said:
Of the 4 vdots(), 3 of them are functional. Vdots() at the circular arrow show... nothing.

Math Symbols can not be found.
Middle Vdot() set next to the picture thing, then 3rd icon from the right (the Greek Parthenon symbol)
  • #51
Of course !
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  • #53
I much prefer the new (now that I found the preview button!) Will wail and moan as necessary.
  • #56
berkeman said:
Middle Vdot() set next to the picture thing, then 3rd icon from the right (the Greek Parthenon symbol)
Yes but on my iPad I click on that and nothing happens, likewise for what are meant to be the sub- and super-scripts and the smilies.
  • #57
Greg Bernhardt said:
back in 2008 we were still using vBulletin :)
Goes to show how old age effects the memory. :oldcry:
  • #59
phinds said:
There is no way that Greg could keep his hands off the knobs for 13 years.
If @phinds had his way we'd still be on Snitz (2001-2003) :biggrin:
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  • #60
BvU said:
48 inches widh
There is "CHANGE WIDTH" at bottom of page. Was that there before? It gives me most of the width of a 1920x1200.
  • #61
berkeman said:
Middle Vdot() set next to the picture thing, then 3rd icon from the right (the Greek Parthenon symbol)
Middle? I've got 4 vdot()s. Next to the picture thing (Insert Media) shows 3 icons Smilie, Media, Quote.

Ahh! Just noticed the scroll bar at the bottom of the window. The window is 1250 pixels wide, horizontal scrolling is still required with full screen of 2048 wide.Lost Icons.png
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  • #62
Keith_McClary said:
There is "CHANGE WIDTH" at bottom of page. Was that there before? It gives me most of the width of a 1920x1200.
Always new things to discover and explore ! And it works ! From now on I can write really big equations -- not, of course, to intentionally nag the cell phone crowd 😈

Great fun to see more than 20 inches of white space on the toolbar ! Plenty roooooooooooooooom for more buttons ! Even more when using drop-downs and vdots (##\ \vdots\ ##) 🤑

If it was there before ? I don't know: never ventured that deep into the PF cellars 🥴

##\ ##
  • #63
@Greg Bernhardt Could you add a shortcut for inline code? I have been asking for this one for a long time. I use this quite a lot, much more than the code option. Since I am working from Ubuntu, I don't have AutoHotKey either.
  • #64
Wrichik Basu said:
Could you add a shortcut for inline code?

You don't mean this, I take it. . ? . :smile:

  • #65
OCR said:
You don't mean this I take it. . ?
I do mean that one, but when I am using it many times, it becomes tedious to go to the drop-down menu and select it. A shortcut would be better.
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  • #66
You can also type [icode][/icode] manually.
  • #67
mfb said:
You can also type [icode][/icode] manually.
Yes, I can do that. But if I am using it many times, it becomes somewhat tedious. I can copy that BB code, but if I copy something else later, then I would have to look up the clipboard manager again.

Even strike-through has a shortcut, but I haven't seen that being used much. On the same line, it probably makes sense to add a shortcut for inline code.
  • #68
Wrichik Basu said:
Since I am working from Ubuntu, I don't have AutoHotKey either.
Have you tried Autokey?
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  • #69
I have adjusted the toolbar buttons. Is it better now?
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  • #70
Greg Bernhardt said:
I have adjusted the toolbar buttons. Is it better now?
That's definitely a lot better. Thanks!
jack action said:
Have you tried Autokey?
Didn't know about that one. I will check it out.

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